Monday, 23 May 2016

Late night post

Hello everybody!! for the past few days my sister and i have been binge watching the best sitcom ever: 'hot in cleveland'. The show is even funnier than circuses and buzzfeed videos put together. There are four protagonists in the show and coincidentally, there are four people in my gang of friends. We like to call ourselves ' the 4 musketeers'. As of now the gang has split into two different states but we contact each other as frequently as possible. The characters are like an exaggerated portrayal of our little gang. There's a sweet, gullible one; a shallow, self centred one; a long legged beauty; and a sassy grouch. My darlings if youre seeing this you know who is who.
Today's papers went well. Im choosing to remain positive about it. A strange thing that happened today was my best friend who lost her dog last week actually spoke about the incident. She clearly isnt over it and i dont think talking about it made a difference on her level of trauma that shes facing but i know shes strong and will get over it soon enough.
In my attempt to cheer her up today i told her a story of when i was younger and i had this bag where i stored pieces of junk i felt a connection with. I called it: my big boss bag. I wasnt great at throwing things away then and so it all accumulated in there and a family of mosquitoes decided to make a cosy home in there. When we found out the bugs that had been breeding inside, i had to throw it out.
My friend was ammused but still sad so i kept silent while she marinated in her sadness.

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