hey guys!!!! It's monday and im neck deep in homework and things that i dont even know matter anymore. Gosh guys i had the perfect weekend. I watched a movie i hadnt even heard of until the tickets were bought: Me Before You. In my entire life, only three movies have successfully left me bawling in my seat like a child: Free Willy(i had just lost my dog), The Fault in Our Stars(was going through a phase) and my most recent favourite movie ever. Me Before You -the movie- has the most perfect cast in the history of any movie ever made. I laughed at Lou's stupidity, and soon turned on the waterworks when she kissed Will at the beach. If I wrote a list of things to do before you die, watching this would probably be on the top 10. Ironically enough, there's dying involved in this story. A suicide. There's been a lot of fuzz about this on social media. So Will kills himself in Sweden where assisted suicide is legal and whatnot but thing is some dumbnuts think he did it because he was selfish, that Moyes wants to encourage people shutting themselves off and also press that quadriplegic people's life are the shittiest lives and have no use living. My response is a)he's a fictional character who was in a lot of pain and this lad had a life a loved but that's gone so what's life if it's not a happy one? b)Do you even hear yourself? Encourage death?! Moyes isnt dead herself ya know! and c)are you really going to generalise the lives of all quadriplegic people in accordance to how one gorgeous made up character just chose not to live? Clearly i have just flustered myself but i cant help defending this superb movie. Immediately after the credits finished, I went to the bookstore to get myself a copy of the book and finished it all in one night. Hazard: IT STAYS GLUED TO YOUR HAND ONCE YOU'VE PICKED IT UP.
The movie didnt differ much from the book to be honest and i liked how in some scenes, even the lines are entirely similar. When i bought Me before You, I found another book on sale and bought: The Crown. It's the fifth book in the Selection series, about love, being royalty and just finding out who you are. I first read Cass when I was pretty young but I still feel as passionate about princesses as when i was 12.
Anyways I spent most of my weekend reading but i did do a mild bit of cleaning. Just my study. I really needed a space to draw my graphs and I had to dig through mounds of books to find some. The thing about going through old stuff is that they come tied with so many memories. Good memories. And I would love to share some perhaps another day.
My sister, ever the saint went to have some blood pumped out of her over the weekend for some blood donation thing. It was something, having to see people willingly bleeding for someone who needs it more. I was a bit unsure about it having read a book once where a girl who was bleeding took the blood of a donor and soon she started behaving like that guy and the whole business was so shady it creeped me out.
It's late and im tired so goodnight guys. This time tomorrow, there's going to be something lovely for everyone.
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