Saturday, 28 May 2016

Nandos is better than McD

Hi world! Yesterday was a self proclaimed holiday for me YAY! The exams have finally ended amd i can now breathe easy. Im currently reading a novel by david baldacci-a frenchman- , the first of many novels i plan to read during the school holdays. Since it is a holidays, my dad is back fom kl and we had the toughest time ever on mcdonals last nigh. His train was delayed for 2 hours and he was hugry so we decided to get a drive thru meal. Then there was this driver who had her brain transplanted into her ass and parked right in front of the drive thru lane!! The crappy part is, no mcdonals employee came to our help even after relentless honking. Soon the driver came, turned her car on and just sat in it like a total moron. So my dad went to the driver, politely told her she was blocking the entryway for the drive thru lane and she went all nuts like: where is your car? I dont see no car! LADY ARE YOU FOR REAL?! We have been honking and even if there were no car, YOU CANT BLOODY PARK THERE!
Now im not foreign to unplesant mcdonals experiences. Few weeks back i wanted toget some ice cream after school from then and they said wait for 20 mins till they whip up a new batch. We ate our meal, that took about a half hour and when we ordered again, they said, ' miss youre gonna have to wait another 30 mins or so' . Then i stormed out. Not feeling very happy. But say what i may, they have the best french fries of all the fast food chains there are.
Anyways, i have just finished a meal of chicken from nandos and was more that content. The best part of the whole nandos experience is their array of sauces! I love their garlic and mild peri peri sauce and the bottles are just so classy! My parents have a thing for their mediterranean rice which i feel is just like, whatever but their bean salad though! YUMS! Plus our servers were really friendly. They talked to us and smiles all around like you dont get treated like that so often anymore.
We went to juice works later to get some fruit into our system and i like it! But it was really cold and thankfully i had just purchased a new uniqlo sweater. Pic of it tomorrow.
Now i must get back to my reading. Bye !

Monday, 23 May 2016

Late night post

Hello everybody!! for the past few days my sister and i have been binge watching the best sitcom ever: 'hot in cleveland'. The show is even funnier than circuses and buzzfeed videos put together. There are four protagonists in the show and coincidentally, there are four people in my gang of friends. We like to call ourselves ' the 4 musketeers'. As of now the gang has split into two different states but we contact each other as frequently as possible. The characters are like an exaggerated portrayal of our little gang. There's a sweet, gullible one; a shallow, self centred one; a long legged beauty; and a sassy grouch. My darlings if youre seeing this you know who is who.
Today's papers went well. Im choosing to remain positive about it. A strange thing that happened today was my best friend who lost her dog last week actually spoke about the incident. She clearly isnt over it and i dont think talking about it made a difference on her level of trauma that shes facing but i know shes strong and will get over it soon enough.
In my attempt to cheer her up today i told her a story of when i was younger and i had this bag where i stored pieces of junk i felt a connection with. I called it: my big boss bag. I wasnt great at throwing things away then and so it all accumulated in there and a family of mosquitoes decided to make a cosy home in there. When we found out the bugs that had been breeding inside, i had to throw it out.
My friend was ammused but still sad so i kept silent while she marinated in her sadness.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Day off

Hi friendsss!!! Today has been a relaxing day for me because... I MISSED SCHOOL. I took a study break today cause exams the whole next week *squeals*. I woke up at 9.39 am and it dawned on me how relaxed i felt. The feeling was so foreign that upon reflection earlier i knew that my life would be a whole lot better without all the stress and anxiety that came with school. Stress is unavoidable- i get that-and i think to a certain extent, it may be healthy even. But thats the thing, you can only manage your stress to your personal limit. Beyond that and you need to start seeing shrinks or eating magic mushrooms ive been reading about on bbc news.
I didnt think negative thoughts, i didnt have to take unnecessary trips to the bathroom to calm down and it was so liberating i have no idea how ive been managing to drag my leaden feet to school day in day out.
I had a lunch of indian mixed rice and dahl(a chickpea soup).
I am a huge ellen degeneres fan and ive always wanted to be on her show. She is so kind and generous and really very funny.
Later in the day when i was packing my things to leave for ipoh, i found a cockroach in my purple puma school bag. I wasnt wearing my glasses cause it was hot and my face was sweaty but i knew there was something moving in it. My eyesight is not the best: i have astimatism and shortsightedness so i plunged my head right into my bag, zip opened to breaking point and there it was. Its gone now but it was traumatizing still.
Im in my absolute favourite place, ipoh!! I had a dinner of toast bread with sugar and a drink of milo dinosaur. Its juat regular milo only they bury the surface of the mug with a cup of the powder form of milo. Then later we had to go to the mall to get some coloured paper for my lovely sister's fundraiser so we got some chatime to drink as we walked. Now i normally get a cup of pearl milk tea but i tried this thjng called matcha latte. Its like strong green tea with like a composition of 50%milk. Here is the effort of joanna:
Shes helping out her cell group to make money for their camp. Bless her heart.
Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day because we are going to a big mall to get some fancy shoes for mom. I love them. Ill expand on this tomorrow. Bye loves

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

appreciate life

hi guysssss!!! guess who cant skip school tomorrow because of a prefect meeting! it's me.. big surprise! today started off on the right foot! i didnt have any negative thoughts, or evil voices in my head and i thank God for that! HE IS MY HEALER!! A verse that I really want you to know regardless who you are is Psalms 91. trust me on this, I hope it speaks to you.

Today's physics paper was a blast! two questions, two hours, plenty of marks. The first question was about spring extension and it was fine except that i worried way more than necessary about how perfect my graph was gonna be. the other question was about oscillating weights and causes of uncertainty. All fine! After school though, we had band practice which should have been cancelled due to exam month but oh well. During band prac there was so much rushing into learning notes and the conductor was in the fiercest model of himself. There is no paper tomorrow RAH RAH!

An update on my website project: It's progressing guys!!! i'm still in the phase of planning out content and designing the layout and i cant wait for the world to see it. It's going to be on cause im really driven to try out running my own website but there's simply no time to be learning coding. My sister though, she's taking a computer programming degree and she knows all this stuff and she said,' you need to pay for a ... domain... no exactly free'. you can fill the blanks yourself.
What im thinking of doing on my website other than reviews on various topics, is to raise college funds on my site. This is still a work in progress and hopefully it works out.

Something about today that i dont want to dwell on is my best friend losing her dog, Nansen. Admittedly i didnt fancy the pug cause i always thought it would bite chunks of flesh off me but now that it's gone you kinda regret not coming to terms with it. my friend was devastated, and i felt really bad for her but i know she's gonna be fine, just need to find a way to cheer her up. here i come, pintrest!

see you guy tomorrow!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Exam week

Good day guys!! The reason i havent updated in a while is cause its the exam month and ive been crazy busy. Today's o nly the second day of exams and im exhausted. Also today is supposed to be teachers day and i felt really good- like a mixture of peacefulness and really happiness. Haha. - giving gifts to my teachers who i guess do their job presumeably well.
I appreciate teachers, i really do. Even my mom is a teacher! But i really do need to be homeschooled. School is a waste of time, the environment stresses me out, the people are displeasing to the eye. Oh gosh. To anyone that's been homeschooled or is being homeschooled, you are one lucky leprechaun.
The papers have been fine and i daresay they were reasonably easy.

Here's a tangent question for everyone to ponder upon: how do you know when you have anxiety issues? Now this youtuber, zoella sugg is a major beauty guru and she claims she suffers from anxiety and in my current state, i am constantly thinking of negative thoughts and i try hard to distract myself but they come back see. Now do i classify being a perpetual pessimist as being a victim of anxiety? I know for a fact that being homeschool will fix everything but to get to that process of extracting myslef from school is gonna be a tricky bit.

Now at the brink of depression, only my Saviour keeps me from drowning in a whirlwind of negativity. And this particular verse in the bible really keeps me going: Psalms 91. If you are about to take that leap, or reach for that blade or pull that trigger. Know that i care. More importantly, know that God cares and He loves his children very much. Talk Him and He'll listen.

A new project i am working on is building my own website. On my website there will be ... ( it's a surprise!). So if you want to know more or you wanna offer help or advice, email me at not the most computer savvy person in the world but this will be some new experience.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Cat. Hair. Button badges

Hello loves!!! It's 5pm right now but it's been the longest day everrrr!!! I slept at 1am last night reading news on my brand new tablet and i woke up at 8 to go out for a breakfast of noodles.
This morning wasnt the perfect morning but here i am. Still alive.
Before leaving the house, everyone planned to have a porridge breakfast at the stadium's food court but then we didnt feel like driving the distance so we went to a pork soup noodle place we like but all the tables were full of waiting people then we we went to the next block for herbal beef noodles and guess what. THERE WERE NO SEATS TOO. We went to the last resort which was a lam mee noodle place. It was empty and we ordered and the food came. Then came a demonic visitor at our table. One thing about these breakfast spots is that they are not the most hygenic places in the world. Food is so-so though. And all these places are crawling with stray cats, dirty and hungry cats. About to take my first bite, a bloody cat jumped on me and i screamed my lungs out. Now ive always seen these cats but they normally fear humans except maybe this cat. It just jumped on my lap and stayed there for 10 seconds and then jumped back down. By now ive attracted the attention of the stall owner and he chased the cat away. My parents told me to keep eating and i tried but i just couldnt. My hands were trembelling worse than someone with pakinsons and i couldnt keep my chopsticks together. Then i started to cry. Silent tears and my parents were the best. They didnt force me to eat, but kept telling me, 'it's over. Youre okay now' and i really did feel world's better. Then my evil sister just had to be all nasty and shout at me about being such a pussy. I suspect that she's the demon that attracted that demonic cat in the first place.

I went home, took a shower and napped till like 12pm because i had a hair dressers appointment. So here is my new look guys
I officially have short hair now. Share this post if you like it! Honestly i was super concerned that it was super short but now im like 'I FEEL SO COOL!'
Why i decided to cut my hair short is because ive always had long hair and i wanted to try out something new in an androgyneous fashion. Also my long hair was pretty dry and falling so i decided to let it grow again stronger this time.

A major thing i wanna talk about here is about me starting a button badge bussiness. Im trying to make money as a student and its not easy but i wanna give it a shot. Questions are: where do i find a supplier ? Do let me know at is you are a wholesaler of some bussiness and ill be that re seller.

Thats all for now. Ill see you soon. Have fun and know that you look amazing and keep Jesus as your best friend.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

you might want to be seated for this

hey world!! So yesterday I went to the grocery store really late at night to get the candy my mom promised her students and because it was late I decided to go in my pajamas, without even brushing my hair. And how coincidental that I would find this influential group of kids from school at the same isle. One thing I like about adult me is I don't really care about the public's perception of me or my twitter acc( which I don't have) would have a really exaggerated retell of that unplanned meetup.

Today was a day wasted at school- what's new! Also I missed a prefect meeting on purpose just cause i didnt want to go. Shame really cause I did say I would go for the sake of my friend- a probationary prefect- going for his first meeting ever.

Here's my big news that I really want to talk to you guy about!

If there's anything I know about myself, it's that I like eating oats and I value knowledge more than anything on Earth. The solution is to be home schooled at college level which I am positive will be a more satisfying learning experience. I have been homeschooled before for a year when i was 11 years old due to health reasons. The concrete plan now is to leave by end of June after the term exams as i have paid the unsurprisingly cheap fee until that month. The nitty gritty of the plan after that is only for me and the people closest to me to know but there's nothing to worry about.

If any human could understand what i feel as of now, it would be the one and only Tyde Levi, check out the link to find out why. When he describes his misery, I just so get him and we just both want to do something that makes us happy . I know this is gonna be alright!

Have fun tonight... the mature way, and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Saturday, 7 May 2016

book review

Hello guys! Ready?! IT'S TIME FOR A BOOK REVIEW!!!! Yayyyy!!! I borrowed this book from my best friend probably three days ago and I finished it early yesterday morning. Immediately after reading the last sentence I just stopped breathing for a minute and my mind kept repeating, 'WOW, wow, wow, wow....'.
It's titled: 'Invasive Species' by Joseph Wallace. What happens is this cool, adventure-obsessed, museum field worker, Trey discovers a colony of really huge wasp things that he's never seen before and they try to kill him but he escaped because the mysterious daughter( Mariama Honso, or something close) of the only doctor in that particular jungle place comes to his rescue. Shaken by his close shave, he runs off without speaking to her and right when he get's back the museum he's employed by calls and orders him back to New York instantly. Mariama wanting to tell him about the wasp things she calls 'thieves' follows him all incognito to NY illegally with a fake passport and wthen she get's thrown in prison for like two months before Trey discovers she's in the country. In that time, Trey forms a power trio to find out about the thieves with Shiela(another victim of the thieves) and Jack(his only friend) and learn that thieves took over your body, your consciousness, they impregnate you with their larva and you die. Kill one of them and they hunt you for retribution. Later on they become close friends to Grandmother, Marry and newly orphaned granddaughter, Kait who lost her parents to the thieves. Marry and Kait, were used in a political propaganda with a candidate promising to destroy all thieves unlike the president running for reelection who hushed up the presence to the thieves in the US afraid of nationwide chaos. Slowly the population of people decrease and Jack dies. Trey uses his influence to have helicopters take him and a few survivors to the New World where the thieves don't go to and they build a civilization there.

I liked it so much! And I just discovered that there's a sequel to this novel. I must find it.

Before starting this post, I was listening to this song: 7 years by Lucas Graham and gosh the lyrics! It's so deep especially the first line when he sings- Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
"Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely.". All my life making friends was never my thing. I mean I had two at most all through primary school and then more in middle school and the number is back at two right now. My primary school life was a horror movie- I didn't have many friend and it worried me but it worried my parents more by like a 892848468454857497 times. They really wanted me to have friends but i simply couldn't and they didn't get it. They gave me pretty unnecessary advice and I got all the more stressed out and I didn't like school- still not liking it so much. One day if i ever have kids-and i definitely do not intend to have any- and my kid can't make friends I'll compensate for the lack of friends by simply being chill and we'd spend time together. 

On that note, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers! have a great one! bye

tune in tomorrow!