Monday, 15 August 2016

most adult post ever

hello there OTP! hahaha if you were a troye sivan fan, you'd get the reference and if you dont know then you either a)live under a rock(which is not possible because there'd be no internet and you wouldnt see this post or b)you are in a coma and in your coma state your soul grew bitter and blocked all the nice songs present today. TROYE SIVAN!!! i have been listening to his old music and OTP means One True Pairing! i asked my friend to react to it today in school and she went to say, 'did he just escape from a mental institution?' and now we dont talk anymore. just kidding!
breakfast was leftover pancakes which was steamed and they were still good. then i went to school and freaked out for the first 10minutes because i thought my friend was going to be absent and i didnt like being lonely in school. so she showed up in the library-late- also seeming to have been searching for me. then i hear this dream of me stabbing her hand which was in line of fire when i was aiming for a brown butterfly. its weird because i actually did see a giant grey moth a day before. later we watched ricegum and talked Olympics like regular adults. HAHHAH!
over the weekend i wore a pair of new legging i got from H&M(black with white motif) out in public and they were the most comfortable pants i have ever worn. I've always been a jeans girl and to actually like evolve and get on the bandwagon of current(or not so current) fashion trends.. im such a grown up. also another new discovery is dabbing. like that pose everyone seems to be doing in pictures, through meals, randomly halfway through conversations, and it was bugging me so much that im grateful for buzzfeed for being a well of knowledge.
i had a lunch of rice with deep fried chicken. it's really cool that i get to have lunch with my mom on a school day because how often does it happen? then at home i got to editing my videos and watching video editing tutorials and pretty cool and i feel like the most IT savvy person on earth. and im happy with the progress i've made.
dinner was a fancy affair with chicken pie with pumpkin soup. ALL MADE WITH LOVE! i like pumpkin soup cause it makes me like a student in hogwarts downing pumpkin juice with harry potter and his crew. it was hot soup but made on the foundation of pumpkin flesh so you cant say anything about that.
It's time for me to smell fresh before bed! bye fries

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