Wednesday, 26 October 2016

festivities and apps

hey! hey! you! you! it's Thursday and i have a surprise coming for me this evening! dad's arriving from KL and he got some Halloween candy for me. yess (i dont plan on sharing, sissy)!! im proudly Chinese and my clan's culture doesnt delve much into the whole westerner's celebrations like Halloween or St patricks day. imagine a venn diagram, there's one circle with what i celebrate and another what my favourite american tv shows (like Friends, Glee and iCarly) show to be super important holidays. it'll look something like a null set but in the tiny area where they overlap, not visible with the naked eye, you'll find Christmas. hahaha!! im super mega excited because no one can ever hate on FESTIVITIES!!!

yesternight was a night of discoveries and here goes:
a) - ive know about the app for forever, or at least since RiceGum started the series, This Kids Must Be Stopped. never intended to try it for the obvious reason that i dont actually have a phone and my tablet would make it super hard to record myself lip syncing. but i found out that there's 50mill downloads on the app store so i tried it! and i love it! admittedly it's hard when you're using an 8'' screen but i like the whole acting out part. definitely a must try and i have no regrets. it's all tweens and teens so course it's rated U. HAHAHAHA
b)i realised i have not cut garlic in almost 3 years. i was helping out ma with dinner -we had fried rice with soup- and i needed to peel and cut the garlic and i thought... it's been a while.
c) i really want to start working on my channel again.

right now my lips are drier than icky jerky so the skin is peeling off and im feeling like those crabs when theyre molting.

on tuesday our dinner was a luxurious one of pan seared salmon with mash potatoes and gravy. ma did the fish and i worked on the potatoes. we went to a store to get gravy mix and there was none so we went to another and we found it. potatoes with gravy makes me happy.
the adventure to stores was fun though. i was stuck at home the whole day.

i woke at 8.30 today, an hour earlier than normal and i had my fruit, my drink and some cookies. i want to make a burrito for lunch and we'll see ho wit turns out. sissy's at school but she's going for a movie tonight so i will be the only child for dinner. what we are having is still a topic to discuss. i gotta dash. love my lovelies

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