Saturday, 5 November 2016

sue and ma adventure

hello, hello there! i have a half hour for this update before i have to get dressed for dinner. me and ma will be having roast chicken at Kenny's. im just going for their muffins if im honest. ma is at the dining hall marking papers and im all cozy on my sissy's bed in ipoh. she didnt come home this weekend because she's got plenty fun assignments to do. one of them required my help-an overstatement as it was just filling out a survey- and i was super generous with my help of course.
ma took me for lunch at a nearby fried noodle place we havent been to in ages. it was next to a fruit market where we used to get our bananas and persimmons from but we dont anymore. now we get our apples and oranges from a van perched next to a main street every saturday. good lunch always makes me crave ice cream-anything reminds me of soft serve- so mom thought we'd go to the mini mart on the way home for ice cream and get some car parking coupons there too(i miss those meters and feeding coins into them). so we're in the neighbourhood right, and ma parks a great distance away from the mart, like 2 blocks and she asks, 'is this too far?'. honestly, i dont mind walking but we passed ample parking on the way and she could have picked a munch closer one so i say yes and she parks again, on motorcycle parking and makes to get down. there i was, all innocent and so confused and then she goes like, 'wait, where are we going?' and i crack up.

My laptop was asleep for 2 hours and now i have already had my dinner, im stuffed but content.

today i woke up to a phone ringing, not mine but my mom's. we got dressed and went out for a roti canai breakfast and i had a hot cup of tea. i have drank a lot of types of tea in my life and i think it's not as healthy as everyone seems to put it. i mean, the organic ones in bags with no sugar might be good but in other forms, they are sweet, probably had a tonne of pesticides in it and let's assume your heart can stop from having yellow teeth. next stops were the gas station, the bank and the market. i must describe the market, it's a goldmine. it forms a perfect rectangle, with 90 degree corners and the individual stalls, all rigid in order form a frame for the market. in the center of it, there's a green grass patch( for decor, im assuming) and bougainvillea plants. the patch's like an oval shape so i imagine if you look from above, it'll look like an egg with a green yolk. wait, it may have been Roald Dahl's inspiration in green eggs and ham. hahaha. the entrances are super high security because you're not supposed to have a car in the walking path. ready for the elaborate explanation here. there's a waist high fence, aluminum painted green. and it forms a maze like this: -_- so you have to pick left or right direction to turn to, to ultimately get to the same spot. the walking part's like a red cobblestone walk and there's stray cats sprayed everywhere like confetti after the birthday bash. i didnt pay attention to the stalls but i do know how the one selling pork looks like. the front is a curtain of meat. this butcher's stall inspired Gaga's meat dress. then on the front of it is a tree stump the height of 8 year old me and it's their chopping board. i wish i could paint the smell but i held my breath so i'll make it up. say it's the smell of the fishpond that hasnt been cleaned for a year and there's a Happy meal floating around on the surface.
im still in the same position as when i started, on sissy's bed. ma and i should have been at church but dinner took a while so we'll miss our communion. last night i fell asleep rereading 'me before you'. i cant wait for next wednesday and i will tell you all why then. i have my holiday projects to put to action soon honestly im super excited.
i think i will get to my origami now. today i will have my 3rd attempt at a dragon. yesterday was an improvement from the first time so we're getting close. 3rd times the charm isnt it?
sleep sound lovelies

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