Thursday, 11 August 2016

Fifth wave ?

Hello there! Today is World's most exhausting day ever and the amount of times ive said that in a post is probably more frequent than the times i think to myself, 'im hungry', then stuff my face which is very very often.
The jar of vegemite is gone and thats cool so i can get my marmite back! I dont live under a rock and my survival is woven with the existance of the internet and ive watched a fair amount of prank or dare videos involving vegemite then the unsuspecting victim just barfs out his guts for the whole world to see. But ive been having fig jam a lot and thats cool too.
I had a paper at 8 am today and it was fine. Then i was pretty tired after that so my friend and i watched the 5th wave on her laptop -the one with chloe mortez- amd we got bored after the first half hour that we skipped to the last ten minutes and nothing happened that i wouldnt have guessed. My verdict: i thought it was pretty lame and it reminded me of the bible story where moses and pharoh had that dispute and he made plagues happen only in the movie there were only five disasters and aliens were the cause of it happening. And unlike the martian which had legit science in it( i made a review a long time ago), the 5th wave sorta didnt. For example the plane crashes and cassie just calmly watches from the class window and the plane falls so close to her but crash land perfectly in a perpendicular line to earth. Momentum defied? Then again cassie was short for cassiopeia which brought me to google about star names so i guessed i learned something. Thanks for the movie, friend. See my friend reads my posts and i like mentioning her just to bug her.
So my last paper ended at 2.30 and i was tired so my sister got me a mcflurry and i like ice cream! While we chilled i went on my youtube channel (bookswallowersuzie, check it out) and i added some like background music to already uploaded videos because i just figured that out over the weekend but hadnt had time to change anything because you know how wifi and i get along. I should really be computer savvy soon.
For dinner i had spicy fried rice and cucumber salad. And i ate more that usual which i think is nothing to worry about hahaha. I have to get back to doing work though i want to keep typing . I will see you soon. Goodnight gorgeouz people

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