Saturday, 15 February 2020

happy Valentine's Day 2020

hello gorgeous peopleeee!! happy belated valentine's day. i hope all of you get to spend a super special time with your loved ones this valentines. enjoy the flowers, the chocolates but most importantly, cherish the company and the memories.
yesterday i celebrated with a trip to taiping. it's kinda like ipoh just waayyy more under developed and with a lot more elderly people. we left for taiping a little bit behind schedule but the car ride was super fun and we went through a tunnel and had a super spotify playlist.
the drive was on a super spirally road and we passed long stretches of just mountains and hills. we reached taiping around lunchtime and we went straight to meet our friends and we all grabbed lunch together and i had a bowl of noodle soup. driving through taiping was really really stressful. it was like all the old people are driving with their eyes closed cause theyve given up on everything else. super butt clenching drive.
once we ate we went to WonderFarm Mushroom farm. mushrooms are not my favourite food ever and touching it is like touching wet sponge sometimes. but there are times where im in the mood for mushrooms like when my mom cooks it or when its in super small pieces that requires minimal chewing. but my mantao is super into mushrooms and he knows so much about them too.
one day he's going to have a mushroom farm and its going to be far superior than the one we toured on the taiping trip. i cant wait to see it! also during then i would have a lot more mushrooms in my diet but i'll like it.
then we went to an agropark. this agro park was relatively new but there was nothing much to see but maybe it was more of a night attraction cause it was too sunny to get any good pictures. one fun thing we got out of the agro park was, we got to feed koi fish and turtles and watch them squirm and worm in the pond. it was fun and it reminded me of when i was a kid and my parents would bring me and my sister out to a really fun park in ipoh, DR park. we would go have picnics there and when we had any bread left over, we would feed them to the fish in the pond there too. fish love their bread.
our last stop was a Spritzer eco park tour but it started raining by then so we couldnt walk around but the plus side was they have a cafe in there and we sat there just eating and chilling. there was a mini-golf golf course that we could see in a distance but we couldnt fully see everything cause of the rain. the food at the cafe was so-so but it was a fun hang out and the view in the rain was relaxing.
we left taiping at 6pm and there were horrible drivers on the road then too. there are too many heavy buses and trucks and motorcycles speeding around on the highway like theyre the only ones there. but thankfully we made it back safe and sound.
i hope all you guys had fun valentines experiences too. good night world. see you soon

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