Thursday, 24 August 2017

soy sauce green tea

hi everyone!! i hope this evening will be a fun one for all! i cant update you on my entire past week cause that would take too long to mention everything so i'll start with dinner of day before yesterday.
we went to subway and we were lining up. we were waiting for our veggies to pile up when two guys walked in but didnt join the line. thinking they were lost, sissy told them where the line was but they ignored her so whatever. then after a while they finally joined the line and we heard the weirdest thing! so subway adds triangle slices of cheese to your sandwiches and they are always arranged so the most pointy part faces the opening of your sandwich but those guys went ahead and asked them to be arranged so that the most pointy part faces the left so his meat filling wouldnt get entirely covered by the cheese. i thought that was really odd but people have their preferences. maybe it was a feng sui thing?
anyways yesterday i went to lunch with sissy and one of our friends. we went to this sushi place and we had our green tea served in a pitcher that had a lid. sissy was pouring her tea and she wanted to put the lid back on but she picked up the soy sauce plate and flipped it so soy went everywhere including into the pitcher. i freaked looking for the napkins but she was chill and was shocked when she saw soy everywhere! she was in her meditative zone i guess. her eyes were glossed over and she didnt realise the spill! when we cleared that up, she said, 'ah! should have taken a picture!' who would want to see a messy table of soy?
it was a fun time actually!
we went home and waited for our new internet to arrive. it was fixed really fast and now our internet download speed is 10 mbps hooraay! it's a special unifi thing we bought! internet is so important guys, so important. also while it fixed, we made spaghetti and it was amazing because there was a whole yellow onion in it!
this morning i went on a bike ride as normal and i saw a group of people hovering over the grill drain thing. they had sticks and brooms and she looked scared so i am right to assume that a girl dropped her phone into the drain and cant get it out. it was really strange cause for me, if i walk over those things, i tend to clench my phone or keys tighter.
in about an hour im leaving to an event with my sissy and im really excited because im going as someone's plus one! its a a big event so im really excited! this morning i was greeted with good news from my best friend! she is now a dating lady! so classy! hahah im really happy for her and i wish them the best! also we'll be at zoo negara this wednesday! how exciting?! okay i have to go get ready now. see you

Saturday, 19 August 2017

just assure me that youre on my side

hey everyone! today is a weekend so you should be chilling at about now. i had a nice lunch after a chocolate breakfast. we went to a big mall to celebrate my sister's birthday today! we gave her her gift of a rm 250 gift card for H&M! it was really cute and pink and i left the cutest note ever on it! sure that's p&c now.
we ate, then we shopped! while having lunch, dad's dentures broke and he wiggled it in front of us but okay. i think i may have threw up in front of a meal before so i know accidents happens. i bought a DVD of the chinese drama series that i liked. love 020. yang yang is the best! then we headed home! of course we stopped at H&M before that! course i asked if we could get a baskins robins cake before that but we didnt. 
i talked to both of my best friends last night. one of them is busy with her school play and it's so cute! i really want to support her and watch whatever is it and it's happening at a time where i'd be in kl too! but i cant go because i'd be staying a bit out of the way from her venue! anyways im so proud of her!! she acted last year but she'll be directing this year! 
another friend who i really like to bug is off being with other smart people exactly like her hahahaha!
i did some really fun things by myself yesterday! i imagined that i had a converstation with seventeen in mandarin because they all became mandarin speaking out of the blue! it was so fun and the situation was that we were having a meal together! 
last night i tried explaining myself to someone. i know the comments are switched off but i want you to just reflect to yourself. what if something happened that haunted you for over a year and youre on the brink of getting over it or just got over it. you forgave and you asked for forgiveness but the other parties just want to strike you down and it makes you shudder in fear and you want to let someone close to you know and just calm you. say something like 'you dont deserve a life of fear' or something like ''ignore the haters and you can trust 'me' to get you through it and forget the fear'' but instead you hear stuff like, 'you know you were in the wrong too right?' or 'you have to change yourself' and the you get so sick of hearing it, just so mad!! so you say, 'i dont need to be hearing that, i dont need to be hearing something i heard for a million times when the haunting just started' BUT, when you say that, you get scolded, ei why you so close minded? Why you so not teachable? Why you so sensitive?
Do you know how sick i am of those questions? I used to be sad when you gave me the look like you were done with me but now when you give me that look, i feel so mad.
im not trying to teach or whatever. but wouldnt that happening make you lose faith in a person? repulse you so much that you swear you never want to confide in that person ever again?
i now swear silence and will be working alone happily. i wasnt planning a post today but i have to write to get this matter off my chest. i needed to see my thoughts in writing and now i feel better! okay i shall do something related to seventeen now. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

how to make kimchi pancakes

hello guys!! it is very early in the morning so that gives me time to post before getting started on my day. i think my last post was on Sunday so let's recap what has happened then.
i had so many epiphanies in the past few days im super excited and i thought i'd share one of them with you.
you may know that due to choosing the wrong crowd to hang with, the last 20 months of my life were not the best but i have moved on, forgiven them. the epiphany is that i will make up for those months by being the happiest and most hardworking person there is. something woozi from seventeen said in an interview really sparked my motivation to be hard working or sacrificing anything to be getting my end goal. he was asked if he would prefer to be a 'genius composer' or a 'foolish composer' and he said, 'a foolish one because then he would work harder on his work'.
i have said this before many times in my blog but maybe you readers would like a reminder just like myself. if someone wronged you and you are suffering because of it, dont allow it anymore. you can have happiness. girl, work hard and live life to the fullest. be happy because if youre not, the demon haunting you has won and you definitely do not want that. be happy and forget how people have wronged you because it doesnt deserve to live in your memory. let the nightmare die.
now for the second half of this post! last night i made some yummy kimchi pancakes with my mom. it was super delicious! it didnt turn out cripsy because we used wheat flour instead of all purpose flour but it was yummy all the same. here's how you make it!

1 cup minced kimchi
1/2 a yellow onion
1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp kimchi juice
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
handful of small anchovies
1/4 cup water

next, all you gotta do is stir it and fry it and it's perfect! try it! have fun today and remember that you have responsibility over your own life.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

new car!

hello everyone!! guess what?! i am a princess... with a new car!! yes! we just got it yesterday and it is beautiful!! i love it so much. even though it's not mine, it's in the family and i am so excited!!
yesterday i got to eat ice cream at an ice cream parlor that i havent been to in ages. and the plan to go there was so spontaneous. we were driving back from a physio session and we just happened to pass by and we were like, 'lets go for ice cream!' yeah!!
yesterday i found out that you can get OFFICIAL seventeen merchandise on ebay too!! who knew?! anyways because i already bought the sad fakes, i cant get the real and nicer ones. im a bit saddened by it but i cant stop breathing because of it i just hope they understand. i cry sometimes when i think about their coming concert that i am not able to attend. i really really want to meet them in person. i think i'd sell my soul to get to meet them even just a glimpse. it's not a phase, not some passing hype or whatever old people label stuff, i genuinely find happiness in listening to them and when i forget to laugh, i am reminded when i watch their game shows. really that big a Carat.
but i cant.
now i decided to write on this thought i woke up to this morning. not what i had for breakfast( fried be hoon) but this statement: do not pray for a long life for yourself. if youre close to me, or happen to be reading this post then you would know that i have stared death in the face countless times, just never actually died. i always bragged that i was lucky but now im not sure.
i did a book review sometime last year on this book 'the storyteller' by jodu picoult. the storyline sorta vague to me right now but i remember some thing the old german nazi said to her after revealing his purpose of finding her. he said that long live is his punishment for killing all the jews he killed.
who was i in a past life? a grim reaper? why am i on the earth?
dont get me wrong. i am not depressed. i have so many reasons to be happy like my parents and the fact that i have so many people who like to read my blog which i just random thoughts i think about at random times. but one cant help but think about the purpose of life.
i am going to go through life with optimism which i see so much of in Seventeen.

Friday, 11 August 2017

what is life

hello everyone! it has been a week since i last wrote and there's so much to say. on tuesday i went back to ipoh and i didnt do much i think that day. i would remember if something happened. oh yeah we went to sushi king because they had the 3 ringgit bonanza thing and all plates on the conveyer belt was going for rm3 which i pretty cheap considering that some plates costs 6 ringgit on regular days.
on wednesday though it was a grand day. I went for some check ups in the morning. thankfully healthy as a horse. then headed to the mall to loosen up with my fabulous mom. we ate some japanese cusine that day. i had saba okonomiyaki and ma had japanese salad! healthy! then we shopped and i went to this store called century book store because i had a gut instinct that they might have any sort of seventeen merchandise and whatdya know i found some!

this is a seventeen necklace thing. cute, but i didnt like the chain so much
so i changed it to a key chain and then loved it even more

it now hangs on my bagpack
it's a magnet theyre arranged according to units

also modified this and it is now a button badge
that night we were too tired to fix up dinner so we tried mcdonals delivery. it took them about an hour because it was raining slightly that day. that was our first time trying delivery and we might not do it again due to poor service.
yesterday we had an early day too. we were expecting guest yesterday and we didnt know until the morning of the day itself. they were relatives coming from singapore and it was so cool because i have never met them before. there was a po po, 2 aunties, 1 uncle and 2 kids. it was a surprise thing! really cool isnt it? hehe. we went to the mall to get them drinks (which turns out that hated, but it's okay) and then we hired a new cleaning lady to come clean the house. she's not bad.
me and mom were excellent hosts! we took them to dinner at a food court and gosh we ordered so much food. we each had a bowl of noodles and the side dishes. GOODNESS!! it was enough to feed an army.
we had taiwan style dumplings, satay, fried calamari rings, fried soft shell crab, popiah, chee sheong fun and lobak. it's a lot isnt it?! 
then cause it was such a heavy dinner, of course the next plan was to take a walk somewhere but then it just had to rain. it rained but we still went to walk about. we headed to Kinta River Front which i myself have never been to before. there are actually many places to take walks in ipoh like the train station, the ipoh padang and RiverFront. all actually enjoyable if you dont have elderly people in your group.
today i woke up to the weirdest sound! ladies shouting at my gate! haha! i had a healthy serving of beef noodles withing 5 minutes of being awake so that was really cool! 
beef noodles is yummy and singaporeans think so too! then we headed to a biscuit factory place to get some cookies and stuff so all good vibes! 
i just got a fringe cute and im so cute like a baby!! happy!! 
dont let any part of your past hinder you from achieving the bright future. i made that mistake once and i wont let it happen again. i will work hard for myself!! 

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Seventeen and swimming

hello world!! today's post will be in English only because it is late at night and im tired. sorry. last friday i made a trip to KL and i just got back today evening so im wiped. i did a lot of fun things. the first night i just ate fried noodles and watched a bunch of cool stuff on the greatest invention i have ever seen, a smart TV. seriously it's brilliant. i am super duper into kpop and korean culture in general... OMG I HAVE A HUGE RANT IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH! anyways i like watching all my oppas in the whatever boy group it may be, dance and look crazy cool! I GOT TO WATCH THEIR M/Vs ON A REALLY BIG TV! you have no idea how happy it makes me feel cause they looked bigger and i felt like they were live dancing in the room for me.
okay i have something very very important to say. i am a CARAT!! the biggest carat ever!! if i had to between having an extra thumb or being very close friends with Seventeen, i'd pick the extra thumb anyday. so im malaysian and i discovered (by lucky chance) that they were going to be having a concert here in malaysia on the 9th september! obviously i had to immediately find out where i could get tickets to support them! theres so many reasons why i like them but the main reason being their music makes me so happy. M/Vs are all so super duper cute and the members all look so cute and then they start to sing and they look so happy so i live vicariously through them ahhaha! i actually think i look like one of their members to be honest.
that's me on graduation day and that's vocalist Joshua Hong
i thought we looked alike. anyways he's not my bias. he was my first bias then i watched seventeen's aerobic act then The8 became my bias then i watched One Fine Day and i watched the leader, S.coups take such good care of his members and i thought it was so cute so he's been my bias since!
suddenly a bunch of obstacles just came in my way and long story short, i might not make it to the concert which honestly makes me want to cry so bad. here's the problems that i'm facing:
1. my friends are really not into kpop but i do have one friend who enjoys it and he just so happens to have an exam that day so i have no one to go with.
2. the seats that actually lets me see them properly without being awkward costs more than my life. it is super expensive.
3. i would need to book a hotel room because i live like possibly 6 or 7 hours away from the stadium which means more money. 
4. i am not allowed to buy merchandise because it also costs more than my life. 
come to think of it i actually have just as many reasons as to why do i want to attend their concert so badly.
1. i really love seventeen. they're the coolest bunch of people ever! they are self produced so they make their own lyrics and choreo and everything.
2. i need to meet S.coups in person so he can hear me say 'oppa, saranghae!!' and have the whole group know that i support them!
3. i intend to decorate my room to be filled to the brim with their merchandise
4. i have never attended any concert in my 19 years of being alive. never. not a single concert. 
actually this weekend i was in kl there was a kwave thing going on like 5 minutes away from where i was staying. it's equivalent to the K-conventions they have in the US. i joined many competitions to try to win tickets but i didnt get to go. i really wanted to be there cause BTOB and APINK was there so of course i wanted to see seungjae and minhyuk and naeun!! it was some expensive ticket entry though. im proud of myself that i didnt cry though.
anyways lets keep breaking down what i did i kl. day 2: i went swimming! i actually cant swim even though i try really hard. i had to use my cousin's baby float and float around. i befriended a few kids and it was a fun time for everyone. i saw a buff guy doing laps and then later sun bathe so that was really cool too ahahha! then all the kids got to watch a movie and i watched Trolls for the first time! it had such a good message honestly! happiness is inside of everyone. got that? then we traveled for a bit and at night we went to Atria mall and here are some pics
my beef dinner!!

the tenpanyaki came on the conveyer belt pulled by a toy truck!!
it was a delicious dinner and i bought everyone juices before heading back. i bought a tiny box of chocolate too. that was a fun time. today before the train home i shopped around one utama mall. we ate some yummy stuff there too
left: spinach and ham spaghetti, right: mushroom and chicken spaghetti from little fat duck

delicious fried oysters from oyster king
yeah that was a fun time! i bought some other stuff too like bath and body works and a key chain that is the most adorable thing ever but im getting hell for it cause apparently it's over priced. my plan for tonight is to get started on the book of 13 reasons why. have you read it? is it good? better get going now. bye lovelies