happy day to you guys!!! it's monday today and so far so good! i woke up because i had to pee, it was really early but i know that if you hold in pee, you get kidney stones and you have to get surgery. i've been in an operation theater before when i was 10, the procedure was to keep your nose clean or something to do with sinus. im grateful i had it cause i rarely sneeze and when im in class the thing i hate to hear the most is another kid sneezing cause we all sit close and its loud and gross and just bad. sissy woke up the same time i did and she made toast for me!! yay!! so i had toast with a cuppa and then i took my shower, and tried out some new origami which i was just doing before starting this post. i have mastered the crane and dinosaur and the next thing for me is to master the lily. the lily was the worst , the furthest i got was to the part where you mark the diagonals and the halves of the origami paper. i will try again though! i know i can and i will succeed.
im feeling motivational! if you're feeling anxiety, or tiredness and fear. just do something fun!! i was really stressed last night and i had my bad thoughts again but i know how to fight it now. it took me a year to discover it and i hope this helps you. you see, i know that good people who are hopeful for good things and want it bad will have whatever it is that makes her happy. there's good! the excellent future in store will happen as long as in your mind you tell yourself you will do your sterling best for it. thing is somethings your bad thoughts eclipse the good and they tell you all the evils you dont want in your life. if you exclaim. proclaim and just know in full confidence that as long as you DONT ALLOW the negativity in your head, youre actually preventing your scary thoughts to happen. i'm not living to be bitter so dont waste away, just like im trying not to. let I DONT ALLOW IT, be your mantra. IM A WINNER sounds good too. anyways, i needed to keep my hands busy to keep happy so i was going to the thing that makes me happiest, post an update but my laptop was at 7 percent battery and the outlet in my room was charging my tablet. a fun thought i had was to play with my sister's make up because i see her do it a lot but she was out for drinks and i couldnt take it without her knowing. i folded some clothes them ma said she needed a card for a friend's birthday so i got some coloured paper and i had the idea of making origami so that's how this fad started for me. it's fun and i recommend it for the art junkies out tehre.
i had a wonderful meal last evening of chicken curry and apple soup! love it!! also my dessert was what i looked forward to the most. ma got me Butterbeer like the fictional drink that existed in HP and it tasted fantastic!! really sweet, really bubbly and i will definitely get more!
dad's train to KL yesterday traveled there with no problems. so on friday the tracks got derailed and 100 cargo trains went all over the place, messing up the tracks so dad didnt know if his train could take him back on Sunday but it arrived yesterday hurray.
i tried a new snack too yesterday. it's called Gold Fish and they were packed in the cutest paper bag and they taste amazing! i will go much some now and i'll be back. always.
love my lovelies
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