Saturday, 7 May 2016

book review

Hello guys! Ready?! IT'S TIME FOR A BOOK REVIEW!!!! Yayyyy!!! I borrowed this book from my best friend probably three days ago and I finished it early yesterday morning. Immediately after reading the last sentence I just stopped breathing for a minute and my mind kept repeating, 'WOW, wow, wow, wow....'.
It's titled: 'Invasive Species' by Joseph Wallace. What happens is this cool, adventure-obsessed, museum field worker, Trey discovers a colony of really huge wasp things that he's never seen before and they try to kill him but he escaped because the mysterious daughter( Mariama Honso, or something close) of the only doctor in that particular jungle place comes to his rescue. Shaken by his close shave, he runs off without speaking to her and right when he get's back the museum he's employed by calls and orders him back to New York instantly. Mariama wanting to tell him about the wasp things she calls 'thieves' follows him all incognito to NY illegally with a fake passport and wthen she get's thrown in prison for like two months before Trey discovers she's in the country. In that time, Trey forms a power trio to find out about the thieves with Shiela(another victim of the thieves) and Jack(his only friend) and learn that thieves took over your body, your consciousness, they impregnate you with their larva and you die. Kill one of them and they hunt you for retribution. Later on they become close friends to Grandmother, Marry and newly orphaned granddaughter, Kait who lost her parents to the thieves. Marry and Kait, were used in a political propaganda with a candidate promising to destroy all thieves unlike the president running for reelection who hushed up the presence to the thieves in the US afraid of nationwide chaos. Slowly the population of people decrease and Jack dies. Trey uses his influence to have helicopters take him and a few survivors to the New World where the thieves don't go to and they build a civilization there.

I liked it so much! And I just discovered that there's a sequel to this novel. I must find it.

Before starting this post, I was listening to this song: 7 years by Lucas Graham and gosh the lyrics! It's so deep especially the first line when he sings- Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
"Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely.". All my life making friends was never my thing. I mean I had two at most all through primary school and then more in middle school and the number is back at two right now. My primary school life was a horror movie- I didn't have many friend and it worried me but it worried my parents more by like a 892848468454857497 times. They really wanted me to have friends but i simply couldn't and they didn't get it. They gave me pretty unnecessary advice and I got all the more stressed out and I didn't like school- still not liking it so much. One day if i ever have kids-and i definitely do not intend to have any- and my kid can't make friends I'll compensate for the lack of friends by simply being chill and we'd spend time together. 

On that note, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers! have a great one! bye

tune in tomorrow!

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