Wednesday, 17 May 2017

my hiatus and this new kdrama i just finished

hello everyone online! it's been a while hasnt it? i checked and my last post was 4 months ago but to me it feels like forever. i havent been up to any shenanigans or whatever so life is pretty tame, just how i like it. its hard to believe how much can happen in 4 months. i have a new pet now, his name is Lego, like the building brick game. when i was a kid i had those bricks but they werent lego brand ones but they came in a cute green plastic box with a little yellow handle so you could carry it around like a briefcase. lego is a red ear slider the size of a 50 cent coin and he feeds on commercial turtle food and love. he's so cute but he's been kinda lonely swimming alone so i think i might get him a friend. i actually just got him like last sunday. when i was really young i had pet turtles too but we didnt have them for long. i think i could do a whole post in turtles alone. we eventually released them in the pond at DR park which i dont think exists anymore. the bridge across was already so rickety a decade ago, what would it be like now. i have been feeling okay. i have been positive. i won a crane game on my first try. i have new videos on my youtube channel . click to find it! i made 1.3k fans on musically (@happysu001). i bruised my pinky toe while running in a daze.
theres so much to say but i say we look to the future so you guys can expect more regular posts in the future and i'll try to fit in what happened in this 4 month period.
literally minutes ago i finished a korean drama series called 'Who Are You School'. yes girls, the 'oppas' are all extremely gorgeous! honestly Yook Seungjae from BTOB is my favourite kidol ever!! his hair and his face!! goodness!! also i feel like some snippets of this drama is like directly extracted from my past. like my past is a fossil and they dug into the ground to get it and just gave it a swipe of a brush and made a show. here's what it's about: there's a pair of twins. one was adopted (eun byol) and the other remained in the orphanage(eun bi). only they knew they had a twin and no one else in the world, not even the adoptive mother. eun bi had a tough life like tougher than overcooked squid. she was severely bullied, had no one to turn too, had teachers against her and she had to work to help out in the orphanage. eun byol had everything great. she lived life. one day on eun byol's school trip, she happened to see eun bi. she knew about eun bi's struggles and witnessed her jumping off a bridge in a suicide attempt. she saved her and at the hospital found that she had amnesia that she couldnt remember her own name even. to make it up to her sister she abandoned at 5, she gave her sister her identity, and just made herself vanish off the face of the earth. what she does to eun bi's actually identity is make it seem like her suicide attempt worked so she died. fast forward like 5 drama episodes-equivalent to like 50 days in actual time- she gets her memories back and tells her mom that shes eun bi so the grave that's hers must be eun byol except shes not dead just hiding. the mom asks her to keep living as eun byol and she does. then it just focuses on the regular high school drama. one studied so hard he almost jumped a building in frustration, one wants to model, ones an injured swimmer with no money and one had no friends unless she paid their purchases leading her to steal and one had parents who didnt even want to see him. it shows how though life is. i have been pondering this question lot -why is life so freaking hard?- and i think it was meant to be that i watch this series cause it shows that no matter how tough life is, you can get through it. but again why is it so difficult? why can everyone just dont mistreat anyone so they dont get hurt so they dont go on to lash out on others! why cant anyone just be accepted for just being themselves? im legit curious so if you have like a PhD or something and you happen to be reading a teen's blogpost, leave a scientific explanation why. i liked the ending of the show when eun bi gives a little monologue about being 18(again its perfect cause i happen to be 18 too). she says “Eighteen. It’s too early to realize your dreams, but the perfect age to begin dreaming. Falling down hurts, but it’s the perfect age to learn a hundred ways to get up again.” now this is a great motivational quote. i will be scouring etsy to find a fancy poster of this. but she continues until the last second of the show saying,
''We’re eighteen, so we live every day as if it’s our last—loving and hating fiercely. It’s an age where we falter and get hurt easily, and are hurting more than anyone. Despite that, the reason we can look back on that time and say we were happy is one person’s warm outstretched hand. Not more, not less, but just one person—if we each approach one friend who’s crying and stretch out a hand like this, there’s nothing that I—we—can’t endure. It’s okay. You can hurt. Because you’re eighteen.''
share this with someone you think needs to hear this. i think it's great.
it happens to be 1 am now. goodnight my lovelies.

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