Monday, 25 September 2017

finale of Strongest deliveryman Kdrama and SVT leaders's CHANGE UP

hi there everyone!! today is the start of the week and i hope you guys are of to a fine start! it is 8.30 pm now and i just had an ice cream cone so i am energized!! haha
i woke up this morning to a great start! yay happy me and i even had a nice breakfast of this taiwan rice crackers my dad got me. it's really crispy but also good for you! it has been a warm day but i can without air conditioning. this afternoon i made yet another lego model and i hope you can show some support and check it out here!
okay let's get to the big issue here! yesterday was the finale episode of the kdrama strongest deliveryman. there are 16 episodes in total with i think is about the average length of all kdrama's. if you havent been following this series then i highly suggest you get to it now! the male lead- Gang soo, is a real heartthrob but he wouldnt be without his leading lady, Dana. episode 15 ended with him giving up hope on his business which was on the brink of failure. he left dana a note saying he cant face everyone when he has failed and to not look for him and he wishes her happiness. she then finds him at his hometown and he tells her to go abroad and dont look back, she resists and tries her best to talk him in to following her back to seoul. meanwhile, the other delivery guys are busy trying to save his business and they find evidence that the evil jeonga has sabotaged their diners. when gangsoo finally retured, they presented their evidence and put jeonga in bankruptcy! other than that hyunsoo discovers that gang soo is actually his real brother and gangsoo finds out the reason his mother left him, he forgives her in the end. also soon ae and the jajang chef get back their money which was stolen from them by a gang a long time ago. also minchan and yeongji end up together! it ends with dana fufilong her dream of being a college student and gangsoo comes with his cool bike to pick her up. also, oh jingyu and that other girl start a preschool together. that was the finale in summary!
i thought they rushed the ending a bit too much and i wished they gave more focus on hyun soo, gangsoo and their mom. also they defeated jeonga too easily so it wasnt as realistic as it could have been. i think the could have cut down a lot of redundant scenes like the ones where gangsoo make friends in jail of when jingyu was on the run with dana. not a well organised movie but i have to say, it ended well and i think they picked the cast well. overall, i wouldnt recommend it because i think the storyline could have have a clearer climax but i would give it 3.5 stars.
now for the colossal news of today! SEVEN RELEASED A NEW SONG MV! the title of the track is 'change up' and it includes the 3 leaders of seventeen! scoups, hoshi and woozi! the song is pretty good, has a great vibe and a lot of swag! scoups' hair made him look a lot like that big bang member with dreads. taeyoung? besides i thought that woozie looked like a real man in this video when he normally appears cute and sky in most videos. that's a good change of image for him. however i thought he looked a bit awkward when they had the freestyle dance part. good job seventeen leaders i knew a colab like this would be epic!
yesterday at the train station, i walked in this office place where they tell you all about korea's train technology! there's even a stimulator thing but it was under maintenance so we couldnt test it out. when we were about to leave, me and mom found this screen and printer thing where you can take picture and write a message and have a postcard printed! of course i wanted to play with it and have it tested out! it was fun!

this entire post is made up of korean news. i hope to have a wide social network of koreans so i can learn some korean. perhaps a snail mail pen friend? i would normally turn of the comments but since i am on the hunt for a possible korean tutor to teach me korean, i shall leave them on so you get back to me. remember i only allow positive comments. have a good night guys! see you tomorrow

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