hello everyone!! i am back and its so good to be finally doing a post after what feels like forever. you wont believe how busy i have been. and to think that i was considering starting another blog. that would have been too much work to handle! anyways i am bursting with happiness and i have a great speech to write about that but let's get on to more recent news. this weekend was a fantastic one. just like wow! so not only did i get a super cute guitar pick, i went to the theater to watch the greatest movie of 2017: KINGSMAN: THE GODLDEN CIRCLE.
isnt it the most adorable thing?!
okay about the movie! it starts of with a fight scene between a guy in a suit and a guy with a robot arm(i thought of Deandra from MPGiS) so i was really liking it from the start. Also there's a guy named merlin?! like my absolute favourite uk- tv series ever!! the protagonists' Eggsy. he's agent for the spy organization: Kingsman. so he fights the robot arm guy who was trained agent by Kingsman but got rejected and went rogue. they were figuring out his motive for the attack and turns out, he got scouted by a psycho lady who is leading in the drug distributing world. she's rich but no one knows her so she want's fame. she poisons her drugs so that everyone who takes them get these weird blue rash action going on and that turns out to be symptom one of the 4 levels of intensity before death by her drugs. she holds back on the antidote, making a deal with the president of the united states. she's got her hostage situation going on so everyone knows her now. the president has his own agenda and think he's going to outsmart her but he fails and goes to jail while the psycho drug lady dies by her own drug in the end. oh yeah her drug ring is called The Golden Circle hence the title.
there's plenty of comedy included. more if you count swearing as comedy too.
elton john makes an appearance too! he was one of the hostages the psycho lady kept with her and she made him do private performances and stuff andddd he has his own fight scene. he wore heels and feathered coats like such a diva!
my favourite scene happens at the ski resort in italy when they try to steal a vial of antidote from the lab there. they were in the gondola going down when the ropes holding the carriage snaps and they swing off, sliding downhill towards a retirement home resort place and there were elderly sitting ouside and when they stop the carriage just in time, an old guy said that it was the first decent shit he's had in weeks and i thought that it was funny coming from an old guy.
now i have to get going to start with school so i'll see you sometime soon!