Monday, 6 June 2016

Tired days

Hi there you!! Today's the first day of school since a week of holidays and it was the longest day ever. I was begging for it to end. It started off with me realising i did nothimg to prepare for my math presentation which freaked me out for a while but the realisation that i present without slides and just talk came to me and that was what i did. I presented on the statistics behind internet access in malaysia and i wouldnt change a thing in my presentation.
So for chemistry we ran a practical and i remember laughing a lot mostly cause my bestie is the funniest person alive. This conversation happened:
Me: *freaks out
Friend: what happened?
Me: emptied syringe into wrong beaker. But should be fine cause i took it out quick.
Friend: *looks funny* you know that doesnt help right
Me: *cry/laughs cause it's true*

It has been a fortnight since the chopping off of my hair and im still getting a lot of -wow new haircut huh? Really?  =.= okay i get it. Its a huge difference and whatnot but its cool and i like it no matter what people think.

Speaking of hair, i think it's time to mention this hair product i really like! It's argan oil hair CLAY!! having short hair really limits how i style my hair and my fringe is way too short to push behind my ear so i apply a really tiny amount of the grey stuff (that totally resembles clay) and i rub it through my hands before rubbing it on my hair. what it does is my hair becomes stiff and then it stays behind the forehead and out of my eyes. Also it smells wonderful! But if there is a better product than this, id love to hear about it!

I just ate a durian and must get to work. Coming soon: I will posting out my latest music obsession which just started yesterday and I was anti-that-genre for ages also i need to do a review of a certain youtuber. nights

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