Tuesday, 7 November 2017

ending my hiatus after a fortnight

hello everyone!! it has been awhile. wow i miss typing for fun and not like rapidly typing away for an assignment or something. ah, assignments. maybe i'll rant on that later but now i'd like to talk about my today. my first class was a tutorial and i was early so i wanted to take out my homework so i'd be ready when my tutor starts and i almost cried when i couldnt find it. i worked hard on it to impress my tutor and i hadnt brought it. i was sitting in the front of the empty classroom (apart for 2 other people) and i was freaking out inside. i frantically messaged my sissy and she tells me not to worry and just take a seat at the back where the tutor might not see me. i moved to the back and i started my homework all over. i was really panicking when my friend with a different timetable calls me back and says, 'there's not going to be a discussion today cause it's all presentations'. i was so relieved but i also had completed the homework again so i didnt have anything to worry about in the first place. i moved back to my regular seat in the front which must have looked weird to the two people who first saw me move back initially. so i went front again and my regular group mates where already seated there. we arent close thats why i have to careful to never refer to them as friends even by accident. i once thought we were considered friends but that was before the incident of last thursday which you will understand soon.
after class today, my tutor held me back and she asked me, 'i saw you sitting at the back last Thursday. Why?' what really happened was my group had reached class before I had and to leave me out on purpose, had a random guy who was one of their friends to sit at my normal seat. so i moved to the back which i had never done before. i have forgiven them since. i mentioned that to our tutor but also added that i have already settled all issues with them. she told me it's good that i have managed to settle it and she also said, 'well, that's life'.
there's a guy in the group who really really looks like my dad. not like a current version of him, but of  him when he was younger. he has tan skin, isnt tall at all and looks somewhat nerdy. there is really a resemblance and that's sort of weird.
my schedule tomorrow is a bit of a relaxing one because i just had a 2 hour lecture cancelled. so that frees it up a little. but, my day would still end late as i have a taekwondo lesson to get to tomorrow at night. you have no idea how scary it is to bike at night guys. it's the worst but it must be done. taekwondo is fun!
i am now in the middle of week 4 of classes and loving it. i cant to tell you more about my friend, SW and my adventures in my clubs yeah!

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