Wednesday, 19 October 2016

i love my life

hey you gorgeous people!! i missed being online so much it actually physically hurts to not post an update. it has been the longest fortnight in forever but i have been away because of my A levels. they started last week and tomorrow is the last paper for the week. next week will be a break and then resume the week after. i realize that the papers are a huge deal to the eyes of the world but to this blog means more to me than anyone will ever gauge.
if i had to state my latest obsessions:
-barbie songs!! my favourite is the sound track from barbie princess and the pauper and barbie the island princess. i like singing along to it(like i always have) and the lyrics are so profound and it really speaks to me like my fav from p&p is from written in your heart ('you're always free to begin again; youre always free to believe') and my fav from island princess is from I need to know(' i have to know these answers, i have to find my way; seize my tomorrow; learn my yesterday'). i needed a blast from the past to make me feel a lot better about myself and that i am who i am!
my friend doesnt agree about the whole barbie is inspirational deal. she's working on building her youtube channel making covers and she said i get to pick a song so she cant go back on her word just cause barbie isnt her thing. well i dont like phantom of the opera much anyways.
-crosswords! ive said here many times before that i love love love puzzles and i love word search but crosswords are a whole new territory and i and enjoying it. im not at an advanced level yet but i will get there. also the name of the dots on dominoes are pips.
-the next one goes to all the fam... dark chocolate with almonds!! we've been getting a bar a week thanks to dad and they're spectacular. the best are wittakers from newzealand.

the past weeks have been really ordinary. ive been doing pass year papers, notes and praying basically. so the first day of exams i text my best friend from high school, hows the paper been? and then she goes, oh dude we dont do the same syllabus and i totally had no clue. the days are fine and sometimes i fit a nap in or if it's a gym day, me and sissy get our workout. we actually went today i got to try out something new. it's this machine that is like a standing up bicycle because you pedal but you grab the handles and your hands push back and forth. real fun.

i guess i should talk about ma's super awesome food about now. lunch was spaghetti and i found out that yesterday was national pasta day so we should have got a medal. we had pizza and squash soup sometime this week. over the weekend i had a mcd breakfast, a reeses ice cream and the best duck rice ever. i am legit blessed. thanks family!!

if youre enduring exams right now, there may or may not be under a dark cloud but here's somethings to think about.
-you dont have classes anymore. go home.
-pretzels dogs are the bomb and halal is a term to distract malaysia from things that actually matter like a better school syllabus
-troye sivan is the best gay person ever. LGBTQ long live

okay it's dinner time and mom made rice! yummys!! gotta dash. love my lovelies

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