Friday, 17 June 2016

finding dory!!

Greetings you!! it is friday and i am home!! ipoh!! i just got back from watching Finding Dory at the cinema and i loved it!! baby dory is the cutest animated character i have ever seen with big eyes, and her innocent little voice made my get all mushy inside when she spoke for the first time! also kudos to Ellen!! haha. was a really good movie, great message and layered with so many ridiculous instances one cant possibly be a hater of this movie. so i went with my sister and her friends which in hindsight wasnt the most comfortable position to put myself through. i sat at one end of the row and she the other which i totally hate her for but then again making her sit with me would have made her angry as hell so i stayed silent. then at the half way mark of the movie, i felt like maybe me eating would be a great excuse as to why i am so awkwardly silent and luck me i packed a yummy childhood snack of prawn crackers. they are rectangular, brown and super crispy. i wasnt hungry but somehow i ate the whole packet which wasnt a bright thing to do cause i feel bloated and weird. i did want to share, honest, but talking was just too much awkward for me to handle.
I had a nice dinner of pineapple fried rice!! love rice! yums! i havent had dinner in a mall in such a long time, i had no idea i missed it so much. course there was a nasty waitress but who cares!
today i just started the last season of Friends and Joey and Rachel kiss but then it doesnt work out which is sad cause i really like joey. the best character has to be phoebe !! She's so funny and always seems like she's only half conscious so her responses to things always seem so witty. dont know how i feel about chandler though. he's weird and his last name's Bing. hahahahah
anyway today i thought my friend was going to be absent again and then magically she appears and i was like, 'HIIIII!!!!'. i found out why she was absent(too sad to say really) and whether or not she texted me why(which she didnt). im no nut, but i think bestie telephathy is a legit thing and i would have guessed the reason why she was a no show correctly. She came today with crickets and a spider for a respiration experiment and i felt really queasy cause bugs are so gross but i have like huge pride and stuff so i tried to not make it seem like the bugs bothered me a lot. not sure how well it worked. my bestie/lab partner got the spiders specifically for our use and im really glad i didnt have to touch it else i find myself fighting crime, squirting white substance from holes in the body no on knows where.
i am sleepy !! goodnight and see you soon

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