Wednesday, 18 May 2016

appreciate life

hi guysssss!!! guess who cant skip school tomorrow because of a prefect meeting! it's me.. big surprise! today started off on the right foot! i didnt have any negative thoughts, or evil voices in my head and i thank God for that! HE IS MY HEALER!! A verse that I really want you to know regardless who you are is Psalms 91. trust me on this, I hope it speaks to you.

Today's physics paper was a blast! two questions, two hours, plenty of marks. The first question was about spring extension and it was fine except that i worried way more than necessary about how perfect my graph was gonna be. the other question was about oscillating weights and causes of uncertainty. All fine! After school though, we had band practice which should have been cancelled due to exam month but oh well. During band prac there was so much rushing into learning notes and the conductor was in the fiercest model of himself. There is no paper tomorrow RAH RAH!

An update on my website project: It's progressing guys!!! i'm still in the phase of planning out content and designing the layout and i cant wait for the world to see it. It's going to be on cause im really driven to try out running my own website but there's simply no time to be learning coding. My sister though, she's taking a computer programming degree and she knows all this stuff and she said,' you need to pay for a ... domain... no exactly free'. you can fill the blanks yourself.
What im thinking of doing on my website other than reviews on various topics, is to raise college funds on my site. This is still a work in progress and hopefully it works out.

Something about today that i dont want to dwell on is my best friend losing her dog, Nansen. Admittedly i didnt fancy the pug cause i always thought it would bite chunks of flesh off me but now that it's gone you kinda regret not coming to terms with it. my friend was devastated, and i felt really bad for her but i know she's gonna be fine, just need to find a way to cheer her up. here i come, pintrest!

see you guy tomorrow!!

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