Saturday, 13 August 2016

Hungry post

Happiest hello dear person! I feel like eating kfc now! Help?! I guess this post will begin with a list of everything i consumed today. I woke up at 7.30 earlier than ma and sissy so i didnt eat until past eight because we had pancakes together and they were fried with love-emphasis on love. But i did take a bite of mooncake while the cakes were in the pan. I love pancakes and im not sure if waffles are the hybrid pancakes but i love waffles too. I had waffles just before bed last night, a treat from my sister for helping her with her german assignment. My waffles were original batter with dark chocolate filling and i drowned it with some blue soda. Yumss! Speaking of waffles now (tangent), when i was in scondary2 and 3, my sister would always have activies after school and i didnt(surprise) but because i was so loved my dad would pick me up early and we'd go to the nextdoor supermart literally called 'the store' amd i'd get waffles at the small kiosk with peanut butter filling and it was always super fun.
Between breakfast and lunch was a 45 minute drive home so hello ipoh. I went to a local bookstore before that amd seems like the new harry potter books are out and they cost a fortune! I am obsessed with the series but i dont have that kind of money to invest. Maybe when the barter system is revived i'll trade a John Green novel for it. Lunch was a seaweed glass noodle soup and a cocoa latte. I get the yummiest treats i am so happy. I didnt have tea because i was too busy with my videos. A new one is up! Check it out here:
Then dinner was chicken rice in between sips of 7up my sister mysteriously got her hands on. I just got back from church and im sleepy. Goodnight sleepy people.

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