Sunday, 3 November 2019

laptop and bird problems

hello gorgeous people!! im doing this post on a whole new setting. my laptop totally gave up on me like a week back so now im depending on my mantao's computer and maybe the PC's in the library. i kinda like my mantao's computer cause its big and the tippy tappy sounds of this super keyboard makes me feel like im using an old typewriter thing and the lights are pretty cool too.
so i was halfway through an assignment when suddenly there was a black stripe across my screen and turning it off and on didnt get rid of it. i took it to an asus service center but they said it would cost 450 and take about a week to get it fixed. my laptop is about 5 years old right now and maybe its time to get a new one but i really liked my asus zenbook. i bought it just before my GCSE exams and i i studied so hard and got really good grades so i thought it was a lucky laptop. also i have butterfly stickers on it and i like them cause i got them on a butterfly farm trip with my dad.
i managed to get my assignment done and soon i will need to get slides done too. ive been looking into new laptops now and i havent found one in particular that i like yet. i dont have many requirements for a new laptop cause its mostly for work and messaging and streaming but i dont game and need all the fancy speed stuff.
today in particular i really missed my laptop cause i really wanted to edit a video i just filmed. its a mukbang of me eating a giant pizza jelly. i guess ill just put pause on that for a while. but i will get back to it.
theres a lot of stuff ive been meaning to do but i havent got to it yet. like i really wanted to start a scrapbook and learn more origami and get into candle making but i havent done any of them yet. i started with searching up places where i can either get bees wax or soy wax but theyre kinda hard to find. also i really want to do a puzzle but i left all of them in ipoh and i wont be going back for at least another fortnight. i like doing puzzles and i love reading but thats also on pause. for now i guess what i have going on is netflix and i really appreciate sissy for paying for our monthly netflix💓
this sem is a slight bit slow going cause my regular baby shark gang isnt here so i did freak out over finding an assignment group but im so blessed that for both my subjects i have managed to find groups easily and with people i sorta know and they were nice to invite me into their groups.
another thing thats been going on with school is the whole utar ambassador thing.
so last wednesday i was supposed to be on duty to bring a bunch of china students on a campus tour but when i opened my door to leave my house, there was a scary bird perched on the door grill. if i moved the wooden door to go out, the bird would fly in. i tried so hard to shoo it away; i used a broom, i threw the baby firecrackers at it and i played gunshot sounds on my phones but it was like a stoned bird and nothing freaked it out. i tried making a run for it and it came so close to me i cried. also i left the car keys in the house so i couldnt get to class. my mom really came through for me. she drove home all the way back from work to get rid of the bird for me. she really is the strongest woman i know. i was crying and she kept calm and told me that she would handle it for me. i am so blessed.
often times its easy to forget that you have been so blessed with so much and act out all ungrateful and brat-ish. but then you can always come back from it and redeem yourself. i really really needed my mom to be with me that day with the bird and im so blessed that no matter what happens, regardless of anything and through it all. she will always be there for me and i hope i will be able to do the same for her.
right now shes on an amazing adventure and i cant wait to tell you all about it but its late now and i need to sleep cause i have a class tomorrow.
talk soon guys. laters alligator.

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