Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Im in an orchestra?

helloooo you!! Today's been a pretty good day, I didn't have a plum for lunch but what I did have was a chiffon cake for breakfast so that totally compensates for the lack of plums. A relatively boring day today to be honest. We started off well, with my favourite subject: biology! We're at a chapter called- 'infectious diseases' and it's really long. We focus on cholera, HIV, TB and malaria and a big segment of it goes to how to treat it and of course vaccines were mentioned and then I thought of organisations I heard that are petitioning of the freedom of choice whether or not to get their kids vaccinated. Some reasons they use to back up their campaigning are conspiracy theories that 1) the government wants total control of the people so they inject things into your body that may have an advanced a technology that the medication can control your body and mind and you can be traced anywhere. Or 2)it's a big scheme for the government to earn money (cause who needs healthcare anyway). But the thing about not supporting the governments plan to get your money, is that when they - meaning the people who don't get the shots - get ill, they see a doctor to help them get better so anyways, they pay for that service but not the shots. Hypocritical much? Also there was this phony doctor who claimed that shots gave kids autism but some parents still do buy into that news.

Also another discovery I made was that the US does not have free or government provided healthcare! Apparently everything is privatized, including their jails. How strange! So everyone just relies of their insurance when they have a hospital bill to pay and if they can't afford an insurance policy, they're screwed! The people's solution seems to be to move to France where health care is free for all. Now, I know nowhere's perfect but I hear Denmark is as close as it gets. People living there are the happiest people alive! Their taxes are 70% of everything they earn but SO WHAT! They're happy to pay as their government takes care of them and the money all goes to providing free heath care, free education, free nursing homes and stuff like that.

Now it's been a year since GST was initiated in Msia and everything is taxed. Going out for a meal will set you back about RM10 as you pay 16% tax. Yes, the 6% was a lie. It's 16% and it's not helping the country as much as the government promised it would. Talking about money here makes me uncomfortable. Another day perhaps. I want to research on Msia's finance but I value my life for one thing.

School ended on an excellent note! I went for my saxophone lesson and it was so much fun. I have a super fun teacher who makes me laugh whenever I'm not turning red in the face from blowing into my reed and the sound my sax makes is just beautiful. I play the alto sax and my dear friend was nice enough to capture the picture for me. It was taken with my Samsung Tab S2 which has a camera quality of 8MP. Now, if I'm not mistaken I was in the midst of holding a C note.

Friends I promise a book review will be up shortly. It's dinner time now! Byeeee

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