hey world!! So yesterday I went to the grocery store really late at night to get the candy my mom promised her students and because it was late I decided to go in my pajamas, without even brushing my hair. And how coincidental that I would find this influential group of kids from school at the same isle. One thing I like about adult me is I don't really care about the public's perception of me or my twitter acc( which I don't have) would have a really exaggerated retell of that unplanned meetup.
Today was a day wasted at school- what's new! Also I missed a prefect meeting on purpose just cause i didnt want to go. Shame really cause I did say I would go for the sake of my friend- a probationary prefect- going for his first meeting ever.
Here's my big news that I really want to talk to you guy about!
If there's anything I know about myself, it's that I like eating oats and I value knowledge more than anything on Earth. The solution is to be home schooled at college level which I am positive will be a more satisfying learning experience. I have been homeschooled before for a year when i was 11 years old due to health reasons. The concrete plan now is to leave by end of June after the term exams as i have paid the unsurprisingly cheap fee until that month. The nitty gritty of the plan after that is only for me and the people closest to me to know but there's nothing to worry about.
If any human could understand what i feel as of now, it would be the one and only Tyde Levi, check out the link to find out why. When he describes his misery, I just so get him and we just both want to do something that makes us happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YvgxV-C7R8 . I know this is gonna be alright!
Have fun tonight... the mature way, and I'll see you guys tomorrow!
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