Friday, 18 November 2016

movie review

happy today guyss!! it's the last day of school for they year and it's awesome!! now i'll finally have time to do all my projects that get me so excited!! having said that, im going to end my 18 month programme on a high note so i will have some math and chemistry to do before getting my fun started. i just got my hair professionally washed and blown so it looks great but honestly it wasnt worth my 15 bucks but it was nice spending time with sissy and i gotta say thanks for taking me to the salon. my hair feels soft and it's never looked this straight in a while. im growing out my shaved head and it's at that awkward growing stage with the sides long and the back short so im styling it in weird ways. i was supposed to be back by 2.30 because my friend mika was coming from kl and we had planned to meet but she ran late and just at 4 she told me she just got to the building and it's too late for me. i got excited about it but it's okay because i get to see her during my holidays. we were just talking and i mentioned the movie the school played in the auditorium titled 'most likely to succeed'. expectations on the screening were high because of the word movie and then we were cheated 1.5 hours of our last day of school because it turned out to be a documentary film about a new style of learning the US has deemed socially acceptable. it focuses on this school-HighTechHigh in San Diego and what they are a school with no standardized tests. they have no start-end period bells, no books so how they are assessed is by an exhibition by years end. example: their project is on engineering and history so they have to create a moving clockwork machine that describes everything about it. they exhibit it and get graded on it. that's application for whatever they may have learnt from a standard school textbook.
my big take away from it was that a degree and the good grades doesnt equate to intelligence and smarts. i have a steel trap in my head so i dont worry about much. my friend in school thinks otherwise, that life hasnt be lived unless you have a degree in hand and you absolutely have a certain amount of smarts to graduate. her argument was that paper qualification gets you recognized in society and gets you to be the best version of yourself. we both want a degree, but for different reasons. me- for financial stability, her- for learning indepth about a particle accelerator machine.
anyways, other than the movie, we had pizza, junk food, sparkling grape juice and a game of saboteur. it's this fun card game and im the only one with an original set, the other kid's sets are all pirated versions of it.
yesterday i slept early at 11 which surprised me because i had a green tea frappe with chocolate chips at starbucks at 9 so i thought the sugar would have me running like a well oiled machine long. me and 3 other kids from class went to a mart to get snacks for today and we had starbucks after. the reason for starbucks was they had a buy 1 get 1 free from 7-8pm and in the end we missed the offer.
i have to have my dinner now. we are having noodles and curry. i was going to talk about me reminiscing on graduating high school last year but the food's calling for me. see ya lovelies

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