yesternight i watched the new superman i didnt think highly of it because i was a huge fan of andrew garfield!! this cast was so entirely different from the amazing spiderman but im not mad about it.
but i'll lay out my issues first, in bullet points!
- iron man made his costume?! why did he not make it himself?
- no Gwen?!
- a young-sexy aunt May? what?
- the cast is NOT made of actual teens and the love interest is 30 years old n real life?!
i'll tell you what i do like about it now!
- peter parker is cute
- iron man is cute
- ned, my goodness, NED is super cute!
- the stan lee cameo
it's called homecoming because he asks the girl he likes to homecoming and her dad turns out to be the protagonist that hates spidy. there's too many costume changes and i liked it better when there was no avengers involved. also i dont really understand the point of zendeya's character? what does she do? maybe she'll like spiderman in the sequel. who knows?