Hey gummy yummy! ive been lying on my yoga mat and now my notes are all on the floor but that's okay, i'll pick them later. i have so much chemistry work i plan to get done and i like getting things done! i woke at 8.15 and am so happy because there was french toast waiting for me and i made a cuppa coffee and it was bliss.
the house is so quite without sissy around but im happy because she's in the city and enjoying herself and i like her there cause it's fun for her. anyways im having much fun too. ma and i got sticker tattoos yesterday- mine's a panda and her's a rabbit! and they are so adorable. also we went to get ice cream yesterday before dinner and then a bento dinner after and i had a total of 3 eggs yesterday- one foe lunch, 2 in my bento and that was a lot even for an egglover like me. school ended late because i was having a blast doing a test i missed on monday. after that i left the office to find 2 of my classmates in a heated discussion with my homeroom teacher and they saw me and i just joined in. they were joining my bandwagon (honestly i am totally not surprised because as vain as it sounds i have always been a trend setter). they want out of school early too. meaning not finishing the school year but coming back for exams. now about the trend setter business, i always find people doing what im doing after ive done it like cutting my hair, and when i come up with a joke, it gets repeated infinite times by totally unfunny people but i dont get credited but it's okay, just shows that im original. now look, people want out of school too.
on monday night i went to a hairdresser with my mom and the dude totally commented that my hair's kinda thin and it got me feeling a little self conscious but then again i like myself a lot so whatever man. also i hate to admit i used to stereotype all men in the hair or fashion industry cause on tv they all sound possibly gay, not that there's anything wrong with that. the dude was just honest and he breathes hair so i will cut him some slack.
im going to prepare myself for lunch in a while but i have to bring up this new discovery i made thanks to ricegum on youtube. it's the huh challenge. gosh guys, i legit thought there was nothing more pointless than the condom challenge and the internet proved wrong. so how it goes is you randomly go up to someone, record their reaction to your insult and then end with you saying HHHUUHHHH! okay maybe it's funny if you did it to like a best friend and only your squad gets to see the footage but kids post this on internet for the whole world to see and some insults are really mean and the poor dude's reputation goes down the drain. i dont think that nice-ites are going to be trending any time soon on the internet, but then again guys the world doesnt have to know if your friend has no original teeth or a big butt. it's personal man.
for some reason my left ear is starting to hurt and im worried it's going to give a fever. lets not think about that. take care of yourselves ya. good day you lovelies
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