Thursday, 1 September 2016

game of thrones book review

you're nice! hello!! yesterday was a holiday and it was a good one! happy 59th malaysia! i guess every holiday is a good one. still counting on that breakthrough for the nation! you'll get there msia! not much action yesterday but i did finish 'a game of thrones' the novel yesterday. 
basically there's a main king and there's smaller royals but not exactly kings and they're in the north south east and west. the family in focus is the stark family of winterfell(the smaller royals i was talking about) and i know now why everyone's saying, 'winter is coming'... it's just the family motto. weird. moving on. the king has 5 kids and a kid he had when he was cheating on his wife(a bastard kid, they say). the bastard becomes a guard of this magic wall that protects the world, the eldest son becomes king when the dad gets killed, the second son becomes crippled when the king's wife tried to kill him and the youngest son is the lamest character ever. the first daughter is a total princess character, so full of herself she makes a fool of herself. real nasty and is betrothed to the big king's son. the other daughter is everything the eldest isn't. she's nice to most, even the bastard and she's not a damsel in distress, knowing her way with a sword. there's an enemy to the royals, a pregnant 14 year old and her abusive brother, both sick in the head and think they are teenage mutant dragons. 
a lot of death happens in the story, and a lot of mention of the word 'manhood' and 'breast'. you have every reason to think this book inappropriate to readers below 18 years of age. i wouldnt recommend this book to be frank. it's draggy and violent with a hint of porn. a better book of this genre is Lord of the Rings! love it! one thing i gotta say, i like the idea of having a betrothed, and i mentioned this to my friend who then pointed out that i was too old to have a betrothed. 
once that was done i made a popin cooking burger set and i had a blast making it. it got a little gross when it came to mixing the powder especially the meat but it was fun to assemble it all. best part of all was filming me do it and then edit it! the camera was a jerk as always but fun is all that matters. i loved how my editing turned out and uploaded it in 2 hours only to wake up to an email saying my video will be muted because i had added cake by the ocean as my background music and that got reported so now i breach a copyright agreement, darn. oh well. choose your battles.
today i woke up to honey water which i hadnt had in a very long time and i love it! i used to drink it a lot when i was younger and i had a church choir gig and then to make my voice sweet my dad would make me honey water and i liked it. this is different honey though. this one's organic and from the wild and sounds like fairy food.
went to school, played with my best acquaintances, had a fantastic lunch of maggie! i just got back from a japanese dinner of rice, miso soup, fried chicken and tea. it was good and i liked the tea best because it was raining crazy i got cold. we sat next to a window and once we were all done eating, i spotted a cop giving our car a ticket. then sissy ran out in the rain to tell the ghastly police that we shouldnt be given a ticket but they are just doing their job(for once, and even this surprises me). so we have a ticket and a yummy dinner. to keep the spirit of positivity even during the hardest of times, we reminiscence on the time our maid stole the only jewelry i owned and that she's a nasty one.
i have to hydrate now but im having a fun time here. it's late and you go get some shut eye. see ya

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