hello gorgeous people!!! according to my fancy smancy organizing system, i last posted on the 19th of december so that means i have not posted in 10 years! it has been a long decade and we have a lot to catch up on. now i dont really remember much of what's happened between my trip to penang and my trip to Malacca on the 21st. i do know my immediate family exchanged presents one day before the trip. we had a blast and we drank apple cider on the side. here's a breakdown of what we got each other:
me: Fantastic Beast, Bath and body works soap, my camera was part christmas gift and $
sissy: sweater, BBW soap and $
ma: blanket, powerbank, $
if you think, 'jeez, i got more than you did' then i think you should go shoot yourself because you are probably not a nice person and landed on santa's demon kids list. however, if you're legit nice and think they are wonderful gifts then my reply is, 'aww, thank you! i hope you had a wonderful christmas and have an even better new year'. see how this works? you have to be positive to be welcomed here.
im not about to be evangelical and start reciting scripture but i will proclaim that the message behind every tacky christmas movie is right. the last thing christmas is about is gifts and you will only understand this if you are a mature adult. okay so say youre a kid, your parents get you amazing things all the time and the only difference is that the christmas ones are wrapped, understand that ya. fast forward a decade or more and christmas is about spending time with your family and all the food and candy that is christmasy. so yeah i guess christmas is more special when you're a grown up.
the morning of our trip was good, we didnt rush and we did not forgot to pack anything! yaas! i was very prepared for this trip by downloading like 8 movies on my tablet the night before on iflix. oh man i had a thought, okay IFLIX, IF YOU EVER NEED AN AMBASSADOR OR SPOKES PERSON, IM YOUR GAL! and this announcement is done.
we made a stop at the largest service station which has kfc and burger king built on a bridge. lunch there was a float and cheeseburger. and course ma had her fav coney dog. it's a hotdog with meat sauce on the top. then we had doughnuts to go and we left and reached about 5 hours later. what i watched was rush hour 2, a little bit of garfeild 2 and pink panter 2. at the house i just chilled until the evening when dad took us out to the Portuguese settlement. it was a big housing area with food stalls that all sold seafood, facing a sea with a pier. the sea was pretty. in the spirit of christmas, there were families setting up stalls selling christmas costumes, lights and toys. we got some cartoon characters that light up for 3 little cousins i see a lot. we walked past houses with really elaborate decor and lighting and you could tell these people went all out and i got some grand pictures i will show in a coming video. after that we went to a coffee shop called newton and we got chargrilled fish, fried chicken and fried oysters. oh yes and fish balls in soup.
the next day we woke to go breakfast at a duck noodle and handmade fish ball place. it was okay the duck noodles had duck but the fish balls had no fish balls so i had to eat duck noodles but it was okay. then we went back to the house and then way later i went to see some really distant cousins i had and we gave them cute little boy and little girl stationery sets. they didnt talk very much and then again both sides had smart phones. i made really adult convos with the adults and then i think i stayed home until it was late watching tv and there was a christmas dinner going on with gift exchange and i tell ya i am so happy i got my own gift because you cant even be modest, mine was the most adorable-valuable gift there was. it was a candy filled santa boot. i shared the candy of course. my super parents got extra gifts for the kids too because they needed some happy-sweet things like girly journals with sticker and a boyish avengers card game.
morning after we went back for the promised fishballs and they were all there 40 pieces just for us. it sounds like a lot but trust me when you've tasted one you cant get enough. so after breakfast we went to the mall and it was a small mall but there was a nice big one next to it, one zebra crossing away and so we walked through both malls and i got 2 shirts and my newest hobby: sembo blocks. im waiting for my dad to bring me more sembo blocks. theyre these mini lego blocks that turn to models. i dont have a video for that so we are all counting on dad to get another sembo block.
we had bubble tea after a cotton on bag or two and then we crossed the zebra again to get to our car. we went back to the tv at home and then out again by 6 to a night market sort of place and it was so crowded it made a good ice cream taste few notches less tasty than it was. it was hard to see anything really. we got a few good pictures and then we had planned a night cruise but the line was too long to wait so we stood by the bridge and waved at people going on the cruise. you could tell the boat drivers were really rushing through the line because at the speed they were going, they were creating really big splashes. ma had a reunion so when we went back we had to stay up for her to come back so we could open the door for her and i had a blast watching tv. see we dont have astro anymore so me and sissy were binge watching tv because we may miss it a little.
next day, a nasi lemak breakfast and we were off. now we're at home sweet home.
on current news, i have to help with next years orientation, my friend has her face in one whole page of a magazine and i had the most delicious korean dinner. sissy took me for tea, she made a cover of moana song. on more current news it's almost midnight and im thirsty. see ya lovelies.
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