hey everybody!! I know it's been a long time since I last updated my blog but I've been superb busy with school!
So at school last week I did this Beaver puzzle competition thing and it was kinda fun! But because of it, I had to miss my first saxophone class of the year BUMMER! Goes without saying though, that I super love puzzles and riddles so I hope to win something. The sort of questions they ask are like...hmm see for yourself at their website: http://beaver.my/
I did it for the second time this time round and it was honestly easier that last year, wonder why...
MAIGAWD so many ellipses
As promised, here is my review on THE MARTIAN:
Summary: a quirky astronaut/botanist/engineer went to Mars with other astronauts but they left him behind on their hurried departure during a deadly storm, thinking he was dead. BUT NO. He just had to survive and the rest of it is just how NASA discovered he was alive and their monkey-style efforts to save him. You'll have to read it yourself if you wanna know if he survives or not.
okay fine he does.
Honestly, it was a pleasant read! I literally couldn't drag my eyes away form it. But I was captivated mostly because I'm a big science nerd and I wanted to find something that the writer got wrong in the science behind the story but he did his research well. I commend him for that. Something I've got to say though, there were parts of the story that were meant to be funny like making the stupidity of some NASA people amplified times 873286657556343894 but it's kinda mean and I'm pro US. GO AMERICA!
Plus, the first line of the story: 'I'm so fucked'. Really? Okay. I did laugh at that.
And guys I finaly bought a new tablet! It's a Samsung Tab S2 8.0. I FREAKING LOVE IT. It's got a great camera, great memory, great screen. A set back though, is it doesn't have a stylus which surprisingly was criteria number one for me when i was looking for a tablet. I'm a student and I thought I needed a stylus( still way cool) but i realised i could do without it. It cost me RM1699 and worth every dollar. For more specs visit gsmarena.com
It's my bedtime now and I'll see you guys soon! catch my next book review on 'The Lie Tree' . sweetdreams!
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