hello everybody here!! i hope it's been a nice day for you! my mood is super and i hope to emit some of that happy giddiness to you. today started early at 7am and i am so happy that i was awake! i actually could have slept longer but i wanted to move about too. breakfasted and showered in 20 mins tops. and guys it's a relief that my jeans still fit. so i had my my lappie in my bag and my lunch in my hand and then off we went!! i was the first in class to reach school but thats okay because i stopped in the hallway to chat with a couple of teachers. i met my juniors first thing, and we talked until my bestie came and then we all talked, met the new people in charge of us and then toured the new classroom before heading to the hall for announcements. this is like the only unpleasant part of today. it was the last hour or more of assembly left and someone decided to let a certain employee which is totally rubbing me the wrong way, give notices about food or something. anyways her appearance gave me a headache so i closed my eyes and napped for a bit with my friends like looking out. and when i lifted my face, my contact lenses fell out!!! *dramatic music plays* it was a new 1 month contacts and i barely wore it for 3 hours!!! AHH!!!! also you would think a frequent wearer would pack a case with her to school but i only started wearing then end of last year so dont judge. anyways i was pretty mad about that and my friend wasnt much help, gagging at my lenses and making gurgling sounds. i actually texted my mom halfway through break to let her know and i felt better telling someone about it.
i miraculously navigate my way around, with one eye and it was okay so i honestly had nothing to worry about. after dinner i went to the drugstore to get so eyedrops and solution. all good!
i had a session with the new coordinator people and i sat really to the front to get a good view and sound. we introduced ourselves and then speeches blah blah. i had plenty laughs here. then there was games. the guys were lucky i had a tablet, since we were playing heading heads up.
sissy came to get me at 4pm and im so happy she did cause i didnt want to stay long on day 1. she'll be heading to ipoh tomorrow. i'll miss her.
yesterday night i made an online purchase. ma was ordering our facial cleansers and i saw they had essence on the online store. and chance would have it that i was researching korean beauty secrets that day. see, with the awareness that korean dude surpass white dudes in terms of handsome-bility, i thought why not do a bit of digging. apparently, koreans love essence and accredit it to their looks. other than that they also consume, inject, live, breathe collagen. i have seen collagen drinks and i found that it's good to start drinking collagen in your 20's to avoid having cellulite so any skin defects when youre older. since i plan on being forever young i want to take good care of myself. they arent cheap but i guess it is to be expected. ma doesnt agree with with all these hullabaloo. says it might be bad for you and stuff. but if it were bad i wouldnt think cosway would be selling it too. im not going to fight her so i will see what essence will actually do for me. i was very curious about what my friend who is sciency thinks of these collagen stuff. her take is that your body might not be able to absorb all that collagen so it might just go straight through you. what a waste. will it be enough to make it to the places you want it to go like your face?
tell me!
its about 11.30pm and i need to save lappie battery for tomorrow. tell you why then. see ya lovelies
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