Sunday, 24 March 2019

Welcoming our latest addition to the family

Hello gorgeous people!! it's a sunny Sunday and i have just taken a nice cold shower after completing my chores. its a pretty warm day and ive been hearing a lot about a super intense heatwave going around malaysia. take care guys! water's always good for you. i'll be fine because im a hermit and i rarely leave the safety of my home so everything will be chill on my end.
im excited for the new week ahead. have a presentation and a computer test lined up but nothing too major. the hell weeks of the semester have already passed. this week will also be my family's first week with our brand new car!! we just drove our new baby home from the store yesterday and it was such a rush. this car is also the first car that has my name under it's registration and thats pretty cool cause it means im part owner. i like this feeling of owning something so adult. i felt this way too when i was 16 and i got my first laptop, like i was such the adult, that i have everything put together. the Ooi's have 3 cars now and we're so thankful for God's provision!
Im actually car illiterate so i cant tell you all the fancy insider guts of this car's abilities but what i do know is it's a Produa Beza. its brown but a bit purple like the colour of a mild bruise. the boot space is huge enough to fit a couple of pigs and you can also fit a few more in the back seat. yup super spacious. the insides are super cool too! theres a functioning radio, bluetooth connection and a lot of fancy buttons that do stuff that i dont know about! there's really so many buttons cause the door opens with a button and a sensor and the engine starts with yes, another button too!!
my dad and i had a really funny experience with the car yesterday. we were at a gas station, filling up the tank, and we were both out of the car. i think he locked the doors as we were getting it filled and this car has a futuristic unlocking system so its kinda complex. he managed to unlock his driver side door but we spent i think a good 10 minutes just trying to get my door opened. i dont know what happened too but it opened after a while and i just laughed about it on the way home.
we took the car to the mall yesterday and we'll be taking out to dinner in a couple of hours. this car will take us on a super many cool adventures next time and i cant wait to write all about it.

so how was your weekend?πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’“



Friday, 22 March 2019

the most adult moment of my life- i rented a room

hello gorgeous people!! it's finally friday and i feel like its been such a long week. this weekend will be a fun one though. our family has got really exciting news... we're expanding our family!! yup, that's right y'all's!! tmr at 2pm, we'll be going to collect OUR BRAND NEW CARRR!! we're all super excited for this and we're really very blessed. i could go on about it but i think ill have have a special post for it tmr and i can upload some pictures too once we get it.
this week has been eventful and when i say 'this week' i actually just want to focus on my yesterday and today. yesterday was the day that i rented a room for the first time in my life. ive gone through five semesters of university so far and ive been so blessed that until now ive never had to worry about rent, bills, meals and taking care of myself in general. i guess an adult moment like this is bound to happen to everyone at one point of their lives but i never saw it coming for me. there are so many things to be excited about like i dont have to do chores for a whole house anymore or i dont have to do my own laundry anymore cause i have a laundromat service. and the whole usual first-time-experience ecstasy! there are also parts that scare me greatly and i think about such things a lot that they keep me up on some nights. i have to live with other students, what if theyre not friendly?what if this new house has many bugs? and i have to decide on my own meals now what if dont know what to buy or what to make. what if my allowance runs out too fast? i need to learn to plan my spending now and i have never ever done that. i've studied a unit in accounting and another in finance but will i use that theory in real life now?
Anyways back to me getting a room. the decision to move in May was super rushed. it's only two months away and i know most new students and current students looking to move have already started booking rooms way ahead for the coming new semester. i was a bit behind so i didnt have much time on doing a through research on accommodations and synthesizing all that information to make a well judged decision. throughout it all my friends have been a good help in giving me advice. would i rather be under a management or  a private owner? house or condo? cycling distance or driving distance? if i choose management which management would give me a better service, KT or Danish? front row houses or the old back part ones? what happens when i leave on my internship?
in the flurry of the moment all that was clear was i needed a room in a house, under a management and in the front row, with the lake view and with a bigger parking area. also i wanted a room on the ground floor cause my lazy ass doesnt like stairs so much and plus what if i need to carry heavy junk?
i ended up with quite the nice room actually. its near to a bustop and checks all the boxes. of course because of the rush to book a room so i wouldnt end up without one, we're slowly realizing all the cracks in our plan. a room in the ground floor at the front would mean less privacy for me cause theres a big big window facing the porch. and it'll be the noisiest one too. ground floor is also the target rooms for any burglaries. but i dont think i'll worry about such things for now. i really need to get focus on my school work and the upcoming exams in 3 weeks. once im done with that im sure everything else will fall into place.
im not going to worry too much.  Philippians 4:6-7 says, 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
sleep tight everyone. goodnight


Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Valentine's day recap 2019 - dinner at e-hub Kampar

Hello all you gorgeous people!! in my previous post i mentioned the super fancy meal i had a couple weeks back but then yesterday i remembered a fancy dinner i had that would give Durbar a run for their money. for valentines day this year, i pulled all the stops. i bought flowers and a fancy dinner for my mom. i had ordered a rose bouquet weeks in advanced knowing the stores would be busy, and since i knew id be having classes, i had them delivered straight to her at her workplace. she was so stoked! much excited indeed! she took pictures and was super happy!
for dinner, i took her to this fancy bar lounge place, e-hub in kampar. the ground floor is a restaurant and the entertainment center with the karaoke and pool tables are all on the upper floors. i'd say its fancy cause there's a stage at the front of the restaurant where they sometimes have live music playing and they also serve liquor so thats always fancy! 
e-hub had a special valentines day 3-course menu and of course we had to try it. we started off with a seared hokkaido scallop on a bed of salad. i cant recall what the dressing was but i remember it being super citrus-y. the scallop was huge and really unlike the tiny pink ones you get when you buy frozen ones for your steamboat. we then ordered one of each of the choices of entrees so we tried a chicken roulade and a salmon dish which came with the same sides, just different sauce and different protein. i think i preferred the chicken. it came on a deep fried polenta cake and salad and a truffle butter sauce which was bomb. the meal ended with a dessert of frozen tiramisu and it came with a nice caramel sauce but it could do without. anyways it was a really good meal overall. the gin and juice was good too of course (hehehe!)
im super thankful to have had celebrated the event with my family and it really made me appreciate how loved i am by my parents especially. sometimes as a 'soloist' people tend to draw assumptions about your happiness which i think they shouldnt. i am loved and thats all i need to know. 





Sunday, 17 March 2019

Family dinner at Durbar FMS

hello gorgeous people a week ago, sissy had a really fun convocation as some of you already know. we went for our celebratory dinner in DURBAR FMS. It was a really fancy place and you could tell as you walked through the shiny glass doors. it felt like a scene from that Frozen movie when Anna opens the doors to Elsa's glass castle. pretty big moment aye.
the marble table tops and rustic wooden chairs, similar to ones youd see in normal non-fancy kopitiams, somehow fit so well into DURBAR's fancy setting. i guess the waiters in suits and the sparkly chandeliers helped boost the fancy factor a bunch. also the table setting was that youd see in hotel restaurants.
their menu was a mix of malaysian and western cuisine but we all got something that we felt we couldnt get anywhere else. food was nice but i do wanna comment on their side of fries we had in two of the four meals we ordered. i mean im paying a lot for frozen fries that i could make on my own too. or i could get them in any mcdonals nearby. frozen fries just doesnt suit the fancy theme the ambiance provided. plus they werent even salted.
but i have to say, they had really good soup. we had pumpkin soup and i live for pumpkin soup, especially the one my mom makes. theirs comes in close second but still i thought it worth mentioning.





Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Highlights of 2018 -November- Speaker's corner

It was sometime in November that i entered a speech giving competition. i remember just having a lot of fun hanging out with my friends at the back of the auditorium. i made some new friends too and that's always fun. i remember being super nervous at the start but so thankful for the friends who came just to support me. they really did their best to calm me down when i didnt think i wanted to carry on with my speeches. it's a memory i treasure now. πŸ’“


Highlights of 2018- July and August birthdays

heihei gorgeous people!! this post is gonna be about birthdayssss, with emphasis on mine and my sister's days! for mine we went to this hotpot buffet place and it was really cool cause there was such a variety and it was a nice place overall. my favourite part was the bowl of melted cheese we had to put on our meats, but the grilled abalone was pretty good too!
MY 20th
 We celebrated sissy's in Kampar and i cant remember much but i think we had fancy, gourmet burgers and a meat platter. also i bought her this super cute bag that she styles so well.
SISSY'S 22nd

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Highlights of 2018 -May CF Camp- July Shogi workshop

im not sure of the dates exactly but im sure it was sometime during May that i went for a christian camp organized by a christian club in my uni. i used to go for these such camps super often, at least one camp yearly. i think this camp was my first in possibly four years and i had a really good time. The theme of this camp was, 'Purpose' and it was about knowing that God has a purpose for us in our lives and we should listen to it. i made some really cool friends from our uni's sister campus in Sg Long but its a shame that we dont keep in touch. Oh wells, students have busy schedules. i havent been to CF in a while and that kinda bums me out.

Later in July I did more school activities thanks to one of my good friends. So sometime earlier i had resigned from a secretary position for a different club's event and i was pretty chill. My friend's a really big advocate for the Japanese club and they were recruiting for a Shogi- Japanese Chess event and i became their treasurer thanks to her. It was a really fun time learning Shogi cause its way more challenging to learn than the original English chess. The pieces have japanese characters on it and its hard cause i cant even read chinese characters so japanese is harder for me to digest. i won some matches and it made me really happy and i learned something new. the rest of the committee were really nice too and we had a really good energy together. the only thing that could have been better is the refreshments cause it was a prepacked nasi lemak meal. but grateful nontheless hahaha.



Highlights of 2018 -Febuary- SUKIPT

I actually remember right after this chess competition we had, me and my then roommate, Milyn who also has a blog, said we would both record our experiences in our respective blogs. I think she did it but i was probably too tired once i got home. 
This was actually my first big league chess competition and i loved all the perks. 
1. It was during a school week so I got excused from classes all week!
2. I got extracurricular points!
3. I met a bunch of nice people and made super good friends!

The whole week was an adventure and to be honest, i was pretty close to not going but i'm glad i did. The university we stayed at during the competition was really far away and was in this super jungle-ish place. We didnt win any placings and the living conditions were really rough but i had fun and i treasure those late night heart to heart talks with the cool chess squad.




Monday, 11 March 2019

Welcome to my blog - 2019

Hello gorgeous people,
I am aware that this blog hasn't had an update since January 2018 and it's March of 2019 now. So much has happened in this 14 months. i wish i could go back and document everything but to do so now would take a lot of brain energy to recollect everything. But im back now and i plan to update my happy happy blog regularly. im excited about this and you can look forward to it.
That's me at a hipster-ish cafe last week. I went there for some milkshakes with my fam after a super exciting evening. they were selling cacti and some ferns outside of the cafe and the scene was really nice so my dad, my super cool photographer took this really nice picture.
Also i need to talk about my dress. I got it off zalora for RM20 and i think this may be my favorite dress ever. i think it's called Gingham Checkered Mini Dress by Eyescream. the dress is knee length and the fabric feels super smooth and nice. i love it! this gingham patterns are trending now and i have a friend who has a ruffle skirt that's a skirt clone of this dress. I kinda like being up to date with fashion. I wanna talk a bunch more about my closet and other dresses i like but i think i'll save that for a different post. This is my first post back and it's supposed to be introductory.
It feels really good to be back here writing. A great start to my day today. Welcome back, Sue.