Saturday, 15 July 2017

the dog story

Hi there! if you knew me for a long enough time, you would know that i only ever had one dog in my life and his name was max. he ran away while we were on vacation because we left other people incharge of him. he might be dead, in not sure, but here's his story!

i got max from my dad's friend who had 2 dogs at first, angel (max's mom) and shadow (the boss dog). They took shadow in first. he was a stray and he had issues. he attacked a couple of humans, mauled another dog close to death and was just a really bad dog. animal planet used to air this show, dog whisperer: cesar milan. basically a family with a dog with issues calls him, he walks up to them and whispers for a bit and they become the world's best dog. shadow would have taken up an entire season of his show. he just couldnt behave! as neighbours complained, the owners didnt know what to do and considered putting him down. because of his inability to play nice, the front gate always had to be closed else a stray might walk into an attack.
one fateful day, the gate was left open by accident and a small and super cute dog struts in and when the humans found her, she was playing nice with shadow and shadow was visibly a lot calmer and better behaved when she was around. the sudden change in character shocked everyone. it was a 360 turn around and it just happened overnight. he didnt have any crazy episodes with her. its like she screwed his head back in place. course they had to adopt angel too!
shadow was a clean dog so he and angel didnt have any puppies but there was a black stray that took her away from shadow. the black stray and angel had twin puppies, sam and max (my puppy). sam was tall and just the chill-est dog ever but max had a very feisty spirit.
shadow and angel had this really special connection i could tell.
one day a friend's house got robbed and the homeowner didnt feel safe so shadow was lent to that family for a few weeks with the role of guard dog. seems being separated from angel was too much for him because he died a few days later. apparently of a broken heart. she must have missed him very much too cause she died shortly after him. sam lived for a little while more but then he died too.
now the reason why im telling you guys this story is because i thought it would make such a good plot for a drama or a story so feel free to use this piece of inspiration right here. i'll see if i can make a kids book out of this but the whole everyone-died-in-the-end might be a bit to morbid.
also i think we can learn a bit from here other than dogs are really social animals. say this was going on in the human world too. DONT EVER BE LIKE ANGEL.
it's great that it worked out for her but girls, dont you ever approach a wild crazy dude. bad boys are the worst people on the planet, a bad influence that you dont need in your life. surround yourself with good people and if you think you can change that 17 or 18 year old boy that seems so special to you, reality is YOU CANNOT! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE
how bout you focus on yourself? better yourself and always strive to be a valuable member of society.
i want to end by saying that a girl with a bubbly personality is always so cute! next post in a while more!