Thursday, 15 September 2016

train ride prep

hey hey you you!! im so stoked for my adventure to the city tomorrow!! kuala lumpur guys!! the taxi's taking me and ma over to the train at 9.20 in the morning and we'll reach in about 3 hours. dad says we'll go straight to sunway pyramid from the station to shop and i super love kl malls! not that ipoh is lame but the malls do kinda give this lackluster vibe and in kl it's all spirit! im hoping to get my camera tomorrow(about time!).
i have 2 bags packed, one for clothes and the other is for my phone and cash and sweater because im not at the level of womanhood yet to be carrying a handbag. legit i think i travel light so i have few clothes packed and it's all going to be fine because i might buy a blouse or two there. i will wear my new shoes on the train but i'll have my flip flops packed in plastic so i dont have to be wearing shoes all the time. but then again having 2 pairs of footwear isnt traveling light. fine. i will just wear shoes everywhere for the next 3 days. thought of wearing my contacts on the train but we'll see if there's time for that in the morning. going to kl is fun but look out for a big overseas trip im planning for myself next year.
im twice more excited about tomorrow because yesterday not much happened but i did go to the bank and the pet store and that was about that. we got hamster her anti mite spray and it smells really sweet.
today was an early start because my mom woke me with her thunderous footsteps. she secretly had gongs implanted to the soles of her feet. hahaha im just kidding. all love here! i had a cup of hot chocolate nestum and went to the bank the next second to get my documents i applied for the day before and the lady at the counter was really nice to us. she even gave us an envelope to put our papers in. after that i watched an episode of icarly, and then endured the hour long ride to kampar. hello! first thing i did here was eat mcdonals because it's happy food then did the most adult thing ever like clean my room. now it's clean and the evils of the world.
okay i just turned off my laptop by accident when i was going to press the backspace(excellent typing i have).
it's been relaxing today. i had a yummy dinner(thanks so much ma) at secret recipe. i had chicken lasagna and ma and sissy had chicken chops. plus, we had a chocolate mud cake which ma heard as 'smuck'. yummy food!
i'm going to drink a yakult after this and possibly watch another episode of icarly. goodness i wish i had a webshow as cool as that. and it all seems so effortless. my youtube channel isnt exploding with subscribers like i want it to be so i'll learn a thing or two from the show maybe. maybe i just need a blonde friend. brilliant idea. seriously though, i want a cool webshow. and i will work towards that regardless.
have a good night everyone and have fun fun fun!!

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