Wednesday, 4 October 2017

watching Girl Meets World- yes that Disney show

Good morning my readers!!! it is thursday today and we are nearing the weekend! yesterday i had a fun time! the best day of ever! there were flowers, balloons and decor all over the house. even cake!! yes there was a super special birthday yesterday!! the most amazing person ever... MUMMY!!! yeah it was so much fun and i was very happy. oh yeah, also it was the mid autumn festival yesterday. to all my people celebrating, eat lots of mooncake! 
a couple of days ago, i watched Big Hero 6 in mandarin on iflix and i discovered that Baymax in mandarin is BeiMian!!! hahaha!! it was pretty easy to understand but then again it's a kids show so they cant use very complex vocabulary after all. i really like having an iflix account so you can tell how excited i am that i have a free subscription until december of this year. so i was scrolling to iflix and i decided to watch an episode of this Disney show- Girl meets World. when i was a tween i lived for such disney sitcoms like hannah montana, wizards of waverly place, and icarly( actually thats nickelodeon). thing is, they had only the first season of GMW on iflix so if i wanted to watch season 2, i was going to have to find it on my own. i found this site where you can watch it free right here: watch it! 
thing is, having not watched such shows in a while, you realise that there are valuable life lessons that you can learn from these shows. i want to talk about the most recent 2 episodes that i watched. they are season 2 episode 17 and 19. 
here goes: 
episode 17 is called GirlMeets Rileytown. In this episode, Riley is being bullied for her unique personality. She smiles a lot and is always cute and happy. the bully called her names, made fun that she was goofy and silly and different. her gang of friends found out about what was going on and tried to help her. but she didnt want them to find out or talk to them about it. they just kept talking to her, supporting her, telling her that she is unique and that they like her just the way she is. they accepted her weirdness and it gave her the strength, courage to face the bully head on. she accepted herself and the bully left her alone in the end. what is amazing to me is that they didnt give a face to the bully. is it said it was a 'her' but that was it. we hear what she said through riley's retelling to the gang and in the end when they face off, she riley faced the camera to make it seem like the bully is beyond the screen! i think it's great they did that because a bully doesnt need to look any specific way. it can be a kind looking guy but do you have any idea how hard it is to judge character. i really cried when riley cried next to maya telling her everything that she was called. in truth, why do people hate smiley people? what is so wrong with being goofy? why cant a girl with a bright personality be accepted just the way she is? who do the bullies think they are, trying to control how an innocent person should be behaving? listen up, i know what it's like to have schoolmates tell you that they'll punch the smile off your face. i know what it's like to be called names. but i also know how to rise above it. to not be affected or change yourself to please the bullies. 
episode 19 is called Girl Meets Rah Rah. in this episode, riley tries to fulfill her life's dream of being a cheerleader even though she is inexperienced and the coach doesnt like her. her friends try to discourage her in the beginning and they tell her that she wont be good and stuff like that. it made me really mad for a while because i hate it when people look down on other people's dreams. dreams should be protected. thankfully her dad supported her and she had a strong will to not give up so she made it to all 3 days of tryouts. i like that her dad helped. soon her friend's realised they were wrong to discourage her. they decided to not stop riley from doing what she wants to do as true friends would. this is a true mark of a friend, they support, always remember that when youre choosing your friends okay, susanna! her dad who also happens to be her teacher said some really nice things like, 'if you give up, youll only be left in the dark' or something along that line.
my favourite character is Farkle. he's skinny, tall, awkward, smart and pale. there's a charm to it. here's how he looks post puberty and not in his Farkle character:

i have some business to take care of now but ill see you guys in my post tomorrow where i will most likely write about how bad greed can destroy a life. that is if i dont see another disney show i would like to write about. see you!