Thursday, 16 June 2016

thank you readers

Hello people!!! I went to school today(cries) and it was as uncomfortable as i knew it would be so i am going to be deleting everything that i hated about today and focus on what i thought is happy enough to make it into the blog hahaa. as ridiculous as i think school is, i was kinda looking forward to seeing my friend WHO WAS ABSENT! coincidence much?!! i didn't talk much but i survived.
i knew there was a math test today but i didnt know what chapter it was going to be on so i did the most reasonable thing to do: just calm yourself and rely on what you already know. dont know how well that worked out but what good is there in thinking about it.
A major positive thing that happened today was a friend of mine from a different class just happened to walk pass me at the cafeteria and she looked at me and said, 'I really like your blog. I read everything!'. and that totally made my day! my blog is very important to me and to hear someone compliment me to that extent was just powerful i wanted to go home and jump on the dining table dancing. i love blogging and i thank God that he has enabled me to do so. Hope you're reading this (...) and i appreciate you very much.
I burnt bread for a bio lab session today to calculate how much energy is in there and i had fun watching the bread char but then the plastic handle of the skewer i was using caught fire and started to melt so i dropped it and then the flame on the bread went off so i didnt know how accurate my temperature rise was. plus the smell, yikes. i didnt have a lab partner today which i have no problem with so i worked alone but then when the plastic on fire event happened i have freaked out a wee bit that a classmate had to blow out the flame for me. course his own experiment didnt work out so great either, his boiling tube had so much soot on it it took a while to clean and i dont think he particularly liked cleaning.
sometimes when i hate where i am at the moment, i pretend i'm my favourite buzzfeed member: Jen Ruggirello. she's cool and funny and the best part is she graduated from my dream college!! EMERSON!! IM COMING. to some people i might look like her doppelganger because we're both asian, petite and we have the same hair cut plus skin tone. only difference is im not a lesboon. but doesnt even matter.
today i checked my email to see an email from KDU college saying that they are having an open day and they hope to see me there. i definitely want to go but it seems to be taking a lot to fight my way out of here. if you're bright and know how to smuggle people into the us boarder, do let me know haha. so kdu says they are giving scholarships on the spot and that makes it sadder that i cant go. but i do that that st andrews thing to look forward to and that is pretty cool.
I had a yummy oreo mcflurry ice cream and life isnt so bleak-but i could use some french fries. who needs dignitas ugh. supper time! goodnight and see you guys tomorrow.

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