i watched this movie i heard about from my sissy about 2 days ago and prior to that i have never heard the movie, Doctor Strange(DS) before. she's a movie junkie and said it was good so i gave it a shot mostly cause Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes!!) was in it. today's a public holiday so the crowd was expected but we got great seats. DS checks all the boxes for every superhero/supervillian movie: a) protagonist is rich, b)protagonist is smart, c)protagonist gets into unexpected incident, cheats death, hits rock bottom and d)gets powers no one else has. also, e)has a love interest because they can't be rumored to be gay. unlike most superhero/supervillian movies, Doctor Strange gets his powers via magic, not by some science experiment went wrong. my favourite thing about the movie is the special effects, hands down. there's talk of infinite universes, separating body from mind, and bending space and time. mostly, the big screen showed the other end of the kaleidoscope. imagine the buildings started rotating around you and you were just a pedestrian... i often wish i could get cast in movies, but the entertainment industry doesnt exist where im from.
i asked my mom her favourite line in the movie and she said it was by the Ancient One, "you dont lose your demons, you rise above them''. mine's by Mordo and he said, ''fight like you're fighting for your life, cause one day you might be''. it's a great movie, rotten tomatoes gave it a 96%, i'll give 95% just for kicks and if you're looking for something to watch, i say you have my blessing and give yourself a break. it's action and humor in a food pyramid diet, all proportional.
i got an early start to the day at 8am and like every normal person, i checked my phone and i see a text in our fam chat group with sissy asking for a morning call the next day and i was going to then i realised that i dont have the house number for our other house so i go to my parents room and they said they saw the text too but it's for tomorrow then i argue saying today's the next day even if the text came at like 1am last night. in the end, like most times, i was right and the call was meant for today. breakfast was beef noodles and fried wanton-just for me- and it was good though the restaurant was a sardine can, and we waited quite a bit. i like sardines.
last night's dinner was both rice and noodles and i liked it. good choice for dinner!! then we wanted to walk for a bit so we went to a mall, got Arizona tea, and this new drink i found that's supposedly the drink of my dreams, butterbeer from Harry Potter, except this is butterscotch beer from the flying cauldron as opposed to the leaky cauldron in the books.
i bought an umbrella cause it's been raining and now it's snug in my bag.
i really do miss my sissy when she's not around. ma is calling for tea, i have some sushi to munch on and i think i heard her say rice. be back. love my lovelies
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