happy morning guys!! I slept really well last night and had the cutest dream! so i had my aunt over and the whole fam was packing to leave for somewhere. then i remembered as we were driving out of the area that there was going to be a huge wedding and i was someone major in the wedding. not exactly sure what role i had but inkling is i was the best friend of the bride. also how i remembered about the wedding was so cute: there were little elves crossing the road carrying bouquets of flowers and there were house sized cake toppers of pink and blue eiffel towers and a little midget was minding them. someone was fussing over the food.
so i drove back to my house and there ware my friends preping for the wedding and then we leisurely chatted about stuff. eventually we drove to the church and it was such a huge celebration, will and kate would have been jealous. then seconds before it was about to begin, the bride and groom called for a huddle at the back saying that they wont want to go to paris after all(why they would be going in the first place, i have no clue). then the bride told me: 'take my plane ticket and go'. then i got so shocked i woke up.
when i woke up me and my sissy made pancakes together and it was so fun. plus while we ate we watched an episode of friends. then now she's going through an anime phase so that's what we're watching. buhbyeee
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