Wednesday, 29 June 2016

I sat on rice

Hi there! I didnt do a post yesterday(gasp) cause i was so tired but i had a yummy stew dinner that gave me so much energy im fired up for the next five hours. Me and my best friend had a lot to laugh about today. She came to school all drunk-tired and she looked so sad it was a deijavu thing with when her dog died so naturally i worried and i thought something had happened to her baby rabbit, Panda. When i asked if it was okay, she said, 'it's not dead' , meaning she knew she was acting out of sorts. She got happier later on when after lunch as we were walking down the hallway we passed a girl wearing a trench coat and she said, 'look, there's Sherlock'. Okay not something you'd laugh till cry at but you werent there missed the scene: she was walking from the afar and the light was behind her so we saw her outline first, her stride made her coat flow around her legs and she had glasses that made her look like a detective. Me being me, i laughed so hard she looked at me like i was a streetshow. After class when we had orchestra practice she had her flute book and i realise i didnt have my saxophone book with me, this happened
Me: i didnt bring my sax book!
She: ...

School may not be the positive time ever but for yesterday and today it was easy for me to plough through school because i had the most amazing lunches. The lunches were tasty as always and so yummy! But i used a tiffin carrier. A miniature one, with only two levels. Its so small that i had people complimenting me on how cute me and my tiffin are. Today while on lunch i was deeply engrossed in a conversation with my friend that a spoonfull of rice that i intented to eat fell to my lap and me being me didnt care enough to sweep the rice grains off. I regreted that later when i stood and sat again, the rice had dropped to the chair and i sat on it. So i sat on rice. I couldnt not mention it for the better part of the next period.

For physics i watched a nice video of an astronaut in space playing with a blob of water he realeased from a syringe. I liked that he was a funny astronaut and he pressed his face against the blob so his face, mainly his nose got so gross and enlarged like when you look at yourself with those tampered with mirrors at the circus.
Im going to do some schoolwork now. Goodnight

Monday, 27 June 2016

happy wishes everyone!! I am the most exhausted person right now that zombies want me to take pictures with them cause they'll look more alive. the day started off okay and that's about it.

hahha just kidding.

i used a needle in physics to fill water in a ping pong ball today. i was given a syringe first but then the nozzle part was too thick that the water wouldnt enter the hole so the teacher gave me a needle, an actual one like the ones nurses have when they give vaccines and the like. my friend found that needle very amusing. i got to use it first so i used it to spell my initials in water cause it had a fine tip and i could control the water coming out of it so it seemed sensible at the time but it didnt work and she went all like, 'real mature dude'. fine. but later when she had it, she laughed herself silly by flicking the body of the syringe every time she filled the syringe like they do in movies before the doctor injects the hormone raging patient with drugs that make them go limp. and all that fun behind a physics practical.

then i had a test for chemistry which i think went well but it ended late so i had to go home late and that made me so upset. school ends at 3.30 but then the test took a while so it was 3.50 when we were released and i had my car waiting with a restless driver so i had to wait another hour before i could leave and it was an hour of my life wasted cause i was so tired and i really wanted to go home.

today a friend of mine from last year decided to visit the school with some foreign basketball team. i didnt expect him to visit so me and my friend didnt actually see him when we passed him on the way to the cafeteria but he noticed us then noticed my hair and ran to hug a pole in surprise( there's plenty of poles there) and the couldnt not notice a screaming pole hugger looking our way. but it was a pleasant surprise and until he made made fun of my unicorn dreams i totally didnt realise how much i missed class last year with the complete class.  

getting very sentimental now. time to say gooodnight ! Goodnight!

Saturday, 25 June 2016


Hello you! I should be asleep now but i have had such a blessed day that i need to commemorate it with a blog post. I woke up really early to a wonderful noodle breakfast and an equally wonderful car ride. Guys arent car rides the best? Youre moving but youre just sitting at the same time. Gosh i love car rides...i could just sit in a car forever. Then i had a yummy lunch of duck rice at a fancy restaurant. The roasted duck was perfect: chrispy skin, juicy meat with a delicious sauce. My favourite part of a duck is the drumstick and so blessed i was to have been given the most tender cut of duck. We also had roasted pork cause why not.
Then in the evening i went to get a new tap thingy cause the tap at the kitchen sink was leaking and i fixed it so well that now the water pressure is at the higest anyone s ever seen it at. One would joke that i would consider a career as a fancy plumber. But nah. I did like trying to fix it though.
For dinner we went to a new place at the Greentown mall - jaya grocer and they had really good food. But the crowd was unimaginable. It was easy to get a seat, but then waiting in line to order and then actually waiting for your order was like a really long game of a game's that takes a long time like croquet( think its the one where you use hammer to run balls through mini bridges like large scale snooker). I had a beef pie which was nice cause there was cellery in it. We also had chicken cookeed two ways and fish and chips with a really good seasoning on the chips. I took a picture of the lighting of the place cause its cool- LIGHTBULBS IN A CAGE, I ASK YOU? No one's seem that yet. 
After that we went to mcdonals for ice cream and muffins and right im so tired im seconds away from getting some shut eye. Good night there 

Friday, 24 June 2016

Baby panda

Hi there! I didnt mean for my greeting to sound so upbeat, this is going to be a melancholy, solemn type of post. I had a yummy chocolate drink for breakfast and that's cool cause i have a really sweet tooth. Mom's always asking me to cut down on my sugar intake but i cant cause i need the sugar to cover up the metaphorical bitter taste of my life.
There was another photosynthesis experiment today but i have nothing to comment as the experiment didnt work out for me and my bestie. But something so funny happened, my genius of a friend didnt think of how to work a syringe and poured liquid into piston area, oblivious that the liquid was flowing out the squirting area. As you can guess, i am much the scientist i sound like. But ive got no complaints because i got called into the teacher's office later and she waited outside the staff office for me as i was really scared and who could blame me?
Also she brought her baby bunny to school -Panda, it's black face, white body resemblence brought about the name. And it was so freakishly cute that if Harry styles and the leprechaun on the box of my Lucky Charms mated, their offspring still wouldnt be as cute as Panda. I held it in my plams, as of i was trying to catch water to drink type position and it just sat there so content i wanted to keep it for myself. Then it started to nibble at my thumb and i freaked out though it didnt hurt. In hindsight i probably should have washed my hands after eating those sugar crackers. But it's not question that its still cute.
Seeing as it was parent-teacher meeting day today, a reccuring theme was : why is Susanna so quite now? Im still figuring that out and will let you know as soon as i can.
Its almost one. Goodnight yalls

Thursday, 23 June 2016

hello world 2.0

hey guys!!! i am really wiped out. yesterday was a school holiday and im really glad it was cause i dont like non-holiday days. i went cycling in the evening and that was pretty cool cause i used my sissy's bike. i remember learning how to cycle without stabilizers and it was so fun. i used the trainee wheels til i was really old-like 13-and then i realised i was gonna need to learn sooner or later so i got my dad to teach me and we practised at a road nearby my house which was for cars but then it wasnt a very busy street, quite deserted and i mostly stayed under the three for shade. when i finally became a master cyclist, i was so confident and was in the mindspace that 'oh nothing could ruin cycling for me' , then i got struck by bird poo and then i bought a helmet to help with the trauma.
then later that that night, i contacted a really far away friend, and we used to be really close despite living 2000miles apart. then we got really busy with school and i went through a no-phone phase and we havent talked in so long. i really missed my friend and i almost forgotten how fun talking between us was. SUPER FUN
today there was a math test ace! love acing tests! then there was chemistry and i nearly burnt my eyebrows off! i was supposed to be burning Mg ribbons and so i needed to start the bunsen burner, thing is, i turned the knob too fast and the flame was so huge like a foot high! gosh it was huge. later during bio me and my bestie did an experiment on photosynthesis, to check out if the wavelength of light affects the rate of photosynthesis. we had red, blue and green light, and we had a thing to measure the light intensity. so since the light intensity of each light is different, to get them the same, the distance from our plant sample had to be different. so i told this to my friend and she like,'nah' but then i was right in the end. not to rub it in though. our experiment didnt work out so well when the the blue and green light gave the same readings.
today there was a BMI check and i was completely normal yay!! my deskmates were hilarious. they had 0.0xx readings and i was like,' did you change the cm to meters?' and their faces told me everything haha.
now im reading a lovely book : Love, Rosie and this is a good one guys! i'd watch out for the review if i were you!
back to reading! bye guys

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

morning post?!

happy morning guys!! I slept really well last night and had the cutest dream! so i had my aunt over and the whole fam was packing to leave for somewhere. then i remembered as we were driving out of the area that there was going to be a huge wedding and i was someone major in the wedding. not exactly sure what role i had but inkling is i was the best friend of the bride. also how i remembered about the wedding was so cute: there were little elves crossing the road carrying bouquets of flowers and there were house sized cake toppers of pink and blue eiffel towers and a little midget was minding them. someone was fussing over the food.
so i drove back to my house and there ware my friends preping for the wedding and then we leisurely chatted about stuff. eventually we drove to the church and it was such a huge celebration, will and kate would have been jealous. then seconds before it was about to begin, the bride and groom called for a huddle at the back saying that they wont want to go to paris after all(why they would be going in the first place, i have no clue). then the bride told me: 'take my plane ticket and go'. then i got so shocked i woke up.
when i woke up me and my sissy made pancakes together and it was so fun. plus while we ate we watched an episode of friends. then now she's going through an anime phase so that's what we're watching. buhbyeee

Sleep tight

Hey guys it's late and i am so tired but i cant sleep. Ive been watching episodes of hot in cleaveland to help. And night time can be creepy, cause it's dark and you dont know what sort of dreams youll have, what might happen to you while youre not concious. But then the most happy thing happened: i thought how amazing my life has been and what i used to do when i cant sleep as a little girl. I would play games with the most important woman in my life. Word games, mostly but there's also that game where we write on each other's back and then guess what it spells out. And that memory is just so special to me. When we'd have to whisper because my sister would be asleep a foot away. I think that's why we called that game whisper. We called bras 'jolly' too. Im going to try amd sleep now. Goodnight

Friday, 17 June 2016

finding dory!!

Greetings you!! it is friday and i am home!! ipoh!! i just got back from watching Finding Dory at the cinema and i loved it!! baby dory is the cutest animated character i have ever seen with big eyes, and her innocent little voice made my get all mushy inside when she spoke for the first time! also kudos to Ellen!! haha. was a really good movie, great message and layered with so many ridiculous instances one cant possibly be a hater of this movie. so i went with my sister and her friends which in hindsight wasnt the most comfortable position to put myself through. i sat at one end of the row and she the other which i totally hate her for but then again making her sit with me would have made her angry as hell so i stayed silent. then at the half way mark of the movie, i felt like maybe me eating would be a great excuse as to why i am so awkwardly silent and luck me i packed a yummy childhood snack of prawn crackers. they are rectangular, brown and super crispy. i wasnt hungry but somehow i ate the whole packet which wasnt a bright thing to do cause i feel bloated and weird. i did want to share, honest, but talking was just too much awkward for me to handle.
I had a nice dinner of pineapple fried rice!! love rice! yums! i havent had dinner in a mall in such a long time, i had no idea i missed it so much. course there was a nasty waitress but who cares!
today i just started the last season of Friends and Joey and Rachel kiss but then it doesnt work out which is sad cause i really like joey. the best character has to be phoebe !! She's so funny and always seems like she's only half conscious so her responses to things always seem so witty. dont know how i feel about chandler though. he's weird and his last name's Bing. hahahahah
anyway today i thought my friend was going to be absent again and then magically she appears and i was like, 'HIIIII!!!!'. i found out why she was absent(too sad to say really) and whether or not she texted me why(which she didnt). im no nut, but i think bestie telephathy is a legit thing and i would have guessed the reason why she was a no show correctly. She came today with crickets and a spider for a respiration experiment and i felt really queasy cause bugs are so gross but i have like huge pride and stuff so i tried to not make it seem like the bugs bothered me a lot. not sure how well it worked. my bestie/lab partner got the spiders specifically for our use and im really glad i didnt have to touch it else i find myself fighting crime, squirting white substance from holes in the body no on knows where.
i am sleepy !! goodnight and see you soon

Thursday, 16 June 2016

thank you readers

Hello people!!! I went to school today(cries) and it was as uncomfortable as i knew it would be so i am going to be deleting everything that i hated about today and focus on what i thought is happy enough to make it into the blog hahaa. as ridiculous as i think school is, i was kinda looking forward to seeing my friend WHO WAS ABSENT! coincidence much?!! i didn't talk much but i survived.
i knew there was a math test today but i didnt know what chapter it was going to be on so i did the most reasonable thing to do: just calm yourself and rely on what you already know. dont know how well that worked out but what good is there in thinking about it.
A major positive thing that happened today was a friend of mine from a different class just happened to walk pass me at the cafeteria and she looked at me and said, 'I really like your blog. I read everything!'. and that totally made my day! my blog is very important to me and to hear someone compliment me to that extent was just powerful i wanted to go home and jump on the dining table dancing. i love blogging and i thank God that he has enabled me to do so. Hope you're reading this (...) and i appreciate you very much.
I burnt bread for a bio lab session today to calculate how much energy is in there and i had fun watching the bread char but then the plastic handle of the skewer i was using caught fire and started to melt so i dropped it and then the flame on the bread went off so i didnt know how accurate my temperature rise was. plus the smell, yikes. i didnt have a lab partner today which i have no problem with so i worked alone but then when the plastic on fire event happened i have freaked out a wee bit that a classmate had to blow out the flame for me. course his own experiment didnt work out so great either, his boiling tube had so much soot on it it took a while to clean and i dont think he particularly liked cleaning.
sometimes when i hate where i am at the moment, i pretend i'm my favourite buzzfeed member: Jen Ruggirello. she's cool and funny and the best part is she graduated from my dream college!! EMERSON!! IM COMING. to some people i might look like her doppelganger because we're both asian, petite and we have the same hair cut plus skin tone. only difference is im not a lesboon. but doesnt even matter.
today i checked my email to see an email from KDU college saying that they are having an open day and they hope to see me there. i definitely want to go but it seems to be taking a lot to fight my way out of here. if you're bright and know how to smuggle people into the us boarder, do let me know haha. so kdu says they are giving scholarships on the spot and that makes it sadder that i cant go. but i do that that st andrews thing to look forward to and that is pretty cool.
I had a yummy oreo mcflurry ice cream and life isnt so bleak-but i could use some french fries. who needs dignitas ugh. supper time! goodnight and see you guys tomorrow.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

out of sorts

hi everyone!!!! i had a special kind of Tuesday today. i missed a day of school(no complaints), spent hours at a hospital(not complaining either as i had a rather delicious doughnut) and took a nap(...). I knew i would be missing school and anyone the slightest bit acquainted to me would know i hate being idle so i had the idea of downloading this app called  My Study Life. So i type out my checklist of things i know i want to achieve by the end of the day and the app makes sure i get it done. it's basically like a virtual markers kids make to make sure they memorize like 10scripture verses a day. It's not working out so great now because i am just so tired.
At the waiting area of the hospital i watched a Singaporean sitcom called Tiger Mum. I brought a book i planned to read but i havent watched TV in ages and it's been so long that i watched it even though i probably wouldn't follow up on the episodes. It's about this lady dating a guy with 3 grown up kids who hate her but she's done nothing but care for them as best as she could. I read the book during commercial breaks: Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult.

I'm already halfway through and it took quite a lot of effort to pull away to finish this post. I borrowed it from my sister, who's a funky mood right now. ugh. There's always something bad that happens in picoult's stories but the background of it -a broken family, a financial struggle or something of the like, makes it more that a lame tragedy.
I had a lunch of fried noodles, a dinner of sushi and that pretty much sums today up.

In my checklist for today I wrote, mindmaps, past year papers and textbook questions and will have to get to them soon. But before that, do remember my upcoming website, it's still unpublished but it's getting there and i hope to see you all there. I have two songs on replay right now, Unstable from the movie Me Before You and Just A Dream by Sam Smith. It was a tribute to Christina Grimmie who i absolutely adore and it's a horrid thing really that she's gone but like dumbledoor said, 'never really gone as long as there are people who are loyal to him.

I've been felling a little under the weather. gosh.

goodbye for now!

Monday, 13 June 2016

the most emotional book ever

hey guys!!!! It's monday and im neck deep in homework and things that i dont even know matter anymore. Gosh guys i had the perfect weekend. I watched a movie i hadnt even heard of until the tickets were bought: Me Before You. In my entire life, only three movies have successfully left me bawling in my seat like a child: Free Willy(i had just lost my dog), The Fault in Our Stars(was going through a phase) and my most recent favourite movie ever. Me Before You -the movie- has the most perfect cast in the history of any movie ever made. I laughed at Lou's stupidity, and soon turned on the waterworks when she kissed Will at the beach. If I wrote a list of things to do before you die, watching this would probably be on the top 10. Ironically enough, there's dying involved in this story. A suicide. There's been a lot of fuzz about this on social media. So Will kills himself in Sweden where assisted suicide is legal and whatnot but thing is some dumbnuts think he did it because he was selfish, that Moyes wants to encourage people shutting themselves off and also press that quadriplegic people's life are the shittiest lives and have no use living. My response is a)he's a fictional character who was in a lot of pain and this lad had a life a loved but that's gone so what's life if it's not a happy one? b)Do you even hear yourself? Encourage death?! Moyes isnt dead herself ya know! and c)are you really going to generalise the lives of all quadriplegic people in accordance to how one gorgeous made up character just chose not to live? Clearly i have just flustered myself but i cant help defending this superb movie. Immediately after the credits finished, I went to the bookstore to get myself a copy of the book and finished it all in one night. Hazard: IT STAYS GLUED TO YOUR HAND ONCE YOU'VE PICKED IT UP.
The movie didnt differ much from the book to be honest and i liked how in some scenes, even the lines are entirely similar. When i bought Me before You, I found another book on sale and bought: The Crown. It's the fifth book in the Selection series, about love, being royalty and just finding out who you are. I first read Cass when I was pretty young but I still feel as passionate about princesses as when i was 12. 
Anyways I spent most of my weekend reading but i did do a mild bit of cleaning. Just my study. I really needed a space to draw my graphs and I had to dig through mounds of books to find some. The thing about going through old stuff is that they come tied with so many memories. Good memories. And I would love to share some perhaps another day.
My sister, ever the saint went to have some blood pumped out of her over the weekend for some blood donation thing. It was something, having to see people willingly bleeding for someone who needs it more. I was a bit unsure about it having read a book once where a girl who was bleeding took the blood of a donor and soon she started behaving like that guy and the whole business was so shady it creeped me out. 
It's late and im tired so goodnight guys. This time tomorrow, there's going to be something lovely for everyone. 

Friday, 10 June 2016

My best friend ditched me??!!

Whaddup yaalll!! Hahah i just thought of that. I know i promised something super important in my last post but there's so much to say right here, right now that that has to wait for a bit. So my day went smoothly and im not even the slightest bit sarcastic! First period bio? NAILED THE PRACTICAL PAPER GUYS. It was about yeast and respiration and it was so, so fun. There was no method given therefore i could write my own procedure and totally aced it. One thing though was the yeast suspension had to be kept overnight but the lab just prepared them in the morning and the reation took forever to happen but it did eventually.
So after school today my sister who i just love so, so much went all frank with me and said, 'look, i tried out the new coffee place, Cocorica? And i didnt tell you but im making it up to you by buying you a cuppa after school'. Awww, like how sweet. I ordered a dark cacao drink, paid my rm6 and i knew it was a rip off. The cup's scary big but the ratio of drink to ice is 1:10. After i finished my chocolate drink, the cup was still so full with ice which really pissed me off. Urgh bloody business schemes. We walked next door to an open aired old food place to get this shaved ice desert with jelly she wanted and we ordered fried taiwan sausages to snack on while we were there.
Now im home,ipoh, hurray! We went to the mall a little earlier to get movie tickets for Me Before You for tomorrow. Gosh i cant wait. I didnt even watch the trailer for this one. I havent been to the cinema for a while, the last movie i watched being Superman Vs Batman(...). Im currently looking forward to Finding Dory! Go Ellen!! On the way to the cinema, we went to my fav bookstore, MPH to get the book version of the movie because reviews said the book was entirely different from the movie. I strolled around the store and nearly died! I CAN PREORDER 'HP: THE CURSED CHILD' ON THE STORE'S WEBSITE! AHHHHH! I checked it when i got home and i found it there for sale for like rm95 which is crazy a lot. But my birthday is coming up and i think i might just try my luck asking for it.
My friend(who i always mention on this blog) doesnt like HP as much as i do. Or maybe she doesnt memorise the book cover to cover, word for word by choice. And while on the subject, she missed school today and because of that i dont think i laughed at all today. She's very funny, see. Good sense of humour. The class is having a party today and it's at her place and it takes a lot of effort to play host(so ive heard) which is the reason i couldnt tell her all the things friends share.
Okay i should get back to the sitcom i wanna watch. I will save my study tips for tomorrow and also talk about a summer camp i will be attending in july organised by St Andrews University. Gosh so much excitement. Also i just had a cheesecake and creampuff. Yums. Goodnight guys

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

soon-to-be-front-page magazine?!

hello everyone!! i dont know much of what happened today but i do know i am really happy right now because my mom bought me ice cream! yay! I had a bolied potato for breakfast today and i remembered that i read somewhere that potato comes from a French word meaning 'earth apple'. really excited about it, i told this to my friend who got super excited about this (hi you, if youre reading).
halfway through chemistry class, an intern came to get pictures for a school brochure and it was hilarious. so someone had to be seated next to the window and pose all studious mode and i was that someone which i found to be so, so funny. i didnt get to see how the pics turned out but i had a good laugh.
okay so the song that's been on replay for the entire week so far is: 'papercut' by troye sivan and zedd. The song lasts for like seven minutes but the singing part with actual words ends at 4 minutes, the remaining time is filled with like static noise. anyone who knows me knows i hate those static-y noises and anything edm related but a) troye sivan!! and b)TROYE SIVAN!! and his brother ohmaigawd!! tyde is really cool and this is totally not the first time i'm recommending one of his vidoes. He quit school and look at him. just look at him!! he did this super cool video of him dj-ing and i was like AHHHHHHH!!!!! check out the video here: . i think it's cool just something i would never actually do so naturally i told my friend to try it out and maybe one day we'll meet skrillex. haha
there was a saxophone class today and my teacher pasted this sticker thing on my mouthpiece which was suppose to help with something i'm not entirely sure's white, sorta thick and oval shaped. it felt so weird and thing is i think it was easier to play without it. anyways, something new everyday, right!
it's my deskmate's birthday tomorrow and i bought him a cake to surprise him. not worried he'll see this cause he's hardly ever on the web. it's a small cake but cute and i got to pick out the flavour so hush hush. he's a really nice person and super friendly too! well wishes buddy (should he suddenly come across this post, haha!)
i have been thinking of this food lately and a certain snack in particular. it's called dixon and it's chips that come with a little tube of tomato sauce and it is sooooo yummy. when i was barely the height of a meter ruler, i used to eat it all the time and even get it as birthday presents.
hopefully i'll be posting my study schedule tomorrow and share a few study tips also how to keep focused! goodnight ya'll

Monday, 6 June 2016

Tired days

Hi there you!! Today's the first day of school since a week of holidays and it was the longest day ever. I was begging for it to end. It started off with me realising i did nothimg to prepare for my math presentation which freaked me out for a while but the realisation that i present without slides and just talk came to me and that was what i did. I presented on the statistics behind internet access in malaysia and i wouldnt change a thing in my presentation.
So for chemistry we ran a practical and i remember laughing a lot mostly cause my bestie is the funniest person alive. This conversation happened:
Me: *freaks out
Friend: what happened?
Me: emptied syringe into wrong beaker. But should be fine cause i took it out quick.
Friend: *looks funny* you know that doesnt help right
Me: *cry/laughs cause it's true*

It has been a fortnight since the chopping off of my hair and im still getting a lot of -wow new haircut huh? Really?  =.= okay i get it. Its a huge difference and whatnot but its cool and i like it no matter what people think.

Speaking of hair, i think it's time to mention this hair product i really like! It's argan oil hair CLAY!! having short hair really limits how i style my hair and my fringe is way too short to push behind my ear so i apply a really tiny amount of the grey stuff (that totally resembles clay) and i rub it through my hands before rubbing it on my hair. what it does is my hair becomes stiff and then it stays behind the forehead and out of my eyes. Also it smells wonderful! But if there is a better product than this, id love to hear about it!

I just ate a durian and must get to work. Coming soon: I will posting out my latest music obsession which just started yesterday and I was anti-that-genre for ages also i need to do a review of a certain youtuber. nights

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Penang trip

Hey you!!! It's been a really long day and i want to tell you all about it and trust me the story's so interesting youll want to read closely. I slept at 11pm last night (at least i tried) and woke around 4am!!! For what, you ask? FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT EXAM EVER!! It's the SAT!!!
You just know it's important when it takes two hours to get to the test centre that's in another state, go through a tunnel, and cross a bridge. It was in KDU college Penang and we had to be there by 7.45am but the test didnt start till 8.30. There were three rooms set for the exams and me and my buddy totally aced the whole best friend thing by bejng assigned the same room. The test was totally normal, not too hard but not significantly easy but one thing that has to be said is the college board really dont want people talking about their questions. We had to sign this statement thing saying we wont discuss any questions until the paper is released. Why?
Anyways there was supposed to be another candidate that we both know through school but he was a total no show. Shame really as we were relentlessly seeking him out till the last minute.
Another thing was the examiner's phone rang in the exam room which was the most ironic thing ever seeing the biggest rule is that no sound should be emmitted by any electronic gizmo of the candidate.
Funny story, i was planning to style my hair nicely for the exam but was too drunk-tired to do a normal morning routine which you should stay tune for.

It's late and i just had a starbucks green tea frap (yummiest drink ever). I just got home from a four hour visit to the Haven Hotel where some relatives are staying while they holiday here. I had plenty of remarks about my androgenous hair cut which i can ignore inadvertently. I had two awkward elevator situations , one with a worker who apparently was holding the door for me and another with a white couple who i for some reason thought was trying to talk to me.

See why im tired? On that note Goodnight Sweet Dreams