Wednesday, 6 July 2016

chicken pie day!!

hey there!! today -as was yesterday- was filled with good food. Yesterday i hadnt had much for dinner so my dad brought me out to my favourite ice cream parlor ever (which also happens to be the only one within a 50 kilometer radius). Also i just happened to be very sad yesterday so the ice cream helped my mood. my dessert was nice with jelly on top but i didnt realise they put cream corn in it too which was not something i liked but then we had potato wedges too and they were yummy. Taylor's sent another email and it was a nice one offering a meeting with an admissions officer but then adults told me to decline it. it's also slowly sinking in that i only have 8 days to register myself or they'll take it as me rejecting them which i have no choice but to do. i tried not to be sad, i really did but it hurts when it seemed so accessible, so much within my grasp but so impossible in reality. I didnt sleep well last night, but who's to know why.
I sent an email to an old teacher today, asking for advice on how to deal with actually having to reject an offer. but there's only so much a teacher could say. it's also sad when friends who know that im rejecting it ask why, and i tell them i dont think i have the fees, they always ask: why not let the adults pay? and they would be dead if we were in america and had no gun laws. plus did anyone know crowdfunding is banned in Msia?! yes Msia, lets allow gender/racial, bias. lets leave the fate of the country in the hands of a nutcase with 2 coconuts. but lets not allow young hopeful students to use the internet to fund our education which is so incredibly expensive but nothing compared to ummm i dunno... 2.6billion bucks, say.
anyways back to food, i had a simple bread breakfast today and for lunch my mom made -for the first time ever- chicken pot pie. honestly, delicious!! it tasted like the ones we would buy from the market except out pastry was store bought and frozen and our chicken stock came in the form of a cube but i swear no one -not even Ramsey- would have a bad critique. it's really that good. and it was wayy cuter than the market ones because ours were cute and small and rectangular while theirs are big and round. the stuffing was the best and we had excess left so i could eat it on it's own HAPPILY! I also had the same thing for dinner but with a veggie soup because i need vegetables to make me a woman. hahaha. i nearly went out for mcdonals an hour ago because on this western diet, i needed french fries to complete it. but i ate 3 hershey kisses i couldnt.
Also it's 11pm which means it's an hour away from my 18th bday!! im really just hoping for good sleep and maybe a few more funny youtube videos. world, say hello to your newest adult! hi! we're getting a nice dinner and hopefully some french fries but now i've got to go to bed. im going to the movies tomorrow too, catching the latest ice age, maybe popcorn in place of fries? we'll see. Goodnight

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