Thursday, 15 December 2016

leaving time review

hello everyone!! it's friday and im so excited for tomorrow because I'LL BE GOING TO PENANG!! i know i went to penang this June but i didnt do any touristy things so i get to do them tomorrow. i have a mental list of things i want to do and here goes: make a sand castle, ride a horse, eat pancakes and go shopping. it's not a long list, but we're only there for 2 days and even then im still worried i wont get to go to the beach. i have to pack later.
last night i filmed myself doing my make up and that was a flop. so you probably know that the lighting in my room sucks and it was dark out so i didnt get any natural lighting and the result of that was a super orange video. i thought it was bad but i wasnt going to waste footage and it'll be up tonight because you know, the evil internet. it takes more than 24 hours to get a 7 minute video online. i would have done it in the afternoon but i was so engrossed in this book sissy lent me: leaving time, jodi picolt. IT'S SO GOOD! okay so it's about this girl, a psychic and and a detective. two of them are dead and the psychic alone can see them because duh, she's psychic. so the girl wants to find her mom who disappeared a decade ago and part of that journey requires the help of both the detective and psychic. girl and detective are dead but they dont know that, they think theyre alive and the psychic cant tell spirits from live bodies so until the last 50 pages or so you wont know that theyre the ones dead and the mom's the one whos alive. i like it! if you're into the paranormal and want a book with minimal romance, this is one you cant miss. i legit couldnt put it down. it's also for you if youre a wild life advocate.
also what i did during the day was looking up agents online. for fun of course. cause say i wanna be on tv and doing stuff on tv, i need an agent or just be part of some agency. and because im in ol' malaysia there's very limited of ways to get on tv. and i see to apply for an agent from an agency they need you to send them professional head shots. the last time i got one was when i needed a passport photo. then i thought geez getting one is probably very expensive and i have a camera and a tripod maybe i can take a professional one myself. so i tried and it didnt work very well because i  have limited space in my room so theres only so far back i can put my camera for a full body photoshoot and as usual, lighting sucks and i dont have any empty backgrounds like in a studio so that wasnt going to happen. i cant go to a photography studio because that's embarrassing and im questing the support i will get say i do want an agent. this is all for fun.
about 2 days ago mom noticed we had a flat tire and that was so strange because we had just changed it. i had a gut feeling that it wasnt punctured just the shop people didnt fill it full enough. anyway mom went to fill it with air because the mechanic was closed and she needed to drive it over the next day but whadya know it's always been not puctured haha!!
i think one day i'll buy a smart car just to annoy people on the road. drivers hate it when they think there's a parking spot and then there actually isnt one just a really small car like a smart car! speaking of annoying drivers, i just watched the trailer for despicable me 3!! i didnt see the 3 kids in it just gru and some minions. i hope they're still in it. i actually really like the despicable me! it's cute!!
yesterday i wished one of my teachers happy birthday and i realised that im actually pretty old. like i even have a reunion group on whatsapp and we plan to have our high school reunion next Feb. it will be 2 years since i graduated and guys it's been a wild ride since then but one ride that thought me a lot of lessons, harsh ones yes but lessons no less.
i'll end my post here and go get some thing to eat. you should too. see ya lovelies

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