Hi there! I didnt do a post yesterday(gasp) cause i was so tired but i had a yummy stew dinner that gave me so much energy im fired up for the next five hours. Me and my best friend had a lot to laugh about today. She came to school all drunk-tired and she looked so sad it was a deijavu thing with when her dog died so naturally i worried and i thought something had happened to her baby rabbit, Panda. When i asked if it was okay, she said, 'it's not dead' , meaning she knew she was acting out of sorts. She got happier later on when after lunch as we were walking down the hallway we passed a girl wearing a trench coat and she said, 'look, there's Sherlock'. Okay not something you'd laugh till cry at but you werent there missed the scene: she was walking from the afar and the light was behind her so we saw her outline first, her stride made her coat flow around her legs and she had glasses that made her look like a detective. Me being me, i laughed so hard she looked at me like i was a streetshow. After class when we had orchestra practice she had her flute book and i realise i didnt have my saxophone book with me, this happened
Me: i didnt bring my sax book!
She: ...
School may not be the positive time ever but for yesterday and today it was easy for me to plough through school because i had the most amazing lunches. The lunches were tasty as always and so yummy! But i used a tiffin carrier. A miniature one, with only two levels. Its so small that i had people complimenting me on how cute me and my tiffin are. Today while on lunch i was deeply engrossed in a conversation with my friend that a spoonfull of rice that i intented to eat fell to my lap and me being me didnt care enough to sweep the rice grains off. I regreted that later when i stood and sat again, the rice had dropped to the chair and i sat on it. So i sat on rice. I couldnt not mention it for the better part of the next period.
For physics i watched a nice video of an astronaut in space playing with a blob of water he realeased from a syringe. I liked that he was a funny astronaut and he pressed his face against the blob so his face, mainly his nose got so gross and enlarged like when you look at yourself with those tampered with mirrors at the circus.
Im going to do some schoolwork now. Goodnight
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