Thursday, 28 December 2017

a week of christmas

hey gorgeous people! Its been 3 days since christmas and im sinking into the couch. Christmas was a good time for me and i hope it was for you too. News years is in 3 days and i dont think we've decided on how to celebrate just yet.
A fews before christmas i was with my friend who had just returned from singapore and i was so so so stoked. I used to talk a bunch about her on my blog when we studied together but now not so much. We had planned to watch that new star wars movie but we missed it causs we were too busy talking about everything thats been happening. I had so much fun but with our busy schedules i dont think we'll get to hang out so often. We went to a starbucks and i realise that everytime i meet up with a highschool friend, we only ever go to a starbucks or a coffee bean.
Something thatwas brought up when we were talking about our high school mates was that before starting uni i had already made amends with those i didnt get along with. Everyone's cool now and im really thankful for that cause then we can have a reunion without a smidge of awkwardness. Yeah! But beyond highschool mates i also made amends with random people i know in someway. It worked out with 2 guys that i knew and it failed with a faraway person. Maybe you cant fix a bridge thats too long cause physically, we are really far away. I havent had any contact at all with these 3 people and i am crazy happy that we are 'acquaitances' now. Actually i think we're friends but i wont be the first to admit that. I actually hung out with one of them awhile ago and i really regret letting 2 years go to waste cause we're going to be really far away soon. Not that it matters a great deal but i domt know, what if something could have happened in that 2 years? But it did feel like nothing's changed between us. We both got a lot more good looking though. Yeah!
The next big thing that happened was on christmas eve. As a kid mom always made steamboat soup during christmas but we havent done that in like 3 years now? And we werent planning on a homecooked meal on christmas day so during the eve of dday, dad booked a spot at a steamboat and bbq buffet place. It had a funky name that i forgot and am too lazy to google but it was good! Here's a picture

The craziest thinga bout this is that there is no gas heating up the pot. Its all burning charcoal underneat the table. Its so cool! I super love buffets though my favourite kind is a buffet breakfast, this was superb too.
On christmas day itself we had a bump. The battery of my mom's car got stolen. On christmas! And we had  trip planned for that day! My issue is i was home alone when it happened but me being not the most attentive or observant person there is, i didnt know someone was hacking away at the car. Everyone else was out shopping with our other car. I should have defended my car like that Kevin from Home alone. And it was CHRISTMAS!
I have had  long day. Been super busy and burned a lotta calories but theres so much i wanna say from my day today that i will keep for tomorrows posts. See ya!