hello gorgeous people!!! according to my fancy smancy organizing system, i last posted on the 19th of december so that means i have not posted in 10 years! it has been a long decade and we have a lot to catch up on. now i dont really remember much of what's happened between my trip to penang and my trip to Malacca on the 21st. i do know my immediate family exchanged presents one day before the trip. we had a blast and we drank apple cider on the side. here's a breakdown of what we got each other:
me: Fantastic Beast, Bath and body works soap, my camera was part christmas gift and $
sissy: sweater, BBW soap and $
ma: blanket, powerbank, $
if you think, 'jeez, i got more than you did' then i think you should go shoot yourself because you are probably not a nice person and landed on santa's demon kids list. however, if you're legit nice and think they are wonderful gifts then my reply is, 'aww, thank you! i hope you had a wonderful christmas and have an even better new year'. see how this works? you have to be positive to be welcomed here.
im not about to be evangelical and start reciting scripture but i will proclaim that the message behind every tacky christmas movie is right. the last thing christmas is about is gifts and you will only understand this if you are a mature adult. okay so say youre a kid, your parents get you amazing things all the time and the only difference is that the christmas ones are wrapped, understand that ya. fast forward a decade or more and christmas is about spending time with your family and all the food and candy that is christmasy. so yeah i guess christmas is more special when you're a grown up.
the morning of our trip was good, we didnt rush and we did not forgot to pack anything! yaas! i was very prepared for this trip by downloading like 8 movies on my tablet the night before on iflix. oh man i had a thought, okay IFLIX, IF YOU EVER NEED AN AMBASSADOR OR SPOKES PERSON, IM YOUR GAL! and this announcement is done.
we made a stop at the largest service station which has kfc and burger king built on a bridge. lunch there was a float and cheeseburger. and course ma had her fav coney dog. it's a hotdog with meat sauce on the top. then we had doughnuts to go and we left and reached about 5 hours later. what i watched was rush hour 2, a little bit of garfeild 2 and pink panter 2. at the house i just chilled until the evening when dad took us out to the Portuguese settlement. it was a big housing area with food stalls that all sold seafood, facing a sea with a pier. the sea was pretty. in the spirit of christmas, there were families setting up stalls selling christmas costumes, lights and toys. we got some cartoon characters that light up for 3 little cousins i see a lot. we walked past houses with really elaborate decor and lighting and you could tell these people went all out and i got some grand pictures i will show in a coming video. after that we went to a coffee shop called newton and we got chargrilled fish, fried chicken and fried oysters. oh yes and fish balls in soup.
the next day we woke to go breakfast at a duck noodle and handmade fish ball place. it was okay the duck noodles had duck but the fish balls had no fish balls so i had to eat duck noodles but it was okay. then we went back to the house and then way later i went to see some really distant cousins i had and we gave them cute little boy and little girl stationery sets. they didnt talk very much and then again both sides had smart phones. i made really adult convos with the adults and then i think i stayed home until it was late watching tv and there was a christmas dinner going on with gift exchange and i tell ya i am so happy i got my own gift because you cant even be modest, mine was the most adorable-valuable gift there was. it was a candy filled santa boot. i shared the candy of course. my super parents got extra gifts for the kids too because they needed some happy-sweet things like girly journals with sticker and a boyish avengers card game.
morning after we went back for the promised fishballs and they were all there 40 pieces just for us. it sounds like a lot but trust me when you've tasted one you cant get enough. so after breakfast we went to the mall and it was a small mall but there was a nice big one next to it, one zebra crossing away and so we walked through both malls and i got 2 shirts and my newest hobby: sembo blocks. im waiting for my dad to bring me more sembo blocks. theyre these mini lego blocks that turn to models. i dont have a video for that so we are all counting on dad to get another sembo block.
we had bubble tea after a cotton on bag or two and then we crossed the zebra again to get to our car. we went back to the tv at home and then out again by 6 to a night market sort of place and it was so crowded it made a good ice cream taste few notches less tasty than it was. it was hard to see anything really. we got a few good pictures and then we had planned a night cruise but the line was too long to wait so we stood by the bridge and waved at people going on the cruise. you could tell the boat drivers were really rushing through the line because at the speed they were going, they were creating really big splashes. ma had a reunion so when we went back we had to stay up for her to come back so we could open the door for her and i had a blast watching tv. see we dont have astro anymore so me and sissy were binge watching tv because we may miss it a little.
next day, a nasi lemak breakfast and we were off. now we're at home sweet home.
on current news, i have to help with next years orientation, my friend has her face in one whole page of a magazine and i had the most delicious korean dinner. sissy took me for tea, she made a cover of moana song. on more current news it's almost midnight and im thirsty. see ya lovelies.
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
my penang trip!
hello my internet friends!!! i am here to document my one night Penang trip. also i have to leave for ipoh in like 3 hours so im going to make this quick so i have time to pack and surf the web a little bit. on saturday morning ma had to wake me up at 9am because i couldnt get up myself. dad had packed breakfast of nasi lemak for me so ate it, mostly the white parts because the chili parts were really spicy. i ate, showered and did my hair and we left at nine-ish almost 10. you can actually watch my video on my channel soon. we went to get some food first so we went to a little chinese food shop and i got a bowl of soup noodles with chicken, fish balls and fish cake. it was pretty good. then ma realised she didnt pack a tooth brush so we went a drugstore to get one and then i found a cute shop that sold clay and clay models. then we found a truck shop and i got a cup of coconut pineapple shake and it was so good like really really nice. then we went to sent ma to the hotel to meet her nurse friends because it was on the way to the butterfly farm. the last time i went to penang butterfly farm was like more than a decade ago but i still have fuzzy memories of my time there. then it was one big enclosed space with plants and like a hundred thousand butterflies and you walk around letting them buzz around you. so the infant me remembers passing one lady and she was freaking out because she stepped on a butterfly. i dont really know what happened to the lady or the butterfly for that matter but i do remember the atmosphere being really tense because i was afraid of stepping on one myself. then there was a tiny gift shop and sissy picked her gift right away! she got this necklace with a butterfly pendent and i was like taking forever to pick my gift and i didnt want the same gift at sissy so thankfully my parents were like we gotta rush and then they bought a heart key chain with an orange butterfly in the middle. fast forward like 12 years and i dont remember the place at all. course the entry tickets has now quadrupled in price and expanded it's space like tenfold. there was no line at the ticket counter (thank God) and we got in in no time. we went to the reptile house first and we saw frogs, snakes, worms and spiders. now almost everything in that enclosure was venomous but i suspect the spiders were like dead and stuffed with styrofoam cause the little cage for the spider was only half closed and nobody did anything. then the walkway leads to the butterfly garden and you watch butterflies and flowers and ooh and aah and then you see some iguanas, lizards and chameleons. next to it is a dragonfly hut thing and we walked in to see absolutely no dragonflies at all. after all that was the indoor learning centre so there were like 8 stops or something and there was a cinema thing where they play this educational videos and there was a stop where you see fireflies but i only saw 2 and there was one where there was a phase by phase caterpillar to butterfly room and also a lot of stimulated games like find the glass winged butterfly in this picture. there was also a made up town for insects like an insect bridal store, a library, a beehive real estate shop and some restaurants all for the insects. the stop before the gift shop was ants, beetles and the white ants that eat wood. i thought having glass tubes with ants in it on the walls were really clever.
at the gift shop there were bags, clothes, watches and a tonne of stationery and the reg like magnets and stuff. i bought 3 necklaces but im only keeping one because 2 are for my sissy and a sticker sheet and some pens. then youre led to an eating space and then the hobby centre where you can actually but the bugs and worms. then we went to our hotel in gurney drive and on the way you'd see a lot of these double decker tour buses and they are open aired at the top so you can fly out anytime if you fancy. so our hotel was next to a thai restaurant so it's really hard to spot. we were also kinda stumped on where we were going to park because dad had paid for parking when he booked the room but there was no parking at all so we parked at the reg public parking and we put 2 very hostile receptionist on the hot seat, asking about our promised parking but they clearly couldnt care less and that irked me like what happened to 'the customer is always right' or 'we shall never deny a guest even the most ridiculous request'. now this was our first time at the hotel because we used to stay the Tanjung Bungah Hotel but it closed to become some other named hotel so we dont want to go to that one and tried this one. we just parked like across the street. we watched tv until 6.30pm and walked out to the next door crepe cottage for some dessert before our meal. we were the first customers so we didnt wait long but if you go to their website, a lot of reviews say their service is snail pace. they tasted pretty good and the menu is creative and the plates are big. so yeah try them if you want. honestly i have seen the exact same shop -house every time i drive by penang but that my first time actually eating in. we dropped by two more malls in the way to the food court for dinner and we saw this canon competition going on and the prize giving happening. now walking at night is a gamble i tell ya. you have got to be on high alert because you might step on a sharp stone anytime and treat everyone on the street as a suspect for a crime because you never know if someone on the dark, unlit pedestrian walk is going to jump out at you going berserk. my advice is never walk alone and wear bright colours. also to pray.
at the food court i found that penang works very differently from where im from. so when you order, the shop keepers dont bring the food to you, you have to wait in line and carry it to your table, like when you buy lunch in school. we saw a lot to sea food stalls but our quest was for fried oysters and we packed ours to eat in our hotel room. we made a stop at wendy's because we've only had dessert so we shared a large set. we walked back and we paid more attention to the street vendors like there was this one guy, he paints free hand portraits of animals on bags but most sold toys.
at the hotel we watched tv and ate.
next day we went to a corner coffee shop. one that im familiar with, and had breakfast then to the beach. i really liked the part of the beach we went to like it was clean and there werent many people and there was like no 'where am i going to park' scenario. i collected a bag full of sea shells and i plan some jewelry from it so thats cool. i love sea shells!!
we checked out at 11.30 and went to pick ma and then a midlands mall which was closed and then a paragon mall(again) which was super big and thats where i got sissy's christmas gift. then we headed home and we had take out for dinner because eating out is hot and messy. i had some cider then bed till almost noon today!
that was everything documented! i hope you had some form of fun from reading it and if youre malaysian i hope it inspires you to go have some one-day fun. have a good year end holiday and christmas! the next school year will start soon so collect all the fun you need to see you through the year now with your family and treasure all this fun times.
see ya lovelies! merry christmas
Thursday, 15 December 2016
leaving time review
hello everyone!! it's friday and im so excited for tomorrow because I'LL BE GOING TO PENANG!! i know i went to penang this June but i didnt do any touristy things so i get to do them tomorrow. i have a mental list of things i want to do and here goes: make a sand castle, ride a horse, eat pancakes and go shopping. it's not a long list, but we're only there for 2 days and even then im still worried i wont get to go to the beach. i have to pack later.
last night i filmed myself doing my make up and that was a flop. so you probably know that the lighting in my room sucks and it was dark out so i didnt get any natural lighting and the result of that was a super orange video. i thought it was bad but i wasnt going to waste footage and it'll be up tonight because you know, the evil internet. it takes more than 24 hours to get a 7 minute video online. i would have done it in the afternoon but i was so engrossed in this book sissy lent me: leaving time, jodi picolt. IT'S SO GOOD! okay so it's about this girl, a psychic and and a detective. two of them are dead and the psychic alone can see them because duh, she's psychic. so the girl wants to find her mom who disappeared a decade ago and part of that journey requires the help of both the detective and psychic. girl and detective are dead but they dont know that, they think theyre alive and the psychic cant tell spirits from live bodies so until the last 50 pages or so you wont know that theyre the ones dead and the mom's the one whos alive. i like it! if you're into the paranormal and want a book with minimal romance, this is one you cant miss. i legit couldnt put it down. it's also for you if youre a wild life advocate.
also what i did during the day was looking up agents online. for fun of course. cause say i wanna be on tv and doing stuff on tv, i need an agent or just be part of some agency. and because im in ol' malaysia there's very limited of ways to get on tv. and i see to apply for an agent from an agency they need you to send them professional head shots. the last time i got one was when i needed a passport photo. then i thought geez getting one is probably very expensive and i have a camera and a tripod maybe i can take a professional one myself. so i tried and it didnt work very well because i have limited space in my room so theres only so far back i can put my camera for a full body photoshoot and as usual, lighting sucks and i dont have any empty backgrounds like in a studio so that wasnt going to happen. i cant go to a photography studio because that's embarrassing and im questing the support i will get say i do want an agent. this is all for fun.
about 2 days ago mom noticed we had a flat tire and that was so strange because we had just changed it. i had a gut feeling that it wasnt punctured just the shop people didnt fill it full enough. anyway mom went to fill it with air because the mechanic was closed and she needed to drive it over the next day but whadya know it's always been not puctured haha!!
i think one day i'll buy a smart car just to annoy people on the road. drivers hate it when they think there's a parking spot and then there actually isnt one just a really small car like a smart car! speaking of annoying drivers, i just watched the trailer for despicable me 3!! i didnt see the 3 kids in it just gru and some minions. i hope they're still in it. i actually really like the despicable me! it's cute!!
yesterday i wished one of my teachers happy birthday and i realised that im actually pretty old. like i even have a reunion group on whatsapp and we plan to have our high school reunion next Feb. it will be 2 years since i graduated and guys it's been a wild ride since then but one ride that thought me a lot of lessons, harsh ones yes but lessons no less.
i'll end my post here and go get some thing to eat. you should too. see ya lovelies
last night i filmed myself doing my make up and that was a flop. so you probably know that the lighting in my room sucks and it was dark out so i didnt get any natural lighting and the result of that was a super orange video. i thought it was bad but i wasnt going to waste footage and it'll be up tonight because you know, the evil internet. it takes more than 24 hours to get a 7 minute video online. i would have done it in the afternoon but i was so engrossed in this book sissy lent me: leaving time, jodi picolt. IT'S SO GOOD! okay so it's about this girl, a psychic and and a detective. two of them are dead and the psychic alone can see them because duh, she's psychic. so the girl wants to find her mom who disappeared a decade ago and part of that journey requires the help of both the detective and psychic. girl and detective are dead but they dont know that, they think theyre alive and the psychic cant tell spirits from live bodies so until the last 50 pages or so you wont know that theyre the ones dead and the mom's the one whos alive. i like it! if you're into the paranormal and want a book with minimal romance, this is one you cant miss. i legit couldnt put it down. it's also for you if youre a wild life advocate.
also what i did during the day was looking up agents online. for fun of course. cause say i wanna be on tv and doing stuff on tv, i need an agent or just be part of some agency. and because im in ol' malaysia there's very limited of ways to get on tv. and i see to apply for an agent from an agency they need you to send them professional head shots. the last time i got one was when i needed a passport photo. then i thought geez getting one is probably very expensive and i have a camera and a tripod maybe i can take a professional one myself. so i tried and it didnt work very well because i have limited space in my room so theres only so far back i can put my camera for a full body photoshoot and as usual, lighting sucks and i dont have any empty backgrounds like in a studio so that wasnt going to happen. i cant go to a photography studio because that's embarrassing and im questing the support i will get say i do want an agent. this is all for fun.
about 2 days ago mom noticed we had a flat tire and that was so strange because we had just changed it. i had a gut feeling that it wasnt punctured just the shop people didnt fill it full enough. anyway mom went to fill it with air because the mechanic was closed and she needed to drive it over the next day but whadya know it's always been not puctured haha!!
i think one day i'll buy a smart car just to annoy people on the road. drivers hate it when they think there's a parking spot and then there actually isnt one just a really small car like a smart car! speaking of annoying drivers, i just watched the trailer for despicable me 3!! i didnt see the 3 kids in it just gru and some minions. i hope they're still in it. i actually really like the despicable me! it's cute!!
yesterday i wished one of my teachers happy birthday and i realised that im actually pretty old. like i even have a reunion group on whatsapp and we plan to have our high school reunion next Feb. it will be 2 years since i graduated and guys it's been a wild ride since then but one ride that thought me a lot of lessons, harsh ones yes but lessons no less.
i'll end my post here and go get some thing to eat. you should too. see ya lovelies
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
broken instax mini 8
hello gorgeous people!! i have left ipoh and im now in kampar, in my room, dreading my homework which is exactly why im here. my time in ipoh was mostly spent on eating and christmas shopping. like 2 days ago we wanted to have a dim sum breakfast but then we overslept and there was no table for us so we went for beef noodles instead and it was pretty crowded too but we had a big table so it was good. thing was i dont really eat the beef balls so i get fried wantons but they ran out of everything except wontons so me and dad walked across the street to get some crispy stuff and wontons and we packed it and went back to the beef noodles which i thought was really smart and really cool.
we ate then went to tesco where we bought gifts for people i dont know but we got kids stationery sets and the adults cookies. i wrapped all of them in the same wrapping paper. lunch was... okay we skipped lunch because we were full from the beef. but dinner was good because i had mantis prawns which is super high in cholesterol but tastes bomb.
the next day(yesterday) i woke up early but later then everyone else so they packed food for me. pa got me some fried noodles and i ate them while watching RUSH HOUR. world, jackie chan has 2 Guinness world records. i took my time eating because it was yummy and i wanted to hold off my shower as long as possible for the fun of it. before eating i was thinking of things i wanted to bring for my penang trip and i remembered my instax mini 8 that i havent used since graduation last year. it's been a year and the batteries are definitely dead so i changed them. thing is i used zinc chloride batteries and they were the cheap tesco ones and it wouldnt turn on then i proceed to freak out but wait... what's that... A COMPUTER!!! i googled my symptoms on webmd and then found out you can only use alkaline batteries and so me and dad went to get some and it works YAY! also i got my mom's christmas present at the same time.
i actually have 4 cameras in the house now think about it:
a grey nikon, a red olympus, my new pink sony a5000 and my instax. if you count a webcam and an androidcam then i guess it's six. wow i should really make a youtube video of the evolution of cameras.
because i had my breakfast late, i couldnt have lunch so my dad bought me this fried pancake thing and i dont know what it is in english but it's good fried dough.
dinner was noodle soup with chicken and liver and rojak and it was food! after that we went to get a polo tee for an elderly person and i picked out the wrapping paper and wrapped it last night. it's adorable and has reindeer smiling all over. course i extended my fashion help to my dad who got some shirts too and i picked them out. yas!
i was at the escalator and i was one step in front of my mom and the she realises that i have dandruff and that gets me all self conscious especially because i have short hair. so we said to get new shampoo before leaving the mall. but we didnt
about a minute after reaching home, sissy aussie friends came over and i was in my room watching supernanny and wondering if it was scripted or not and im torn.
it's about now we realise that we didnt get the shampoo so an hour before the mall's supposed to close daddy took me to the drugstore to get my shampoo and because it was late we got a great parking spot and got my shampoo.
this morning we tried again for dim sum but the shop was closed so we went to another dim sum shop and there were people squashed together and wrestling for tables so we scraped that and went to one noodle shop but that was closing. it was about 10ish mind. then we went all the back home to a coffee shop like 2 minutes away from my house and i had an egg breakfast.
now im waiting for my dinner of chicken soup. also i wanna snack. see ya lovelies
we ate then went to tesco where we bought gifts for people i dont know but we got kids stationery sets and the adults cookies. i wrapped all of them in the same wrapping paper. lunch was... okay we skipped lunch because we were full from the beef. but dinner was good because i had mantis prawns which is super high in cholesterol but tastes bomb.
the next day(yesterday) i woke up early but later then everyone else so they packed food for me. pa got me some fried noodles and i ate them while watching RUSH HOUR. world, jackie chan has 2 Guinness world records. i took my time eating because it was yummy and i wanted to hold off my shower as long as possible for the fun of it. before eating i was thinking of things i wanted to bring for my penang trip and i remembered my instax mini 8 that i havent used since graduation last year. it's been a year and the batteries are definitely dead so i changed them. thing is i used zinc chloride batteries and they were the cheap tesco ones and it wouldnt turn on then i proceed to freak out but wait... what's that... A COMPUTER!!! i googled my symptoms on webmd and then found out you can only use alkaline batteries and so me and dad went to get some and it works YAY! also i got my mom's christmas present at the same time.
i actually have 4 cameras in the house now think about it:
a grey nikon, a red olympus, my new pink sony a5000 and my instax. if you count a webcam and an androidcam then i guess it's six. wow i should really make a youtube video of the evolution of cameras.
because i had my breakfast late, i couldnt have lunch so my dad bought me this fried pancake thing and i dont know what it is in english but it's good fried dough.
dinner was noodle soup with chicken and liver and rojak and it was food! after that we went to get a polo tee for an elderly person and i picked out the wrapping paper and wrapped it last night. it's adorable and has reindeer smiling all over. course i extended my fashion help to my dad who got some shirts too and i picked them out. yas!
i was at the escalator and i was one step in front of my mom and the she realises that i have dandruff and that gets me all self conscious especially because i have short hair. so we said to get new shampoo before leaving the mall. but we didnt
about a minute after reaching home, sissy aussie friends came over and i was in my room watching supernanny and wondering if it was scripted or not and im torn.
it's about now we realise that we didnt get the shampoo so an hour before the mall's supposed to close daddy took me to the drugstore to get my shampoo and because it was late we got a great parking spot and got my shampoo.
this morning we tried again for dim sum but the shop was closed so we went to another dim sum shop and there were people squashed together and wrestling for tables so we scraped that and went to one noodle shop but that was closing. it was about 10ish mind. then we went all the back home to a coffee shop like 2 minutes away from my house and i had an egg breakfast.
now im waiting for my dinner of chicken soup. also i wanna snack. see ya lovelies
Friday, 9 December 2016
Daiso christmas tree
good morning everybody! it's actually 12.30pm so i have been up for slightly over an hour! YAY!! so here's a breakdown of my "morning": i had breakfast of apom, white, brown and crispy!! then sissy started to vacuum around the dining area because i was eating there so that meant that i had to vacuum when i was done and it was so bad because i didnt want to do it. anyway, sissy is sick with the sniffles so i had to sleep in a different room last night. so imagine this, it's 12am and then she starts screaming her head off and naturally i ignore her because she screams a lot, then she starts banging on my door so i get up and whadya know, she's got a cup over a frog! now we dont have a garden, and most of the windows have mosquito nets built over them so this doesnt happen very often. but in my former house, we had a lot of grass and plant so we see a lot of snails and frogs around but they never bothered us. they were just really fun to watch. so ma got a bag and then she just scooped it up and let it out outside.
last night after a porridge and salted chicken dinner, we put our new christmas tree up. we had just gotten it hours before at Daiso which is a japanese dollar store thing but everything is rm5 so you can guess how big the tree actually is. we had the tree lit and decorated in about 10 minutes and when the house lights are off, the christmas tree is super bright. we didnt buy a star a put on top but we'll think of making one later. we havent had a christmas tree at home in about 8 years i'd say so it's pretty awesome to have one now.
about salted chickens, it's a staple where im from. see the shop sells whole salted chickens and theyre basically what theyre called: really salty chickens.
before dinner i was lying down reading this new book that i got and im loving it though at parts i get a little lost because it's the third book of a trilogy i wasnt following. it's A MILLION WORLDS WITH YOU and i didnt know it was a trilogy because it wasnt said on the cover but on the inside with the author's note. so yeah i need to spend more money on books. it's an investment dear parents.
yesterday i spent about a good half hour at H&M because they were having a sale and it was really cheap. i got one shirt and i saw a pair of pants that i had bought when there wasnt a sale and i had paid rm79,90 for it and now its going for rm30 so that stung.
the night we arrived in ipoh, we went to this non halal food court for the second time and we tried different things so sissy got a plate of PETAI or stinky beans and she ordered a side of soup and the veggies were so fiberous and the meat like a brick and the soup was sour so it sucked and i think that people in the food business these days have no morals and no etiquette. gross. so im all for eating at home these days.
on that note, i have to have lunch and its gonna be a good one. see you lovelies.
last night after a porridge and salted chicken dinner, we put our new christmas tree up. we had just gotten it hours before at Daiso which is a japanese dollar store thing but everything is rm5 so you can guess how big the tree actually is. we had the tree lit and decorated in about 10 minutes and when the house lights are off, the christmas tree is super bright. we didnt buy a star a put on top but we'll think of making one later. we havent had a christmas tree at home in about 8 years i'd say so it's pretty awesome to have one now.
about salted chickens, it's a staple where im from. see the shop sells whole salted chickens and theyre basically what theyre called: really salty chickens.
before dinner i was lying down reading this new book that i got and im loving it though at parts i get a little lost because it's the third book of a trilogy i wasnt following. it's A MILLION WORLDS WITH YOU and i didnt know it was a trilogy because it wasnt said on the cover but on the inside with the author's note. so yeah i need to spend more money on books. it's an investment dear parents.
yesterday i spent about a good half hour at H&M because they were having a sale and it was really cheap. i got one shirt and i saw a pair of pants that i had bought when there wasnt a sale and i had paid rm79,90 for it and now its going for rm30 so that stung.
the night we arrived in ipoh, we went to this non halal food court for the second time and we tried different things so sissy got a plate of PETAI or stinky beans and she ordered a side of soup and the veggies were so fiberous and the meat like a brick and the soup was sour so it sucked and i think that people in the food business these days have no morals and no etiquette. gross. so im all for eating at home these days.
on that note, i have to have lunch and its gonna be a good one. see you lovelies.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
you can get there
hello everybody! HI!! it's a beautiful morning and i have an inspirational message to share but that's somewhere in the many words you'll see on this page. yesterday i had an amazing start to my day with a peppermint mocha from starbucks and it was so yummy. on a non festive day my regular order would be a green tea frappe but it's christmas and you only get peppermint mocha ever so often. now a recent discovery was that you can choose between soy, nonfat and regular milk at starbucks and i have never specified what milk i'd have but on a sign i saw like a month ago said i could have any i wanted. now i havent yet tried changing it but next time hopefully.
the amazing food streak went on till lunch when i had pumpkin soup, pan fried chicken and roasted pumpkin. now we have pumpkin soup a lot because it's just so good but the chicken was new. ma marinated it with chinese white wine and made sauce with Worcestershire sauce which was a lot sour but good with the chicken. then i did math and then i made a skeletal for autobiographies i plan to write. then i wrote out some vlogmas video ideas i wanted to film. Also i am at 13 subscribers now so the numbers are going up and i am so happy for the support. i make my videos because i love making videos and editing them and thank you if you are one of the lucky 13. it's a small number i know but the support is there and that's all that matters. a discovery i made yesterday was that Jon and kate from the TLC channel are now divorced and their kids are no longer tiny and cute but people with attitudes and that not as interesting. so kate is the solo star in the show now and jon is a dj which is a job i guess or just something silly. then i thought of my own family videos and i remembered that we once had a video camera but all the footage is gone now. sissy and i were babies so the setting was all in new zealand. i remember little snippets and one was when we were in a gondola and it was one where you are served food in it and there was bread and sissy was like, 'i want to hold the bread' so she did and got too close to the camera. there was another where we were at a zoo i think so we watched a dolphin show then sissy touched a black pig and i touched a big brown furry thing like a mammoth or maybe that part was a dream. that was cool!
yesterday was superb and i am happy with the happy parts but one annoying little bug kinda was an evil voice i really didnt need and didnt want so i guess this is where i get motivational. there's a guy from my high school he knows that a few people from my class are from ipoh and ever the stalker he texts every ipoh person asking them out so course i get asked out and course i cant go out. and when he messaged me i was outlining my videos and so i just said off the top of my head, hey why dont you sub to me and he was an ass. a real jerk. i mean all youtubers start small and work their way up. im not going to rewind what he said and if youre decent and nice you wouldnt ask but it stung for a second and if you know how the mind of a successful girl works, you ignore the evil, pick yourself up and keep moving and working and giving your best to what you want to achieve and the ambitions that are good will be achieved. i am telling you what i know will be, i will continue to produce quality videos and i know for a fact that support will come and it's just a matter of time before my videos become the greatest. i had 2 mantras: 1)learn as much as you can(or anything can be taught) and 2)leave no stone unturned. now i will add a 3rd which is to prove your haters wrong. that evil boy is mean and i will show him what support i will have and already have. my videos are good and they can get even better until it is so amazing he just dies of envy. goals
i have achieved so much good here on my blog that i want to say thank you if you have stuck with me from the start and may you have a happy blessed life that you deserve. if you want to try something new like modeling or singing and people tell you that you cant. dont you dare doubt yourself. just cut all ties with that little devil and then set out to prove him or her wrong by doing exactly what you said you wanted and have fun on your little project.
okay tangent. during the age of 10-12 i wanted to be a model and an actress. i wanted it so bad but i was very shy about that ambition and being malaysian you dont have many routes to get on national tv so i didnt do enough research and i didnt contact enough people. so the lesson is, if you want something, never be shy about it and give all your body can to drive yourself to national tv...or anywhere basically.
i have my hot lunch ready. see ya later lovelies
the amazing food streak went on till lunch when i had pumpkin soup, pan fried chicken and roasted pumpkin. now we have pumpkin soup a lot because it's just so good but the chicken was new. ma marinated it with chinese white wine and made sauce with Worcestershire sauce which was a lot sour but good with the chicken. then i did math and then i made a skeletal for autobiographies i plan to write. then i wrote out some vlogmas video ideas i wanted to film. Also i am at 13 subscribers now so the numbers are going up and i am so happy for the support. i make my videos because i love making videos and editing them and thank you if you are one of the lucky 13. it's a small number i know but the support is there and that's all that matters. a discovery i made yesterday was that Jon and kate from the TLC channel are now divorced and their kids are no longer tiny and cute but people with attitudes and that not as interesting. so kate is the solo star in the show now and jon is a dj which is a job i guess or just something silly. then i thought of my own family videos and i remembered that we once had a video camera but all the footage is gone now. sissy and i were babies so the setting was all in new zealand. i remember little snippets and one was when we were in a gondola and it was one where you are served food in it and there was bread and sissy was like, 'i want to hold the bread' so she did and got too close to the camera. there was another where we were at a zoo i think so we watched a dolphin show then sissy touched a black pig and i touched a big brown furry thing like a mammoth or maybe that part was a dream. that was cool!
yesterday was superb and i am happy with the happy parts but one annoying little bug kinda was an evil voice i really didnt need and didnt want so i guess this is where i get motivational. there's a guy from my high school he knows that a few people from my class are from ipoh and ever the stalker he texts every ipoh person asking them out so course i get asked out and course i cant go out. and when he messaged me i was outlining my videos and so i just said off the top of my head, hey why dont you sub to me and he was an ass. a real jerk. i mean all youtubers start small and work their way up. im not going to rewind what he said and if youre decent and nice you wouldnt ask but it stung for a second and if you know how the mind of a successful girl works, you ignore the evil, pick yourself up and keep moving and working and giving your best to what you want to achieve and the ambitions that are good will be achieved. i am telling you what i know will be, i will continue to produce quality videos and i know for a fact that support will come and it's just a matter of time before my videos become the greatest. i had 2 mantras: 1)learn as much as you can(or anything can be taught) and 2)leave no stone unturned. now i will add a 3rd which is to prove your haters wrong. that evil boy is mean and i will show him what support i will have and already have. my videos are good and they can get even better until it is so amazing he just dies of envy. goals
i have achieved so much good here on my blog that i want to say thank you if you have stuck with me from the start and may you have a happy blessed life that you deserve. if you want to try something new like modeling or singing and people tell you that you cant. dont you dare doubt yourself. just cut all ties with that little devil and then set out to prove him or her wrong by doing exactly what you said you wanted and have fun on your little project.
okay tangent. during the age of 10-12 i wanted to be a model and an actress. i wanted it so bad but i was very shy about that ambition and being malaysian you dont have many routes to get on national tv so i didnt do enough research and i didnt contact enough people. so the lesson is, if you want something, never be shy about it and give all your body can to drive yourself to national tv...or anywhere basically.
i have my hot lunch ready. see ya later lovelies
Sunday, 4 December 2016
my 100th post
aloha everyone!! i am super fresh and ready for action... after an hour or two on my laptop. this will be my 100th post on my blog and i am super excited like i won an Oscar so i guess a speech is in order. i'd like to thank my parents for being super supportive of me and reading all my posts and loving it. my 4 musketeers, for giving me substance to write about and baby jesus. okay moving on, i made a 2 day trip to KL and got back yesterday at 10pm. i was really tired but when i got back i managed to edit 2 videos and they are not yet uploaded but they will be soon.
now about my channel, ive changed my name(again) to BookSwallowerVlogs because i think it's cooler and because i got a new camera i thought a new name would be good. i really like making videos but sometimes it's super discouraging when you think, 'oh i only have 11 subs and most of them are family' and you see channels with only 3 videos (i have < 20) and they have 100+ subs. but when i think deeply, sure the internet fame sounds super cool but the fact that i can make videos is already super cool and i wont rate it on how many people watch them(it's totally the world's loss). i like doing what im doing and nothing is going to stop me from getting where i wanna go.
i woke up early on saturday to catch my train to KL, at nu central i had lunch at Manhattan Fish with ma then waited an hour for the lrt to get me to midvalley. there i met my friend and we shopped together. i got a necklace and some sephora shadow. when she left i shopped around with my parents and i made a custom made kit kat at their chocolatory. i picked white choc with green tea leaves, caramel cubes and blueberries. it was 25 bucks but worth it. then i sampled their nasi lemak flavoured ones and they were just very coconutty. i kept seeing little kiosks selling accessories and plenty of chokers so in the car as we were leaving i told sissy about it and she was like BUY!!! and i was like , oops. We went to sunway to stay and that night i watched this superb movie by disney called the Descendants and i loved it. the setting was so 2016 and the main cast is made of the kids of the disney princesses and their villains. it's a bit weird because i never thought the disney princesses to ever have kids and less so their villains but it was so romantic and so different to what the cartoons were like that i was just wow. so the storyline is just on the boarder of okay and good, the soundtrack was below so-so and the special effects, just meh.
the morning after, i went swimming. then had lunch. then we packed and left. we went to see ma's friend first to get some jungle honey. then we went to nu central again where i got a cup from typo and a pair of overalls in cotton on. the cashier was a joker i tell ya. as i was paying, she goes 'would you like to TRY our foundation?' and i think wow cotton on starting a make up line? cool! then i say yeah and she says 'for rm 3 you get a bottle of water and 100% proceeds go to the children' . then i thought damn and i say oh no thanks now. then we sat down for some juice that pa bought and i got a large pink guava cup and it made me happy. then sissy texts us to get her chokers. then we research the prices and she goes, oh no need to buy now and im like bro we went through all the trouble we'll just buy it. we bought 3 all picked out by me. funny thing was the night before we left i asked her if she needed anything and she was like NO DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FOR ME and course i felt hurt because i was asking nicely and then shes got us buying her chokers now like pfft.
now im home, got good rest last night and time you moving. see ya lovelies
now about my channel, ive changed my name(again) to BookSwallowerVlogs because i think it's cooler and because i got a new camera i thought a new name would be good. i really like making videos but sometimes it's super discouraging when you think, 'oh i only have 11 subs and most of them are family' and you see channels with only 3 videos (i have < 20) and they have 100+ subs. but when i think deeply, sure the internet fame sounds super cool but the fact that i can make videos is already super cool and i wont rate it on how many people watch them(it's totally the world's loss). i like doing what im doing and nothing is going to stop me from getting where i wanna go.
i woke up early on saturday to catch my train to KL, at nu central i had lunch at Manhattan Fish with ma then waited an hour for the lrt to get me to midvalley. there i met my friend and we shopped together. i got a necklace and some sephora shadow. when she left i shopped around with my parents and i made a custom made kit kat at their chocolatory. i picked white choc with green tea leaves, caramel cubes and blueberries. it was 25 bucks but worth it. then i sampled their nasi lemak flavoured ones and they were just very coconutty. i kept seeing little kiosks selling accessories and plenty of chokers so in the car as we were leaving i told sissy about it and she was like BUY!!! and i was like , oops. We went to sunway to stay and that night i watched this superb movie by disney called the Descendants and i loved it. the setting was so 2016 and the main cast is made of the kids of the disney princesses and their villains. it's a bit weird because i never thought the disney princesses to ever have kids and less so their villains but it was so romantic and so different to what the cartoons were like that i was just wow. so the storyline is just on the boarder of okay and good, the soundtrack was below so-so and the special effects, just meh.
the morning after, i went swimming. then had lunch. then we packed and left. we went to see ma's friend first to get some jungle honey. then we went to nu central again where i got a cup from typo and a pair of overalls in cotton on. the cashier was a joker i tell ya. as i was paying, she goes 'would you like to TRY our foundation?' and i think wow cotton on starting a make up line? cool! then i say yeah and she says 'for rm 3 you get a bottle of water and 100% proceeds go to the children' . then i thought damn and i say oh no thanks now. then we sat down for some juice that pa bought and i got a large pink guava cup and it made me happy. then sissy texts us to get her chokers. then we research the prices and she goes, oh no need to buy now and im like bro we went through all the trouble we'll just buy it. we bought 3 all picked out by me. funny thing was the night before we left i asked her if she needed anything and she was like NO DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FOR ME and course i felt hurt because i was asking nicely and then shes got us buying her chokers now like pfft.
now im home, got good rest last night and time you moving. see ya lovelies
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
you have to watch MOANA
hello you! hello, again! i have so much to say. i'll get back to where i last left which i think was when ma and i made scones. nothing happened after that so i will just get to my day yesterday. i woke up super early at 8 and i was about to go back to sleep and i thought 'Wow it's super sunny i guess it must be late and my cue to get up' and then it happens to be 8 when my regular s about 10 just like today. so i ate, showered and curled under the sheets until 11. that's when the fun started. you can check out a video version of yesterday here . we drove to the cinema and got tickets for moana and got popcorn. the movie was at 11.45 so we downed the box of popcorn even before the movie started but we also packed some chips in our bags so it was all cool.
okay, what do i have to say about Moana... IT'S MY FAVOURITE MOVIE EVER. SUPER COOL, I WANNA LIVE ON AN ISLAND AND CHANGE MY ID TO MOANA. that's how much i liked it. storyline in 3,2,1, GO!
Moana(daughter of village chief) is drawn by the ocean to go beyond the reef but just so happens that the only law of the village is that you cant. one day the village is found with no harvest because Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti which gives life. Moana has the heart so she needs to find Maui and together they journey to find his magic fish hook(because he isnt maui without it) then to Te Fiti. moana successfully places the heart back to the spot and then plants start growing and fish get caught and the monsters dont bug anyone anymore.
the songs are the best, even better than the entire frozen soundtrack which no one then thought possible. im even listening to it now. gosh dwayne johnson can sing! it's great! there's great comedy and then there's one part where i was silently crying in my seat because her grandma was dying and she kept telling moana to go and restore the heart. then she died.
now im totally raving over maori tattoos. they're so cool. i want to get some merch too but movie merch doesnt come cheap.
after that we went to lunch at a new place we wanted to try out but it turned out to be not so great. we ate pork, chicken and fish and it was edible and had flavour but so not worth what we were paying. i would mention the cafe's name but i dont want to throw shade that direct.
we planned to go karaoke singing but i was tired so we didnt go but maybe we will soon. im not super confident about my voice.
i just took my lunch of rice, chicken, beans i could go for something sweet now. then some math.
see ya lovelies
Monday, 28 November 2016
learning to vlog
hello everyone!! it is a tueday today and it's 11.30am so i have been awake for one and half hours now. it feels cold right now and there's no sun which is so strange because the trend for the past month was it's super hot during the day and it rains from about 4pm to late at night. the rain and wind went full force yesterday that the rain seeped through my balcony door and made a puddle. about 6pm sissy drove home and i saw her from my balcony but she just sat there and i thought 'she'll come out anytime', then a while later she re-parked and im like, why isnt she coming up? when she did she said she was listening to the radio and i was thinking because she didnt have an umbrella more like.
my breakfast today was a chocolate diet drink which you might hear about in a video i'll upload on my channel tonight just like i did last night. making videos is so much easier now i have an actual camera and tripod. this holidays im going to be doing travel vlogs for my trip to Kl, Penang and possibly melacca. this evening ma and i will be making scones so watch out for that. and on other news, i reached 110 fans on musical.ly so im happy and i hope you are too.
dinner last night was herbal-ly chicken soup with rice and it's good like it always is. soup also taste better when it's raining because it's cold but you have soup to keep you warm. also it's healthier than eating out. i filmed a milkshake video between dinner and lunch which makes it tea. lunch was boiled sweet potatoes which is my favourite school lunch but since im on holiday i get to eat it at home. as i was peeling the skin on the potato i thought they kinda look like human skin why dont they use it in skin grafting instead of peeling skin from your buttocks and plastering it on other places. i ate my potatoes feeling happy. i had an early start yesterday at 7am because we didnt drive to kampar the night before and sissy had classes at 10 so we woke up, got dressed and i didnt brush my teeth because my motor skill didnt wake till after ive eaten so we went to a coffeeshop for some noodle soup and then we set off. i tried vlogging in the car but it was shaky and i didnt want to seem weird like im talking to myself at the back of the car.
in hindsight i should have slept earlier since i knew i had to be up by 7 but ma and i wanted to watch forrest gump. guysss it's a fantastic movie and if you dont know what it is then here goes: this guy is at a bus stop and he starts an anecdote about his life having a low IQ, wearing leg braces, so loved by his mama, bullied by kids at school, falling in love and miraculously running with no brace. he played football in college, graduated, joined the army, fought in vietman, made a best friend obsessed with shrimp, see him die and gets shot in the butt. he learns ping pong, plays it professionally and then leaves the army to start a shrimp shop like he promised Bubba and makes a load of cash then his mama dies and he had a one night stand with his schoolmate and fast forward 2 years of running nowhere, hes at the busstop to go and meet her. she has a kid she says is his and she's dying so they get married and she dies so he takes care of the son. the end. it's a 2 hour movie that i summarised in a paragraph so you wont have stay up till 1am to watch it. but i still say you do because it's such a touching movie with great morals and it's real funny too. plus it's historically accurate.
we had dinner at a new non halal food court in the mall and it was super crowded but we had a good table and we ordered those korean hot plates where you grill your own meat and veggies. the kimchi was bomb i tell ya. ma and sissy did most of the cooking so it was so fun for me to watch. i had fun. then halfway our stove went out of gas and i had to ask for a new one. dad didnt get to try our hot plate because he went back to kl that evening. but i took great pics.
i almost forgot, i have a new favourite necklace. i found it when me and ma were looking through her makeup stash of 3 things: wet n wild blush(or rouge), avon power foundation and pink,blue and purple maybelline eyeshadow. she hasnt used then in a while the last memory i have of seeing the make up out of the dressing drawer was during my kindergarden concert. ma did my makeup and it turned out really well so i didnt have to share makeup with all the other kids hooray. course the stash dosnt count her lipstick because she still wears them. we threw away the blush because there were bugs in it but we kept the other 2. anyway i saw a green necklace which i also remember from my kindergarden days but it hasnt been out since then too. turns out its a mauri heirloom. haha how cool! it was my favourite necklace to play with as a small girl and i might wear it once in a while when im wearing something green.
this post is pretty long but thanks for making it here. see ya lovelies
my breakfast today was a chocolate diet drink which you might hear about in a video i'll upload on my channel tonight just like i did last night. making videos is so much easier now i have an actual camera and tripod. this holidays im going to be doing travel vlogs for my trip to Kl, Penang and possibly melacca. this evening ma and i will be making scones so watch out for that. and on other news, i reached 110 fans on musical.ly so im happy and i hope you are too.
dinner last night was herbal-ly chicken soup with rice and it's good like it always is. soup also taste better when it's raining because it's cold but you have soup to keep you warm. also it's healthier than eating out. i filmed a milkshake video between dinner and lunch which makes it tea. lunch was boiled sweet potatoes which is my favourite school lunch but since im on holiday i get to eat it at home. as i was peeling the skin on the potato i thought they kinda look like human skin why dont they use it in skin grafting instead of peeling skin from your buttocks and plastering it on other places. i ate my potatoes feeling happy. i had an early start yesterday at 7am because we didnt drive to kampar the night before and sissy had classes at 10 so we woke up, got dressed and i didnt brush my teeth because my motor skill didnt wake till after ive eaten so we went to a coffeeshop for some noodle soup and then we set off. i tried vlogging in the car but it was shaky and i didnt want to seem weird like im talking to myself at the back of the car.
in hindsight i should have slept earlier since i knew i had to be up by 7 but ma and i wanted to watch forrest gump. guysss it's a fantastic movie and if you dont know what it is then here goes: this guy is at a bus stop and he starts an anecdote about his life having a low IQ, wearing leg braces, so loved by his mama, bullied by kids at school, falling in love and miraculously running with no brace. he played football in college, graduated, joined the army, fought in vietman, made a best friend obsessed with shrimp, see him die and gets shot in the butt. he learns ping pong, plays it professionally and then leaves the army to start a shrimp shop like he promised Bubba and makes a load of cash then his mama dies and he had a one night stand with his schoolmate and fast forward 2 years of running nowhere, hes at the busstop to go and meet her. she has a kid she says is his and she's dying so they get married and she dies so he takes care of the son. the end. it's a 2 hour movie that i summarised in a paragraph so you wont have stay up till 1am to watch it. but i still say you do because it's such a touching movie with great morals and it's real funny too. plus it's historically accurate.
we had dinner at a new non halal food court in the mall and it was super crowded but we had a good table and we ordered those korean hot plates where you grill your own meat and veggies. the kimchi was bomb i tell ya. ma and sissy did most of the cooking so it was so fun for me to watch. i had fun. then halfway our stove went out of gas and i had to ask for a new one. dad didnt get to try our hot plate because he went back to kl that evening. but i took great pics.
i almost forgot, i have a new favourite necklace. i found it when me and ma were looking through her makeup stash of 3 things: wet n wild blush(or rouge), avon power foundation and pink,blue and purple maybelline eyeshadow. she hasnt used then in a while the last memory i have of seeing the make up out of the dressing drawer was during my kindergarden concert. ma did my makeup and it turned out really well so i didnt have to share makeup with all the other kids hooray. course the stash dosnt count her lipstick because she still wears them. we threw away the blush because there were bugs in it but we kept the other 2. anyway i saw a green necklace which i also remember from my kindergarden days but it hasnt been out since then too. turns out its a mauri heirloom. haha how cool! it was my favourite necklace to play with as a small girl and i might wear it once in a while when im wearing something green.
this post is pretty long but thanks for making it here. see ya lovelies
Saturday, 26 November 2016
new camera=happy
hiiiiii!!!!! im supposed to be napping but im here. as a kid, i hated naps and i couldnt sleep when i know i would miss some Nickelodeon show if i napped. i woke up at 6 and i turned off my charging camera and watched musicallys until my dad came to see if i was awake this was about 8am and we checked out the new camera together when mom woke up too and suggested we eat nasi lemak for breakfast. so dad went out to have them packed and we all ate together. really spicy stuff i tell ya. but anchovies were good. i had orange juice and we all had some grapes that dad brought back last night with him.
yesterday night i had claypot chicken rice for dinner and went to my room to watch some youtube. at 9, ma and i went to pick dad from the train station and in the car i said, 'guess what we got you?' and ma just hits me and i ignore it screeching, 'claypot rice'. then mom goes phewwww and it took me awhile to realise that she thought i was going to tell her about dad's christmas present. i wasnt offended because keeping secrets isnt really my thing but i know better than to tell in front of ma. dont worry i wont tell anyone! i got so many gifts yesterday i have the strength to be happy for my lifetime. here's a list:
-my camera(i will do a review once i get familiarized). it's a sony a 5000
-camera bag
-ginger bread cookies
-grapes(having some now)
i was really excited and still am. i sent a picture to my friend mika-i think i've mentioned her here- and she's excited too. we're pushing to be youtubers together and all support is welcomed. hi! it's part of my holiday projects.
im in ipoh and just before the journey here, ma and i went to get our train tickets for kl and there i saw a sign that there's actually a special coach for weddings so you can get married on a train. it's both stupid and brilliant because then your guest cant leave before the reception ends and your bride cant run from cold feet. the we went to ipoh and had roasted duck for lunch. we were the first customers of the day and it was cool because it's always crowded when we go and you cant hear yourself so it's like we booked the whole restaurant. we had duck, soup(my fav) and salty vege. course we had rice too. then we sent sissy to church (i really didnt want her to go) and to the post station to collect ma's courier mail. we found a parking spot after 4 rounds of hovering and then inside we waited about 40 minutes for the sleezy, dopey people to find our mail. it's always a long wait because no one's actually working. in the station they hire a certain people on a certain bias and they cant work. if they did, there wouldnt be jams in the car park or long lines of people waiting for their stuff, you can actually hear people just lounging behind the door of the room where the mail's kept. i was angry but now i dont care, they wouldnt survive in a zombie apocalypse.
then we went shopping. ma got some pomegranate juice, i got white tea and i bought sissy some black tea. we were going to get more candy canes but we couldnt find any. then we went to get some cendol dessert and now we rest until church tonight. im smelling smoke and i think it's coming form my computer. not kidding. see ya later lovelies.
yesterday night i had claypot chicken rice for dinner and went to my room to watch some youtube. at 9, ma and i went to pick dad from the train station and in the car i said, 'guess what we got you?' and ma just hits me and i ignore it screeching, 'claypot rice'. then mom goes phewwww and it took me awhile to realise that she thought i was going to tell her about dad's christmas present. i wasnt offended because keeping secrets isnt really my thing but i know better than to tell in front of ma. dont worry i wont tell anyone! i got so many gifts yesterday i have the strength to be happy for my lifetime. here's a list:
-my camera(i will do a review once i get familiarized). it's a sony a 5000
-camera bag
-ginger bread cookies
-grapes(having some now)
i was really excited and still am. i sent a picture to my friend mika-i think i've mentioned her here- and she's excited too. we're pushing to be youtubers together and all support is welcomed. hi! it's part of my holiday projects.
im in ipoh and just before the journey here, ma and i went to get our train tickets for kl and there i saw a sign that there's actually a special coach for weddings so you can get married on a train. it's both stupid and brilliant because then your guest cant leave before the reception ends and your bride cant run from cold feet. the we went to ipoh and had roasted duck for lunch. we were the first customers of the day and it was cool because it's always crowded when we go and you cant hear yourself so it's like we booked the whole restaurant. we had duck, soup(my fav) and salty vege. course we had rice too. then we sent sissy to church (i really didnt want her to go) and to the post station to collect ma's courier mail. we found a parking spot after 4 rounds of hovering and then inside we waited about 40 minutes for the sleezy, dopey people to find our mail. it's always a long wait because no one's actually working. in the station they hire a certain people on a certain bias and they cant work. if they did, there wouldnt be jams in the car park or long lines of people waiting for their stuff, you can actually hear people just lounging behind the door of the room where the mail's kept. i was angry but now i dont care, they wouldnt survive in a zombie apocalypse.
then we went shopping. ma got some pomegranate juice, i got white tea and i bought sissy some black tea. we were going to get more candy canes but we couldnt find any. then we went to get some cendol dessert and now we rest until church tonight. im smelling smoke and i think it's coming form my computer. not kidding. see ya later lovelies.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
funny dreams
hey ya! a greeting, and a song title, you welcome! im talking about that song that goes 'all right,all right, all right', infinite times and glee did a cover of it that was worlds better than the original. glee cover remember to watch it. artie is my favourite character because he's small and cute like a bunny, except he's in a wheel chair. i just had a fabulous dinner of minced pork porridge and anchovies which is my ultimate favourite food. rewind to when i was was in kindergarden until i was about 9, every sunday after church, we'd have a yummy lunch of minced pork(sometimes it'd be shredded chicken)porridge, hard boiled salted eggs, pickled radishes from a can and what i went crazy for, FU YU, it's preserved bean curd and they're in blocks with chili water in a glass bottle. funny that i cant stand the taste and smell of it now, a decade later. in my childhood, looking back, my mom made a lot of the best food i have ever had and they really are the best- yummy, healthy and made with love. course i might not have been as appreciative then, but i remember that i loved all her foods like otak-otak and i was just reminiscing on this a few days ago: FISH BALL RICE! maybe you know the chicken rice ball from melacca and i dont like that very much but i absolutely love fish ball rice. as a kid i liked to have fun with my meals so my mom(the genius), whenever she made fried fish, she would have the bones taken out and stirred the meat into my rice with sweet soy sauce. when it's nice and even, she would shape them into balls and i would just pop them in my little mouth. i had to have my fish that way all the time and once when i had afternoon school i was running late and i had to have my fish lunch fast, i wouldnt touch it unless ma shaped them for me. i was cute. and super loved and happy. my breakfast today was a prefect half boiled omega egg made just for me. that was just so good. no ones makes it as good as ma.
getting really sentimental here!
before dinner i completed my math textbook questions and sissy was just waking up from her 4 hour nap.
lunch was kfc because we just happened to be in tesco getting groceries. we got things for scones and some lemons for juice. also sissy got some drugstore make up! i'm getting my make up stash this weekend and im excited to learn everything there is.
i went to tesco for the second day in the row today. we went yesterday for their car wash but that got sissy pissed because it was totally a rip off. the car was only wet but still had grass on the butt of her car and that cost 12 bucks.
pee break
when we got home, sissy had to wash the car again on the porch. she did that and i prepared lunch of leftover spaghetti and mashed potatoes. yesterday i told ma and sissy about my dream. here goes, family and i were just walking around the stadium and this lady comes barging out of the entrance saying there's a gymnastics competition and one of their girls went missing so could i just fill in for her and i go all 'yeah sure'. i befriended all the nice girls and aced the group routine but i wasnt expecting an individual floor routine so i just bounced and jumped on every mattress there was and that got me 4th place among thousands of girls. everyone was so happy for me and i got a certificate and motivational words from the judges. we went to the mall for pizza hut, me in my leotard and suddenly the floors were ice and everyone had their skates except us but we managed and got our lunch. the day before that i had another dream about our family on a safari ride. we were in those cages vehicles driving pass lions and giraffes when we came pass about 3, maybe more elephants and one had a palm tree branch skewered into its trunk and it was in pain. no one could see that except ma and i. ma then opened our truck door and sneaked up behind it and yanked the big branch out. the elephant turned and started running towards her but she was too fast for it and got to safety ahead of it.
yesterday night sissy had 3 friends over and it was my first time seeing them so it was cool. i stayed in my room learning new origami but then it became too complicated and i did half an elephant and half a parrot. i have been staying in my room a lot because it's been raining so much and because there's a python on the lose. it could be anywhere now and i dont like snakes so you can guess how i feel. im going out for a tour of the house. see you later lovelies
getting really sentimental here!
before dinner i completed my math textbook questions and sissy was just waking up from her 4 hour nap.
lunch was kfc because we just happened to be in tesco getting groceries. we got things for scones and some lemons for juice. also sissy got some drugstore make up! i'm getting my make up stash this weekend and im excited to learn everything there is.
i went to tesco for the second day in the row today. we went yesterday for their car wash but that got sissy pissed because it was totally a rip off. the car was only wet but still had grass on the butt of her car and that cost 12 bucks.
pee break
when we got home, sissy had to wash the car again on the porch. she did that and i prepared lunch of leftover spaghetti and mashed potatoes. yesterday i told ma and sissy about my dream. here goes, family and i were just walking around the stadium and this lady comes barging out of the entrance saying there's a gymnastics competition and one of their girls went missing so could i just fill in for her and i go all 'yeah sure'. i befriended all the nice girls and aced the group routine but i wasnt expecting an individual floor routine so i just bounced and jumped on every mattress there was and that got me 4th place among thousands of girls. everyone was so happy for me and i got a certificate and motivational words from the judges. we went to the mall for pizza hut, me in my leotard and suddenly the floors were ice and everyone had their skates except us but we managed and got our lunch. the day before that i had another dream about our family on a safari ride. we were in those cages vehicles driving pass lions and giraffes when we came pass about 3, maybe more elephants and one had a palm tree branch skewered into its trunk and it was in pain. no one could see that except ma and i. ma then opened our truck door and sneaked up behind it and yanked the big branch out. the elephant turned and started running towards her but she was too fast for it and got to safety ahead of it.
yesterday night sissy had 3 friends over and it was my first time seeing them so it was cool. i stayed in my room learning new origami but then it became too complicated and i did half an elephant and half a parrot. i have been staying in my room a lot because it's been raining so much and because there's a python on the lose. it could be anywhere now and i dont like snakes so you can guess how i feel. im going out for a tour of the house. see you later lovelies
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
anything can taught
hi! can you see me waving? okay you cant because you're reading from a screen but imagine me waving and my pupils are dilated twice the norm so i look like an adorable anime character. i love waving, it's fun and a workout.
this holiday will be a productive one as long as i keep wanting to try new things. i will start with today and get on with tomorrow. i woke up at 9ish, made a cup of coffee, downed the remaining Vanila Cupcake Goldfish (i remember how hard they were to find in stores...but twas worth it) and watched something on youtube. welcome to the world of excitement!
halfway through my breakfast i thought of this magician-youtuber: collins key and he could do a thousand and one things with a deck of cards so i thought to try it. i tried copying a few youtube tutorials and i mastered the super cool shuffle called riffle shuffle which is the ones you see most often on tv with 1/2 the deck in each hand and very quickly you simultaneously release and they are interwoven. i did a musical.ly on it-find me @happysue001 and be a fan. so i tried a second trick of making a triangle with one super swift motion. it got fustrating and i remembered my best friend's old motto that anything can be taught and i got it-partly. sissy told me to vacuum and i did but now the floor's dusty again so i dont get point. i took a shower and got to my homework for an hour then got my precious laptop. i watched tutorials on how to make a sick youtube intro and tried to get a free trail on photoshop cc with a different email account. someone explain this: i could download it but when i open it it says trial has expired and this was a different email. i then tried free youtube intros but they were all watermarked darn. by now it's 1pm and i ate some potatoes chips with cheddar Goldfish. i watched The nanny for a bit and then went to make some tuna cutlets. i peeled some potatoes, boiled them, mashed them and added my tuna, one egg, one big onion, herb mix and salt and pepper. i shaped them like nuggets and pan fried them. AWESOME! i had leftover mashed potatoes so i made some instant gravy and had that for lunch. i was online window shopping and funny video watching until 5 which was when i made my super spaghetti. i had a pot of spaghetti boiling and i was mincing garlic and onions when ma got back. we made the sauce together and it was fun! we used a new recipe with mascarpone cheese so it was really rich and thick like a bolognese- carbonara hybrid. i loved it! cheese is my favourite food ever! but it looked really orange and that might be a put off for some because of the bright orange-ness that one hardly sees in pasta.
about this time last night daddy bought my new camera, a sony a5000, now if you're a regular(i'd be happy you're back) you'd know that i always wanted a camera so bad that i go to sleep crying that i dont have one. BUT NOW I GOT ONE! it's pink and it's cool. i cant wait to get on my mile-long list of filming projects i made throughout the year. i'm going to have my own photoshoot as well! i've always wanted to have paparazi. i made a mental list of make up i need to buy, which is something i want to learn and i think will be fun! i dont own plenty of makeup because how will i ever finish a whole tube of lipstick.
yesterday i thought i would make a pretty good dancer so i watched a matt stefanina tutorial and i only needed to be foaming in the mouth to pass for having a rabeez disease. how do you spell it hmm? no time to find out. mom needs the wifi turned off. see ya lovelies
this holiday will be a productive one as long as i keep wanting to try new things. i will start with today and get on with tomorrow. i woke up at 9ish, made a cup of coffee, downed the remaining Vanila Cupcake Goldfish (i remember how hard they were to find in stores...but twas worth it) and watched something on youtube. welcome to the world of excitement!
halfway through my breakfast i thought of this magician-youtuber: collins key and he could do a thousand and one things with a deck of cards so i thought to try it. i tried copying a few youtube tutorials and i mastered the super cool shuffle called riffle shuffle which is the ones you see most often on tv with 1/2 the deck in each hand and very quickly you simultaneously release and they are interwoven. i did a musical.ly on it-find me @happysue001 and be a fan. so i tried a second trick of making a triangle with one super swift motion. it got fustrating and i remembered my best friend's old motto that anything can be taught and i got it-partly. sissy told me to vacuum and i did but now the floor's dusty again so i dont get point. i took a shower and got to my homework for an hour then got my precious laptop. i watched tutorials on how to make a sick youtube intro and tried to get a free trail on photoshop cc with a different email account. someone explain this: i could download it but when i open it it says trial has expired and this was a different email. i then tried free youtube intros but they were all watermarked darn. by now it's 1pm and i ate some potatoes chips with cheddar Goldfish. i watched The nanny for a bit and then went to make some tuna cutlets. i peeled some potatoes, boiled them, mashed them and added my tuna, one egg, one big onion, herb mix and salt and pepper. i shaped them like nuggets and pan fried them. AWESOME! i had leftover mashed potatoes so i made some instant gravy and had that for lunch. i was online window shopping and funny video watching until 5 which was when i made my super spaghetti. i had a pot of spaghetti boiling and i was mincing garlic and onions when ma got back. we made the sauce together and it was fun! we used a new recipe with mascarpone cheese so it was really rich and thick like a bolognese- carbonara hybrid. i loved it! cheese is my favourite food ever! but it looked really orange and that might be a put off for some because of the bright orange-ness that one hardly sees in pasta.
about this time last night daddy bought my new camera, a sony a5000, now if you're a regular(i'd be happy you're back) you'd know that i always wanted a camera so bad that i go to sleep crying that i dont have one. BUT NOW I GOT ONE! it's pink and it's cool. i cant wait to get on my mile-long list of filming projects i made throughout the year. i'm going to have my own photoshoot as well! i've always wanted to have paparazi. i made a mental list of make up i need to buy, which is something i want to learn and i think will be fun! i dont own plenty of makeup because how will i ever finish a whole tube of lipstick.
yesterday i thought i would make a pretty good dancer so i watched a matt stefanina tutorial and i only needed to be foaming in the mouth to pass for having a rabeez disease. how do you spell it hmm? no time to find out. mom needs the wifi turned off. see ya lovelies
Sunday, 20 November 2016
free soup from pizza hut
hey everybody here!!! happy sunday! saturday was a drawl and the only exciting thing was being able to work on my new study resource website and getting most right in my math homework. i woke up at 11am today which is a surprise because im normally up early in Kampar. i think it's because i woke up in the middle of the night for a washroom break. another thing about yesterday was that an old lady said that i looked bigger than my sister so she thought i was the older one and it really hurt my feelings because slightly earlier i discovered that most of my shorts were tight. that sucks for 2 reasons: a) i have a secret dream of being a pageant queen(not so secret anymore) and b) now that i am a grown up, 'rents dont pay for my clothes anymore and i maxed my spending for the next year by getting a camera. i plan to dress in drapes and seaweed designed by my house rats: jackjack and gus! they do magic. i really have nothing to complain though. when the going gets tough, the tough get going so i plan to try my hand at altering the clothes i have into high-end fashion.
wait, i remember another exciting thing- i left a message on Trump's website. that's for me and him to know and i really hope the message got through.
today started with a healthy brunch of french toast made by my amazing sissy. and i had about 4 cups of water but no hot milo till lunch hour. i did math, my chemistry project on proteins and did you know that you can unboil an egg. all you need is a centrifuge and youre good to go. also, you can compose music with the pattern of protein unraveling. some school did it and sounded so good. for tea i had half a tube of pringles.
i need to mention here these 2 songs i have been hearing on replay and the funny thing is they're both sung by 12 year olds. why was i not pushed into show biz at 12, i have no idea. the first is 'day and night' by mackenzie ziegler and the second is 'i dont know my name' by grace van der waal. if you know chemistry then you know what van der waal forces mean. im going to get sissy to cover her song. sissy is a superb musician.
dinner was pizza hut for me and sissy and we had a booth table, really cozy and it was next to the window so we could see our car. we each had a personal pan and iced tea and a plate of fries for fun. the fries came with thousand island sauce-strange. then we saw that a survey was going to get us complementary soup and garlic bread. course i did the survey. we got our soup and bread and 10 minutes later, a waitress came bringing us another soup and we told her that we got ours already. she looked a little confused and then she asked, 'can i give this to you?' and we were like OF COURSE YOU CAN! and that's how we got free soup. if youre ever at the only pizza hut of kampar, find the waitress Aqilah and give her a friendly smile. im still happy about it. it was good soup to have on a cold night. thanks aqilah, pizza hut is lucky to have you.
after dinner we went to the mart for orange juice but they were out so we got face masks and pore peeler. we went to tesco then to get our juice and we got juice and coffee. it was a brief mall trip.
hanging out with sissy really made me happy. i hope you are happy too lovelies, goodnight
wait, i remember another exciting thing- i left a message on Trump's website. that's for me and him to know and i really hope the message got through.
today started with a healthy brunch of french toast made by my amazing sissy. and i had about 4 cups of water but no hot milo till lunch hour. i did math, my chemistry project on proteins and did you know that you can unboil an egg. all you need is a centrifuge and youre good to go. also, you can compose music with the pattern of protein unraveling. some school did it and sounded so good. for tea i had half a tube of pringles.
i need to mention here these 2 songs i have been hearing on replay and the funny thing is they're both sung by 12 year olds. why was i not pushed into show biz at 12, i have no idea. the first is 'day and night' by mackenzie ziegler and the second is 'i dont know my name' by grace van der waal. if you know chemistry then you know what van der waal forces mean. im going to get sissy to cover her song. sissy is a superb musician.
dinner was pizza hut for me and sissy and we had a booth table, really cozy and it was next to the window so we could see our car. we each had a personal pan and iced tea and a plate of fries for fun. the fries came with thousand island sauce-strange. then we saw that a survey was going to get us complementary soup and garlic bread. course i did the survey. we got our soup and bread and 10 minutes later, a waitress came bringing us another soup and we told her that we got ours already. she looked a little confused and then she asked, 'can i give this to you?' and we were like OF COURSE YOU CAN! and that's how we got free soup. if youre ever at the only pizza hut of kampar, find the waitress Aqilah and give her a friendly smile. im still happy about it. it was good soup to have on a cold night. thanks aqilah, pizza hut is lucky to have you.
after dinner we went to the mart for orange juice but they were out so we got face masks and pore peeler. we went to tesco then to get our juice and we got juice and coffee. it was a brief mall trip.
hanging out with sissy really made me happy. i hope you are happy too lovelies, goodnight
Friday, 18 November 2016
movie review
happy today guyss!! it's the last day of school for they year and it's awesome!! now i'll finally have time to do all my projects that get me so excited!! having said that, im going to end my 18 month programme on a high note so i will have some math and chemistry to do before getting my fun started. i just got my hair professionally washed and blown so it looks great but honestly it wasnt worth my 15 bucks but it was nice spending time with sissy and i gotta say thanks for taking me to the salon. my hair feels soft and it's never looked this straight in a while. im growing out my shaved head and it's at that awkward growing stage with the sides long and the back short so im styling it in weird ways. i was supposed to be back by 2.30 because my friend mika was coming from kl and we had planned to meet but she ran late and just at 4 she told me she just got to the building and it's too late for me. i got excited about it but it's okay because i get to see her during my holidays. we were just talking and i mentioned the movie the school played in the auditorium titled 'most likely to succeed'. expectations on the screening were high because of the word movie and then we were cheated 1.5 hours of our last day of school because it turned out to be a documentary film about a new style of learning the US has deemed socially acceptable. it focuses on this school-HighTechHigh in San Diego and what they are a school with no standardized tests. they have no start-end period bells, no books so how they are assessed is by an exhibition by years end. example: their project is on engineering and history so they have to create a moving clockwork machine that describes everything about it. they exhibit it and get graded on it. that's application for whatever they may have learnt from a standard school textbook.
my big take away from it was that a degree and the good grades doesnt equate to intelligence and smarts. i have a steel trap in my head so i dont worry about much. my friend in school thinks otherwise, that life hasnt be lived unless you have a degree in hand and you absolutely have a certain amount of smarts to graduate. her argument was that paper qualification gets you recognized in society and gets you to be the best version of yourself. we both want a degree, but for different reasons. me- for financial stability, her- for learning indepth about a particle accelerator machine.
anyways, other than the movie, we had pizza, junk food, sparkling grape juice and a game of saboteur. it's this fun card game and im the only one with an original set, the other kid's sets are all pirated versions of it.
yesterday i slept early at 11 which surprised me because i had a green tea frappe with chocolate chips at starbucks at 9 so i thought the sugar would have me running like a well oiled machine long. me and 3 other kids from class went to a mart to get snacks for today and we had starbucks after. the reason for starbucks was they had a buy 1 get 1 free from 7-8pm and in the end we missed the offer.
i have to have my dinner now. we are having noodles and curry. i was going to talk about me reminiscing on graduating high school last year but the food's calling for me. see ya lovelies
my big take away from it was that a degree and the good grades doesnt equate to intelligence and smarts. i have a steel trap in my head so i dont worry about much. my friend in school thinks otherwise, that life hasnt be lived unless you have a degree in hand and you absolutely have a certain amount of smarts to graduate. her argument was that paper qualification gets you recognized in society and gets you to be the best version of yourself. we both want a degree, but for different reasons. me- for financial stability, her- for learning indepth about a particle accelerator machine.
anyways, other than the movie, we had pizza, junk food, sparkling grape juice and a game of saboteur. it's this fun card game and im the only one with an original set, the other kid's sets are all pirated versions of it.
yesterday i slept early at 11 which surprised me because i had a green tea frappe with chocolate chips at starbucks at 9 so i thought the sugar would have me running like a well oiled machine long. me and 3 other kids from class went to a mart to get snacks for today and we had starbucks after. the reason for starbucks was they had a buy 1 get 1 free from 7-8pm and in the end we missed the offer.
i have to have my dinner now. we are having noodles and curry. i was going to talk about me reminiscing on graduating high school last year but the food's calling for me. see ya lovelies
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
the nanny
hi there friends! it's 7.30pm and I have showered and after this i shall get my school work done. i last posted on monday morning so i should probably continue on from there. we went to ipoh to get sissy's bag and there it was beneath the piano, safe and sound. we were barely in the house for a half hour when we had to get started on our journey back. we went to a coffee shop, where we had rice, chapati and noodles. the place was crowded but we got the a big table and we ate. then this 50 year old punjabi man walked up to us asking if he could have a seat at our table. now ma and sissy werent around because they went to place their orders and i thought that since we have spare seats on our table, why not let him join us so i said yeah. i think im a super observant person and more sensitive to stimuli than most people like i can find Waldo in 3 seconds tops. thing i didnt notice was he was in hospital pajamas and had an iv drip bandage on his left hand, props to me, i noticed his turban. he talked to us and he was all polite and friendly and then he said he walked out the nearby hospital undischarged, after having some slip disk surgery. it was here when i noticed the attire but no regrets sharing the table.
it rained when we got on the highway but we made it here safe.
yesterday i went to school and it was the deepavali celebration so of course my friend had to go sing a tamil song. there were these kolam which is like coloured rice on the floor which actually forms an image and they were pretty good. good things about school yesterday: 1)i understood maths perfectly 2)ma packed my crossword book in my lunch bag!-love you ma and 3)dropped physics
it was also a night of discoveries because i did some spring cleaning. i found some old birthday gifts, a couple of sport medals and a wireless mouse. there's still stuff to clear and they're mostly school notes so i'm in the process of creating a Wordpress website to upload my homework and notes. when i dont get a question or any topic i often visit forums and join in student discussions so i thought if my own notes could help a lucky soul or two that'd be great. the site's online but it's still blank because i had other things to do. i will mention here when it's done. before i slept i wanted to calm down so i watched an episode of my old favourite sitcom-The Nanny. story goes... there's a lady who worked in retail and she got fired and when she went door to door to sell make up, the butler from one house thought she was a new nanny and she (by chance) she got hired. the kids are weird, the dad's good looking, the butler a joke factory. you can find full episodes online, where i watch them too.
this morning i reached school the same time as my friend and we had chem together where i'd like to believe i outshone her today! hahaha im not worried she'll see this, she only reads my blog when i ask her to. everything's a competition between us even who can carry the most cups.
i want to mention here that i have stopped hearing voices in my head. happiness is mine!!
see ya! lovelies
it rained when we got on the highway but we made it here safe.
yesterday i went to school and it was the deepavali celebration so of course my friend had to go sing a tamil song. there were these kolam which is like coloured rice on the floor which actually forms an image and they were pretty good. good things about school yesterday: 1)i understood maths perfectly 2)ma packed my crossword book in my lunch bag!-love you ma and 3)dropped physics
it was also a night of discoveries because i did some spring cleaning. i found some old birthday gifts, a couple of sport medals and a wireless mouse. there's still stuff to clear and they're mostly school notes so i'm in the process of creating a Wordpress website to upload my homework and notes. when i dont get a question or any topic i often visit forums and join in student discussions so i thought if my own notes could help a lucky soul or two that'd be great. the site's online but it's still blank because i had other things to do. i will mention here when it's done. before i slept i wanted to calm down so i watched an episode of my old favourite sitcom-The Nanny. story goes... there's a lady who worked in retail and she got fired and when she went door to door to sell make up, the butler from one house thought she was a new nanny and she (by chance) she got hired. the kids are weird, the dad's good looking, the butler a joke factory. you can find full episodes online, where i watch them too.
this morning i reached school the same time as my friend and we had chem together where i'd like to believe i outshone her today! hahaha im not worried she'll see this, she only reads my blog when i ask her to. everything's a competition between us even who can carry the most cups.
i want to mention here that i have stopped hearing voices in my head. happiness is mine!!
see ya! lovelies
Sunday, 13 November 2016
the darkest post ever
hello everybody!!! it is 10.30 so i have been awake for an hour now. i just got my laptop back from sissy and i am finding a truckload of files that arent mine and i cant get rid of them in case she needs them again. story goes, we arrived in kampar at 8 last night and as we unloaded the trunk, sissy went, 'shit, backpack's not here' and course she had to have an exam the next day. we couldnt drive back so we helped her make do with what we had. thankfully i was over prepared for my exams that just ended so i gave her my stash of new stationery. the biggest issue was she needed a laptop and so she took mine. i didnt mind really, i mean i saw how red-faced-angry-stressed she was so course i wanted to help. this was bigger than laughing when your buddy trips. plus i know how important exams are better than anyone. but to be honest, i was a bit unhappy that with her using good ol' lappie, she was killing the time i could have used on photoshop(only 3 days of trial left). i havent even got to trying to edit videos yet. so far i have been doing a lot face swaps of me and greyson chance(shocker) and some funny ones with my fam's faces. i legit have the best mom ever! she supports me and thinks the programme is cool and laughs at all my funny edits. to all the close minded parents out there, just chill and dont kill yourself when there's a funny edit of you somewhere. speaking from personal experience, it's the worst thing when adults think that I, a super cool teen, am set on ruining their lives by having fun with technology. okay, get this(blood's boiling), I HAPPEN TO BE PRETTY SMART, YA. AND I KNOW THAT I SHOULDNT SHARE LIKE PRIVATE INFORMATION ONLINE SO YOU BREATHING DOWN MY NECK ABOUT NOT REVEALING CRUD LIKE THAT, IS PLAIN INSULTING. adults thought i was ruining my life by getting facebook and hah! i'm still above ground. it sucks if they dont support your interests. like, 'oh im sorry i dont want to live life as a blind, deaf and dumb person to society with no positive outlook on life, have no fun and die of boredom. NOT'. it just sucks. Most adults just have no sense of humor.
so, happy thoughts! we have 40 mini candy canes in the house, cookies and candy and i get to try an apple crumble recipe whenever i want. it's monday and i am doing my favourite thing in the world-BLOGGING. i have origami to try and photoshop effects to learn. ma is bringing me and sissy to penang next month. yes, i feel much happier now.
im going to have to get ready for lunch. here's more edits OF ME that i am proud of and want to share. these are for my youtube channel and i like them. see you lovelies
so, happy thoughts! we have 40 mini candy canes in the house, cookies and candy and i get to try an apple crumble recipe whenever i want. it's monday and i am doing my favourite thing in the world-BLOGGING. i have origami to try and photoshop effects to learn. ma is bringing me and sissy to penang next month. yes, i feel much happier now.
im going to have to get ready for lunch. here's more edits OF ME that i am proud of and want to share. these are for my youtube channel and i like them. see you lovelies
needed somewhere to display this
guys i am still obsessed with photoshop and only 4 days left in trial and guess who whipped this up!
tell me if you think it's brilliant! gotta get myself to the train station now. love hearts
Saturday, 12 November 2016
learning photoshop
HELLO YOU GUYSSSSS!! it has been awhile and i miss writing about my day here. im in ipoh, in my own bed, wiped from half a day at the mall. i know in the previous post i said i would post my original story about a dragon and some cranes but it physically pains me to say that it's only half done so im giving you one of those 'coming soon' adverts you see in the movies that i strongly dislike.
i had a nandos lunch, that's pretty common i know but i didnt a drink with it but i got a strawberry-watermelon-banana iceblended from juice works. i got more origami paper too. these are different from the ones i already have, like they have little shiny hearts and stars patterns on the paper and they cost more. i did shop for clothes for a while then decided against it when i remembered i might to pay for a camera sometime soon. i honestly have been waiting for far too long for my camera and -mom can vouch for this- i am the least patient person in the whole world. as a kid i would fuss if i didnt get the toy i wanted there and then because i always feared other people would buy it and the toy manufacturers would stop producing that paticular toy and life ends there. that cycle's messed up, i know but like i said, i'm impatient. it's funny because i love word search, and anyting puzzle related.
i have had plenty of time on my hands for the past 3 days since exams are over and my 9-5 job yesterday was messing with my free trial of Photoshop. It is AMAZING! I keep telling my mom i cant believe i spent one too many years not messing with the programme. for now all i know is pretty basic, like how to crop out faces, add faces, and how to draw shapes. im pretty sure there's more and i am hooked. here's my favourire project so far:
ISNT THAT COOL!! that's my squad goals. one thing i realised from messing with photoshop is that i dont enough pictures of myself. that pic of me was from last chinese new year. i dont even look like that anymore. the only album i have is from last year's grad party and chinese new year. i mean, i have short hair now! i realise that may have seemed kinda vain and i am not narcissictic, trust me. but imagine this, if i went missing, my family wont have a valid pic of me to use in the 'missing person's' flyer. i have never gotten on the selfie bandwagon(still think it's stupid that's it's in a dictionary).
yesterday dad got back form kl and it is always a joyous occasion especially yesterday because we had prawns, squid and fishcurry for dinner. prawns are my favourite food, since as long as i can remember but they leave me itching an hour later so i am on pills for that. itching sounds gross but trust me i stratch with grace and elegance. dad got yummy imported grubbies that i love and the best yesterday were the peeps. they are chicken shaped marshmellows and we got caramel apple and pumpkin spice latte flavoured ones. we got peppermint patties and goldfish too.
i fell a sleep at 12 plus, watching danny phanton, a classic-just like american dragon- and gosh i like sam and tucker so much, theyre hilarious. before falling asleep, i remembered how special yesterday actually was. it was pocky day!! and i had a box of oreo pocky for breakfast. HAPPY BELATED POCKY DAY GUYS! this morning sissy reminded me that yesterday was also singles day(gosh it's raining outside). singles because the dates, 11/11/16 so all the ones are just one. hahaha brilliant.
i nearly forgot about this but i was dying to mention it here, i have a new website!!! yay!! PROUDLY PRSENTING, my new website . do check it out, it'll make ya a lot smarter hahaha. it's a free website, really easy to make and i had it in the editing process for nearly half a year because i was super busy with school and whatnot. i realised after visiting it was that it was ready to be put up but for some reason i kept it as draft all the while. anyways it's up now, have been for about 2 days now, send love and get excited.
before i go to my cartoons i must tell you what i had 2 dinners ago, i went a restaurant called, kbab and they served korean food so ma and i got kimchi udon and dumpling ramen and they were so good and the portions were just fish tank sized bowls and they were super good i hope we go there again. it's late now, thanks for being here, love my lovelies
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
last day of school
hello everybody!! im at home, it just rained and the cold air makes my blanket get worlds cozier. there's so many events that have taken place since last update, i need to get it all down... IN A LIST!
1)i took my last exam paper today!! woopie!! im ecstatic, im relieved, im optimistic about the future
2)today's election day for US! which also happens to be the day i find out that the malaysian government has no more funds for free healthcare because there was supposedly too many patients. i dont intend to go to jail(that's an amos yee's thing) but i have to say, i'd rather have Trump running malaysia than um... say the guy on the hot seat right now. also 2 seconds ago i heard that canada's immigration site crashed cause too many people want to leave now that trumps leading.
3)i have found my old favourite disney cartoon, American Dragon!! tv aired a lot more quality cartoons a decade ago compared to now. think about it: i had totally spies, danny phantom, hey arnold and jimmy neutron and they were the best shows to watch after school. not really up to date with whats the hottest cartoon now but im hearing a lot of 'sofia the first' and 'doc mcstuffings'. i will now predict the storyline for both shows which i'm sure is about right. 'sofia the first' is about this toddler, sofia who is the most vain and selfish 3 year old in the world. she has to be the first or she dies like Rue from the hunger games. every episode is about the lengths she goes to to be the first in everything including making up royal titles like having I or III or IX. wait i got reminded of my 3 year old self for a second. I MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST AT EVERYTHING! say we are saying our bedtime prayers, i have to say mine first and after i say them, everyone in the room must say, 'GOOD PRAYER'. kinda funny when you reminisce on the younger you. im gonna guess that 'doc mcstuffings' is about a 3 year old who watched doctor doolittle one too many times and thinks she's like his descendant except her animals are all imaginary and her parents arent worried but play along which leads to no friends by first grade. also she becomes vegetarian freaks when she finds out that meat comes from animals which i didnt know myself until late in life.
4)i had tea with the Queen of england. okay not really but i might as well had. sissy took me out for tea and i dont get to see much now that she's got all these clubs and fun activities going on but she made time to take me out for waffles so that made me a very happy me. we wanted bubbly hong kong waffles but the cafe was just about to open so we went to a different(BETTER) cafe. i got a waffle platter and it came with chocolate sauce, ice cream, strawberries and grapes. sissy just had a latte for herself.
5)my groove with origami leads me to writing up a story about dragons! that's a picture of my tower bridge model i made a while ago and on the right is a black dragon origami waiting to prance on a purple crane origami who is the sentry of the bridge. it's pretty long so i will have it as tomorrow's post. this image was what reminded me of American Dragon in the first place. if you dont know what it's about, it's about this teen new yorker who is half white and half chinese and his chinese bloodline enables him to morph into a dragon at will and he uses his powers to fight bad guys from the magical realm.
6)i need a list of things i plan to do with my short break. time to make one NOW!
also ma just got home! love my lovelies
1)i took my last exam paper today!! woopie!! im ecstatic, im relieved, im optimistic about the future
2)today's election day for US! which also happens to be the day i find out that the malaysian government has no more funds for free healthcare because there was supposedly too many patients. i dont intend to go to jail(that's an amos yee's thing) but i have to say, i'd rather have Trump running malaysia than um... say the guy on the hot seat right now. also 2 seconds ago i heard that canada's immigration site crashed cause too many people want to leave now that trumps leading.
3)i have found my old favourite disney cartoon, American Dragon!! tv aired a lot more quality cartoons a decade ago compared to now. think about it: i had totally spies, danny phantom, hey arnold and jimmy neutron and they were the best shows to watch after school. not really up to date with whats the hottest cartoon now but im hearing a lot of 'sofia the first' and 'doc mcstuffings'. i will now predict the storyline for both shows which i'm sure is about right. 'sofia the first' is about this toddler, sofia who is the most vain and selfish 3 year old in the world. she has to be the first or she dies like Rue from the hunger games. every episode is about the lengths she goes to to be the first in everything including making up royal titles like having I or III or IX. wait i got reminded of my 3 year old self for a second. I MUST ALWAYS BE THE FIRST AT EVERYTHING! say we are saying our bedtime prayers, i have to say mine first and after i say them, everyone in the room must say, 'GOOD PRAYER'. kinda funny when you reminisce on the younger you. im gonna guess that 'doc mcstuffings' is about a 3 year old who watched doctor doolittle one too many times and thinks she's like his descendant except her animals are all imaginary and her parents arent worried but play along which leads to no friends by first grade. also she becomes vegetarian freaks when she finds out that meat comes from animals which i didnt know myself until late in life.
4)i had tea with the Queen of england. okay not really but i might as well had. sissy took me out for tea and i dont get to see much now that she's got all these clubs and fun activities going on but she made time to take me out for waffles so that made me a very happy me. we wanted bubbly hong kong waffles but the cafe was just about to open so we went to a different(BETTER) cafe. i got a waffle platter and it came with chocolate sauce, ice cream, strawberries and grapes. sissy just had a latte for herself.
5)my groove with origami leads me to writing up a story about dragons! that's a picture of my tower bridge model i made a while ago and on the right is a black dragon origami waiting to prance on a purple crane origami who is the sentry of the bridge. it's pretty long so i will have it as tomorrow's post. this image was what reminded me of American Dragon in the first place. if you dont know what it's about, it's about this teen new yorker who is half white and half chinese and his chinese bloodline enables him to morph into a dragon at will and he uses his powers to fight bad guys from the magical realm.
6)i need a list of things i plan to do with my short break. time to make one NOW!
also ma just got home! love my lovelies
Saturday, 5 November 2016
sue and ma adventure
hello, hello there! i have a half hour for this update before i have to get dressed for dinner. me and ma will be having roast chicken at Kenny's. im just going for their muffins if im honest. ma is at the dining hall marking papers and im all cozy on my sissy's bed in ipoh. she didnt come home this weekend because she's got plenty fun assignments to do. one of them required my help-an overstatement as it was just filling out a survey- and i was super generous with my help of course.
ma took me for lunch at a nearby fried noodle place we havent been to in ages. it was next to a fruit market where we used to get our bananas and persimmons from but we dont anymore. now we get our apples and oranges from a van perched next to a main street every saturday. good lunch always makes me crave ice cream-anything reminds me of soft serve- so mom thought we'd go to the mini mart on the way home for ice cream and get some car parking coupons there too(i miss those meters and feeding coins into them). so we're in the neighbourhood right, and ma parks a great distance away from the mart, like 2 blocks and she asks, 'is this too far?'. honestly, i dont mind walking but we passed ample parking on the way and she could have picked a munch closer one so i say yes and she parks again, on motorcycle parking and makes to get down. there i was, all innocent and so confused and then she goes like, 'wait, where are we going?' and i crack up.
My laptop was asleep for 2 hours and now i have already had my dinner, im stuffed but content.
today i woke up to a phone ringing, not mine but my mom's. we got dressed and went out for a roti canai breakfast and i had a hot cup of tea. i have drank a lot of types of tea in my life and i think it's not as healthy as everyone seems to put it. i mean, the organic ones in bags with no sugar might be good but in other forms, they are sweet, probably had a tonne of pesticides in it and let's assume your heart can stop from having yellow teeth. next stops were the gas station, the bank and the market. i must describe the market, it's a goldmine. it forms a perfect rectangle, with 90 degree corners and the individual stalls, all rigid in order form a frame for the market. in the center of it, there's a green grass patch( for decor, im assuming) and bougainvillea plants. the patch's like an oval shape so i imagine if you look from above, it'll look like an egg with a green yolk. wait, it may have been Roald Dahl's inspiration in green eggs and ham. hahaha. the entrances are super high security because you're not supposed to have a car in the walking path. ready for the elaborate explanation here. there's a waist high fence, aluminum painted green. and it forms a maze like this: -_- so you have to pick left or right direction to turn to, to ultimately get to the same spot. the walking part's like a red cobblestone walk and there's stray cats sprayed everywhere like confetti after the birthday bash. i didnt pay attention to the stalls but i do know how the one selling pork looks like. the front is a curtain of meat. this butcher's stall inspired Gaga's meat dress. then on the front of it is a tree stump the height of 8 year old me and it's their chopping board. i wish i could paint the smell but i held my breath so i'll make it up. say it's the smell of the fishpond that hasnt been cleaned for a year and there's a Happy meal floating around on the surface.
im still in the same position as when i started, on sissy's bed. ma and i should have been at church but dinner took a while so we'll miss our communion. last night i fell asleep rereading 'me before you'. i cant wait for next wednesday and i will tell you all why then. i have my holiday projects to put to action soon honestly im super excited.
i think i will get to my origami now. today i will have my 3rd attempt at a dragon. yesterday was an improvement from the first time so we're getting close. 3rd times the charm isnt it?
sleep sound lovelies
ma took me for lunch at a nearby fried noodle place we havent been to in ages. it was next to a fruit market where we used to get our bananas and persimmons from but we dont anymore. now we get our apples and oranges from a van perched next to a main street every saturday. good lunch always makes me crave ice cream-anything reminds me of soft serve- so mom thought we'd go to the mini mart on the way home for ice cream and get some car parking coupons there too(i miss those meters and feeding coins into them). so we're in the neighbourhood right, and ma parks a great distance away from the mart, like 2 blocks and she asks, 'is this too far?'. honestly, i dont mind walking but we passed ample parking on the way and she could have picked a munch closer one so i say yes and she parks again, on motorcycle parking and makes to get down. there i was, all innocent and so confused and then she goes like, 'wait, where are we going?' and i crack up.
My laptop was asleep for 2 hours and now i have already had my dinner, im stuffed but content.
today i woke up to a phone ringing, not mine but my mom's. we got dressed and went out for a roti canai breakfast and i had a hot cup of tea. i have drank a lot of types of tea in my life and i think it's not as healthy as everyone seems to put it. i mean, the organic ones in bags with no sugar might be good but in other forms, they are sweet, probably had a tonne of pesticides in it and let's assume your heart can stop from having yellow teeth. next stops were the gas station, the bank and the market. i must describe the market, it's a goldmine. it forms a perfect rectangle, with 90 degree corners and the individual stalls, all rigid in order form a frame for the market. in the center of it, there's a green grass patch( for decor, im assuming) and bougainvillea plants. the patch's like an oval shape so i imagine if you look from above, it'll look like an egg with a green yolk. wait, it may have been Roald Dahl's inspiration in green eggs and ham. hahaha. the entrances are super high security because you're not supposed to have a car in the walking path. ready for the elaborate explanation here. there's a waist high fence, aluminum painted green. and it forms a maze like this: -_- so you have to pick left or right direction to turn to, to ultimately get to the same spot. the walking part's like a red cobblestone walk and there's stray cats sprayed everywhere like confetti after the birthday bash. i didnt pay attention to the stalls but i do know how the one selling pork looks like. the front is a curtain of meat. this butcher's stall inspired Gaga's meat dress. then on the front of it is a tree stump the height of 8 year old me and it's their chopping board. i wish i could paint the smell but i held my breath so i'll make it up. say it's the smell of the fishpond that hasnt been cleaned for a year and there's a Happy meal floating around on the surface.
im still in the same position as when i started, on sissy's bed. ma and i should have been at church but dinner took a while so we'll miss our communion. last night i fell asleep rereading 'me before you'. i cant wait for next wednesday and i will tell you all why then. i have my holiday projects to put to action soon honestly im super excited.
i think i will get to my origami now. today i will have my 3rd attempt at a dragon. yesterday was an improvement from the first time so we're getting close. 3rd times the charm isnt it?
sleep sound lovelies
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
hi, gorgeous people!! i had my lunch and a brilliant dessert of coffee with ice cream. it was so good!! i dont really fancy coffee but i heard of this italian-style coffee called and affogato which is black coffee with vanilla ice cream on top and curiosity won the best of me and i got rewarded. my friend is still at school but im home now, just had lunch of my leftover lasagna. my surprise for mom turned out excellent by the way! it took me an hour to make and here's my step by stop: boil pasta sheets, chop onions, garlic and veggies, fry them, add mince meat, tomato puree, water and mixed herbs and let simmer. it was so fun to assemble the whole dish and i managed 4 layers of noodles. sissy and mom loved it! she was so happy! we're going to dinner tonight, to get sushi and then get the ingredients for mom's bread pudding.
yesterday night i made the decision to close 3 of my 5 ear piercings. i had 3 on my right ear and 2 on my left. i got them some 2 years ago when it was cool, now it's just annoying to keep changing all them all the time or they'll smell rancid. i think it's important to care about appearances so you'll always be pleased when you look at the mirror and feel good. to get there, work out, use hand creams, all that minor things. the really pretty you see on tv, all plastic, smoke, mirrors and makeup. be you and no one can take away the amazing person you are. point is, whatever you do, do it for you and not to please the world cause they never notice. im growing out my hair and it's at that awkward stage where it's too short to tie but too long to be untied so i went to school looking like a kindergardener with 2 short ponytails at each side of my head. i thought it was weird but when i brought it up at class, no one had noticed. no one noticed the piercings too, a total waste of cash if you ask me.
today's paper was a good one, with only 2 questions and few subquestions. im counting the days till the 9th to be honest.
i got 55fans on musical.ly now and i showed my friends what the apps all about because they dont know so on the featured section someone did a mannequin dance to juju on that beat and it was hilarious but weird at the same time and course cause it's funny i wanted me and my friends to do it too but we wont.
last night mom gave me a notebook and i used it and i loved it! i always feel the best when i have pen and paper, like everything's all right with life. im so blessed to have words.
im thinking of watching a clip from Shark tank before getting to my work today. also the project with my musketeers are at go!
love my lovelies
yesterday night i made the decision to close 3 of my 5 ear piercings. i had 3 on my right ear and 2 on my left. i got them some 2 years ago when it was cool, now it's just annoying to keep changing all them all the time or they'll smell rancid. i think it's important to care about appearances so you'll always be pleased when you look at the mirror and feel good. to get there, work out, use hand creams, all that minor things. the really pretty you see on tv, all plastic, smoke, mirrors and makeup. be you and no one can take away the amazing person you are. point is, whatever you do, do it for you and not to please the world cause they never notice. im growing out my hair and it's at that awkward stage where it's too short to tie but too long to be untied so i went to school looking like a kindergardener with 2 short ponytails at each side of my head. i thought it was weird but when i brought it up at class, no one had noticed. no one noticed the piercings too, a total waste of cash if you ask me.
today's paper was a good one, with only 2 questions and few subquestions. im counting the days till the 9th to be honest.
i got 55fans on musical.ly now and i showed my friends what the apps all about because they dont know so on the featured section someone did a mannequin dance to juju on that beat and it was hilarious but weird at the same time and course cause it's funny i wanted me and my friends to do it too but we wont.
last night mom gave me a notebook and i used it and i loved it! i always feel the best when i have pen and paper, like everything's all right with life. im so blessed to have words.
im thinking of watching a clip from Shark tank before getting to my work today. also the project with my musketeers are at go!
love my lovelies
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
lasagna surprise
hello people and non-people! it's almost lunch now but im still full from breakfast for cookies but a genius idea came to me that i can surprise my mom with dinner. yesterday mom made a sumptuous dinner of prawns, chicken and eggs and it was a tonne of work so she said she's too wiped to make dinner again so today she'll be taking me out for dinner but i thought, why not surprise her with... LASAGNA. we have everything in the house: meat, pasta sauce, lasagna sheets and other things. i'll get to it at 3pm because i dont know how long it takes to cook so might as well be early.
yesterday night i attempted 2 new origami models, a rose and a butterfly. key word here being 'attempted'. the rose never made it to the final step because i didnt get pass the 3rd step without being helplessly confused and when i showed my sissy the butterfly, she guessed it was a wilting flower. origami has been a lot of fun and tonight i will challenge myself to do paper cranes blindfolded. oirgami takes a lot to precision and focus and i like it cause it stems the flow of the thoughts youd rather forget.
i made rice yesterday at 3pm and i know because i set an alarm to remind me to get the rice in the cooker. i had a paper yesterday and it ended at 10am but most of the class stayed till lunch and we discussed a class trip. it was the worst discussion possible because every time we decide on something, someone else changes it and back to square one.
when i got home from school i texted my high school bestie and we discussed our short film we're working on. it's going to be about our gang of 4 and how we got separated after graduation. it's a work in progress, but having multiple projects really keeps me busy and i will only do and think things that are lovely and pleasing and not destructive. the NGO project is still on it's way.
i have no class today so im relaxing, maybe do origami and read a bit. sissy is out and will be back late.
i was thinking of how much this blog means to me and then it hit me that i actually had an almost-blog when i was about 7. the computers were big and white back then and i mean desktop computers not laptops. dad introduced me to microsoft word where you type things like formal documents and you can add pictures to it. he started one document with me to teach me to use it and i named the doc, SUSANNA'S STORY. everyday i would write in it like a journal but the funny part is every sentence was in numbered lines. for example:
gotta dash. christmas is coming!! love my lovelies
yesterday night i attempted 2 new origami models, a rose and a butterfly. key word here being 'attempted'. the rose never made it to the final step because i didnt get pass the 3rd step without being helplessly confused and when i showed my sissy the butterfly, she guessed it was a wilting flower. origami has been a lot of fun and tonight i will challenge myself to do paper cranes blindfolded. oirgami takes a lot to precision and focus and i like it cause it stems the flow of the thoughts youd rather forget.
i made rice yesterday at 3pm and i know because i set an alarm to remind me to get the rice in the cooker. i had a paper yesterday and it ended at 10am but most of the class stayed till lunch and we discussed a class trip. it was the worst discussion possible because every time we decide on something, someone else changes it and back to square one.
when i got home from school i texted my high school bestie and we discussed our short film we're working on. it's going to be about our gang of 4 and how we got separated after graduation. it's a work in progress, but having multiple projects really keeps me busy and i will only do and think things that are lovely and pleasing and not destructive. the NGO project is still on it's way.
i have no class today so im relaxing, maybe do origami and read a bit. sissy is out and will be back late.
i was thinking of how much this blog means to me and then it hit me that i actually had an almost-blog when i was about 7. the computers were big and white back then and i mean desktop computers not laptops. dad introduced me to microsoft word where you type things like formal documents and you can add pictures to it. he started one document with me to teach me to use it and i named the doc, SUSANNA'S STORY. everyday i would write in it like a journal but the funny part is every sentence was in numbered lines. for example:
- my name is susanna ooi.
- i have school today.
- my teachers name is ms crazy.
- dad will drive the Saga and pick me up at 6pm.
gotta dash. christmas is coming!! love my lovelies
Sunday, 30 October 2016
talks by me
happy day to you guys!!! it's monday today and so far so good! i woke up because i had to pee, it was really early but i know that if you hold in pee, you get kidney stones and you have to get surgery. i've been in an operation theater before when i was 10, the procedure was to keep your nose clean or something to do with sinus. im grateful i had it cause i rarely sneeze and when im in class the thing i hate to hear the most is another kid sneezing cause we all sit close and its loud and gross and just bad. sissy woke up the same time i did and she made toast for me!! yay!! so i had toast with a cuppa and then i took my shower, and tried out some new origami which i was just doing before starting this post. i have mastered the crane and dinosaur and the next thing for me is to master the lily. the lily was the worst , the furthest i got was to the part where you mark the diagonals and the halves of the origami paper. i will try again though! i know i can and i will succeed.
im feeling motivational! if you're feeling anxiety, or tiredness and fear. just do something fun!! i was really stressed last night and i had my bad thoughts again but i know how to fight it now. it took me a year to discover it and i hope this helps you. you see, i know that good people who are hopeful for good things and want it bad will have whatever it is that makes her happy. there's good! the excellent future in store will happen as long as in your mind you tell yourself you will do your sterling best for it. thing is somethings your bad thoughts eclipse the good and they tell you all the evils you dont want in your life. if you exclaim. proclaim and just know in full confidence that as long as you DONT ALLOW the negativity in your head, youre actually preventing your scary thoughts to happen. i'm not living to be bitter so dont waste away, just like im trying not to. let I DONT ALLOW IT, be your mantra. IM A WINNER sounds good too. anyways, i needed to keep my hands busy to keep happy so i was going to the thing that makes me happiest, post an update but my laptop was at 7 percent battery and the outlet in my room was charging my tablet. a fun thought i had was to play with my sister's make up because i see her do it a lot but she was out for drinks and i couldnt take it without her knowing. i folded some clothes them ma said she needed a card for a friend's birthday so i got some coloured paper and i had the idea of making origami so that's how this fad started for me. it's fun and i recommend it for the art junkies out tehre.
i had a wonderful meal last evening of chicken curry and apple soup! love it!! also my dessert was what i looked forward to the most. ma got me Butterbeer like the fictional drink that existed in HP and it tasted fantastic!! really sweet, really bubbly and i will definitely get more!
dad's train to KL yesterday traveled there with no problems. so on friday the tracks got derailed and 100 cargo trains went all over the place, messing up the tracks so dad didnt know if his train could take him back on Sunday but it arrived yesterday hurray.
i tried a new snack too yesterday. it's called Gold Fish and they were packed in the cutest paper bag and they taste amazing! i will go much some now and i'll be back. always.
love my lovelies
im feeling motivational! if you're feeling anxiety, or tiredness and fear. just do something fun!! i was really stressed last night and i had my bad thoughts again but i know how to fight it now. it took me a year to discover it and i hope this helps you. you see, i know that good people who are hopeful for good things and want it bad will have whatever it is that makes her happy. there's good! the excellent future in store will happen as long as in your mind you tell yourself you will do your sterling best for it. thing is somethings your bad thoughts eclipse the good and they tell you all the evils you dont want in your life. if you exclaim. proclaim and just know in full confidence that as long as you DONT ALLOW the negativity in your head, youre actually preventing your scary thoughts to happen. i'm not living to be bitter so dont waste away, just like im trying not to. let I DONT ALLOW IT, be your mantra. IM A WINNER sounds good too. anyways, i needed to keep my hands busy to keep happy so i was going to the thing that makes me happiest, post an update but my laptop was at 7 percent battery and the outlet in my room was charging my tablet. a fun thought i had was to play with my sister's make up because i see her do it a lot but she was out for drinks and i couldnt take it without her knowing. i folded some clothes them ma said she needed a card for a friend's birthday so i got some coloured paper and i had the idea of making origami so that's how this fad started for me. it's fun and i recommend it for the art junkies out tehre.
i had a wonderful meal last evening of chicken curry and apple soup! love it!! also my dessert was what i looked forward to the most. ma got me Butterbeer like the fictional drink that existed in HP and it tasted fantastic!! really sweet, really bubbly and i will definitely get more!
dad's train to KL yesterday traveled there with no problems. so on friday the tracks got derailed and 100 cargo trains went all over the place, messing up the tracks so dad didnt know if his train could take him back on Sunday but it arrived yesterday hurray.
i tried a new snack too yesterday. it's called Gold Fish and they were packed in the cutest paper bag and they taste amazing! i will go much some now and i'll be back. always.
love my lovelies
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Doctor Strange beats Dr Seuss
hello you gorgeous people!! im just got back from the cinema and now im in my room, all comfy. i like that feeling when youre so wiped you just lie down and the bed feels 100 times softer and like God fluffed your pillows for you. that's alos how i feel when i just plank on hotel beds -they may not change their sheets, and dont mention the thread count but their comforters are usually perfect for me. i dont know where you position your screen at, but make sure youre giving that content exhaling sound.
i watched this movie i heard about from my sissy about 2 days ago and prior to that i have never heard the movie, Doctor Strange(DS) before. she's a movie junkie and said it was good so i gave it a shot mostly cause Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes!!) was in it. today's a public holiday so the crowd was expected but we got great seats. DS checks all the boxes for every superhero/supervillian movie: a) protagonist is rich, b)protagonist is smart, c)protagonist gets into unexpected incident, cheats death, hits rock bottom and d)gets powers no one else has. also, e)has a love interest because they can't be rumored to be gay. unlike most superhero/supervillian movies, Doctor Strange gets his powers via magic, not by some science experiment went wrong. my favourite thing about the movie is the special effects, hands down. there's talk of infinite universes, separating body from mind, and bending space and time. mostly, the big screen showed the other end of the kaleidoscope. imagine the buildings started rotating around you and you were just a pedestrian... i often wish i could get cast in movies, but the entertainment industry doesnt exist where im from.
i asked my mom her favourite line in the movie and she said it was by the Ancient One, "you dont lose your demons, you rise above them''. mine's by Mordo and he said, ''fight like you're fighting for your life, cause one day you might be''. it's a great movie, rotten tomatoes gave it a 96%, i'll give 95% just for kicks and if you're looking for something to watch, i say you have my blessing and give yourself a break. it's action and humor in a food pyramid diet, all proportional.
i got an early start to the day at 8am and like every normal person, i checked my phone and i see a text in our fam chat group with sissy asking for a morning call the next day and i was going to then i realised that i dont have the house number for our other house so i go to my parents room and they said they saw the text too but it's for tomorrow then i argue saying today's the next day even if the text came at like 1am last night. in the end, like most times, i was right and the call was meant for today. breakfast was beef noodles and fried wanton-just for me- and it was good though the restaurant was a sardine can, and we waited quite a bit. i like sardines.
last night's dinner was both rice and noodles and i liked it. good choice for dinner!! then we wanted to walk for a bit so we went to a mall, got Arizona tea, and this new drink i found that's supposedly the drink of my dreams, butterbeer from Harry Potter, except this is butterscotch beer from the flying cauldron as opposed to the leaky cauldron in the books.
i bought an umbrella cause it's been raining and now it's snug in my bag.
i really do miss my sissy when she's not around. ma is calling for tea, i have some sushi to munch on and i think i heard her say rice. be back. love my lovelies
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
festivities and apps
hey! hey! you! you! it's Thursday and i have a surprise coming for me this evening! dad's arriving from KL and he got some Halloween candy for me. yess (i dont plan on sharing, sissy)!! im proudly Chinese and my clan's culture doesnt delve much into the whole westerner's celebrations like Halloween or St patricks day. imagine a venn diagram, there's one circle with what i celebrate and another what my favourite american tv shows (like Friends, Glee and iCarly) show to be super important holidays. it'll look something like a null set but in the tiny area where they overlap, not visible with the naked eye, you'll find Christmas. hahaha!! im super mega excited because no one can ever hate on FESTIVITIES!!!
yesternight was a night of discoveries and here goes:
a) musical.ly - ive know about the app for forever, or at least since RiceGum started the series, This Kids Must Be Stopped. never intended to try it for the obvious reason that i dont actually have a phone and my tablet would make it super hard to record myself lip syncing. but i found out that there's 50mill downloads on the app store so i tried it! and i love it! admittedly it's hard when you're using an 8'' screen but i like the whole acting out part. definitely a must try and i have no regrets. it's all tweens and teens so course it's rated U. HAHAHAHA
b)i realised i have not cut garlic in almost 3 years. i was helping out ma with dinner -we had fried rice with soup- and i needed to peel and cut the garlic and i thought... it's been a while.
c) i really want to start working on my channel again.
right now my lips are drier than icky jerky so the skin is peeling off and im feeling like those crabs when theyre molting.
on tuesday our dinner was a luxurious one of pan seared salmon with mash potatoes and gravy. ma did the fish and i worked on the potatoes. we went to a store to get gravy mix and there was none so we went to another and we found it. potatoes with gravy makes me happy.
the adventure to stores was fun though. i was stuck at home the whole day.
i woke at 8.30 today, an hour earlier than normal and i had my fruit, my drink and some cookies. i want to make a burrito for lunch and we'll see ho wit turns out. sissy's at school but she's going for a movie tonight so i will be the only child for dinner. what we are having is still a topic to discuss. i gotta dash. love my lovelies
yesternight was a night of discoveries and here goes:
a) musical.ly - ive know about the app for forever, or at least since RiceGum started the series, This Kids Must Be Stopped. never intended to try it for the obvious reason that i dont actually have a phone and my tablet would make it super hard to record myself lip syncing. but i found out that there's 50mill downloads on the app store so i tried it! and i love it! admittedly it's hard when you're using an 8'' screen but i like the whole acting out part. definitely a must try and i have no regrets. it's all tweens and teens so course it's rated U. HAHAHAHA
b)i realised i have not cut garlic in almost 3 years. i was helping out ma with dinner -we had fried rice with soup- and i needed to peel and cut the garlic and i thought... it's been a while.
c) i really want to start working on my channel again.
right now my lips are drier than icky jerky so the skin is peeling off and im feeling like those crabs when theyre molting.
on tuesday our dinner was a luxurious one of pan seared salmon with mash potatoes and gravy. ma did the fish and i worked on the potatoes. we went to a store to get gravy mix and there was none so we went to another and we found it. potatoes with gravy makes me happy.
the adventure to stores was fun though. i was stuck at home the whole day.
i woke at 8.30 today, an hour earlier than normal and i had my fruit, my drink and some cookies. i want to make a burrito for lunch and we'll see ho wit turns out. sissy's at school but she's going for a movie tonight so i will be the only child for dinner. what we are having is still a topic to discuss. i gotta dash. love my lovelies
Monday, 24 October 2016
Three Dark Crowns book review
hey you gorgeous people!! ive been cooped up in our little apartment for about 48 hours now because there's no school anymore but im in kampar. i got here sunday night after a noodle dinner and when we reached we immediately drive to mcdonals for ice cream, specifically the Reeses peanut butter mc flurry. it was amazing! i actually used to love peanut butter so much that whenever my dad made sandwiches for school(which was everyday), i'd want a chunky peanut butter filling and i was the happiest person alive. also i used to love this Japanese pancakes called Dorayaki and they always have a filling in the middle and i always got one of 2 flavours, chocolate or peanut butter. the best ting about buying it is you may have a chance to see the machine at the stall run when they make a fresh batch and it is so cool to see batter coming out like the bullet through the barrel.
yesterday i woke at 9.30, worked till 11.30 because i wanted to make lunch. i made pasta which was super good but i poached egg didnt work out so i will try again later. today i woke at almost 10 and i had cookies with hot cocoa. i was supposed to make mash potatoes for lunch but i dont think so now because the fridge is void of butter!! i tried searching for recipes that dont require butter and all the substitutes are things that i dont have either like puree cauliflower or sour cream. i might try it with just oil though.
okay so the book i bough during the weekend was Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. I LOVE IT!! it's the hybrid book-child of Hunger Games and every Rick Riordan stunt ever. the story's about 3 queens, each part of a triplet, and they are the latest generation to follow their culture of each queen having either a power of a naturalist, elementalist and poisoner. a few months after turning 16, they have to battle, get married and the strongest queen will have to kill her sisters in order to live because there can only be one queen.
the elementalist queen is the strongest, able to summon thunder while her sisters live thinking they have no powers as the naturalist cant bloom a bud and the poisoner can barely eat mushrooms. thing is, the strong queen doesnt want to kill so the priestess say, 'we'll have to kill the 2 queens ourself'. that doesnt go as plan and in the end, the naturalist queen ate some tainted chocolate but didnt die and she finds out that she's actually the poisoner sister.
now, my ma was a bit skeptical about allowing me to buy the book because of the title and the fact that i get scared easily but there's nothing gory about it. if you can get through HArry Potter without pissing your pants, youre good to go. it's really exciting really, all the anticipation for the battle scene in the book. i flew by the pages in 2 days. the talk of magic is really cool, kinda spooky but it's all under good light and i tell you, Black's brilliant for cooking this story up.
i really want the bookworm in you to go to the mall and pick a copy for yourself. you might like it?
i need to try poaching my egg now! wish me luck. love my lovelies
yesterday i woke at 9.30, worked till 11.30 because i wanted to make lunch. i made pasta which was super good but i poached egg didnt work out so i will try again later. today i woke at almost 10 and i had cookies with hot cocoa. i was supposed to make mash potatoes for lunch but i dont think so now because the fridge is void of butter!! i tried searching for recipes that dont require butter and all the substitutes are things that i dont have either like puree cauliflower or sour cream. i might try it with just oil though.
okay so the book i bough during the weekend was Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. I LOVE IT!! it's the hybrid book-child of Hunger Games and every Rick Riordan stunt ever. the story's about 3 queens, each part of a triplet, and they are the latest generation to follow their culture of each queen having either a power of a naturalist, elementalist and poisoner. a few months after turning 16, they have to battle, get married and the strongest queen will have to kill her sisters in order to live because there can only be one queen.
the elementalist queen is the strongest, able to summon thunder while her sisters live thinking they have no powers as the naturalist cant bloom a bud and the poisoner can barely eat mushrooms. thing is, the strong queen doesnt want to kill so the priestess say, 'we'll have to kill the 2 queens ourself'. that doesnt go as plan and in the end, the naturalist queen ate some tainted chocolate but didnt die and she finds out that she's actually the poisoner sister.
now, my ma was a bit skeptical about allowing me to buy the book because of the title and the fact that i get scared easily but there's nothing gory about it. if you can get through HArry Potter without pissing your pants, youre good to go. it's really exciting really, all the anticipation for the battle scene in the book. i flew by the pages in 2 days. the talk of magic is really cool, kinda spooky but it's all under good light and i tell you, Black's brilliant for cooking this story up.
i really want the bookworm in you to go to the mall and pick a copy for yourself. you might like it?
i need to try poaching my egg now! wish me luck. love my lovelies
Sunday, 23 October 2016
happy weekend
hello friend!! i'm home alone now but not for long. ipoh's good, it just rained and i panicked about the laundry outside but there was none so everything's fine. i got here at about 6pm friday and we went straight to the mall. dinner was Kenny Roger's chicken and it was a first time for us in about like a decade. not to throw shade or anything but i love nandos 10 times more and KR really needs to up their sauce game. on the plus side, KG's mac and cheese was on point. then i went to MPH to get a book and to collect stickers because for every rm50 spent, you get a sticker and when you have 4, you get a notebook and not that i need one but i wanted one. so i found a book i like and at the counter the lady says 'you get a 25 discount if you buy another item so do you need a pen or something?' then i go, 'that's lit! let me find my mom' then i spend 10-20 minutes looking for her sissy and i could slap her for waiting outside. that's just rude and selfish cause i wasnt done with my purcase, why couldnt she be normal and wait in the not at all crowded store like any normal human. by that time there the cashier was like scanning for another customer so i waited behind. then the cashier asks,'do you collect stickers? there was a customer who wasnt collecting them and said to give it to the next person'. then she goes(all old and drunk) and slurs, 'okay' and with what she bought she had a sticker and got 3 free stickers so she got the notebook. right now im still at one sticker and i dont know if i can ever forgive her. she took a fancy gel pen and made me pay for it. ME urgh. i was just so bitter cause i had wanted it and the redemption date is next week and will i ever get a gift?! again, i do not need it but i do like gifts. trying not to be bitter here!!
i'll work on a book report for my book soon.
we went to get some drinks for the house and i got a root beer for fun and i havent had one ever so it seemed like another night for discoveries. i drank a bottle at 9pm and that was the biggest mistake of my life. the sugar kept me running till 5am and i had to be up by 9 the next day. one good thing that came out of it was that i got to thinking about youtube videos and what i want to do to expand my channel, content wise. ive got many things planned for my year end holidays and i have this to add. i am legit super pumped to keep moving.
the next morning i had a dim sum breakfast and we were at the restaurant by 9.30 and it was pouring and there were so many people and we found a good table that we traded for a smaller one cause an old frail lady demanded so. i hate it when old people talk like they're so helpless but it's okay cause it may have been her last day and we didnt cross her or anything. i actually dont intend to live beyond 40 years. im only half way there and i dont imagine myself go all hippie saying, 'life's a gift' while i pet my tree. life's fantastic for me now so maybe i shouldnt think too far ahead. dim sum was great. i had tea and sticky rice and fried cakes so all nice.
i went home and at 2 sissy asked if i wanted my eyebrows done this week because not long ago i told her i wanted her to bring me along next time she gets her's done. thing was, i was tired and i had my book and the internet and it was so hot out that i said i didnt want to go.
dinner yesterday was fired rice with a chicken drumstick.
i woke up early today cause of sissy's alarm and i had a pocky breakfast and then i did the laundry and showere. pocky is the best food ever! thing is when i was a kid i would bring them to school almost everyday and they were called Rocky and there were only 2 flavours of choc and strawberry. i had a cookie and cream one this morning.
lunch was a yummy pretzel and i wish i had ice cream now.
i need to pack. see you soon my lovelies
i'll work on a book report for my book soon.
we went to get some drinks for the house and i got a root beer for fun and i havent had one ever so it seemed like another night for discoveries. i drank a bottle at 9pm and that was the biggest mistake of my life. the sugar kept me running till 5am and i had to be up by 9 the next day. one good thing that came out of it was that i got to thinking about youtube videos and what i want to do to expand my channel, content wise. ive got many things planned for my year end holidays and i have this to add. i am legit super pumped to keep moving.
the next morning i had a dim sum breakfast and we were at the restaurant by 9.30 and it was pouring and there were so many people and we found a good table that we traded for a smaller one cause an old frail lady demanded so. i hate it when old people talk like they're so helpless but it's okay cause it may have been her last day and we didnt cross her or anything. i actually dont intend to live beyond 40 years. im only half way there and i dont imagine myself go all hippie saying, 'life's a gift' while i pet my tree. life's fantastic for me now so maybe i shouldnt think too far ahead. dim sum was great. i had tea and sticky rice and fried cakes so all nice.
i went home and at 2 sissy asked if i wanted my eyebrows done this week because not long ago i told her i wanted her to bring me along next time she gets her's done. thing was, i was tired and i had my book and the internet and it was so hot out that i said i didnt want to go.
dinner yesterday was fired rice with a chicken drumstick.
i woke up early today cause of sissy's alarm and i had a pocky breakfast and then i did the laundry and showere. pocky is the best food ever! thing is when i was a kid i would bring them to school almost everyday and they were called Rocky and there were only 2 flavours of choc and strawberry. i had a cookie and cream one this morning.
lunch was a yummy pretzel and i wish i had ice cream now.
i need to pack. see you soon my lovelies
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