Wednesday, 24 July 2019

life update (21st birthday)

Hello gorgeous people! its been super long since my last post and so much has been up! i'm done with most of my school work for now so i decided its timeeee. i keep trying to recall what super fun things ive had going for me since my absence and honestly other than my birthday, i havent been doing much.
Speaking of my birthday, IM OFFICALLY 21 NOW GUYSSSS. SUPER FUNNN!! being an adult is a huge responsibility and im really enjoying life as it happens. i feel good about being at this age at this point in my life. now i can vote for government, go to bars and drink in public and i think i should invest in property soon! Yay ADULTHOOD. 
on my birthday, dinner was a super simple cause it was weekend and no one booked any plans so we were super spontaneous. we went to a restaurant in a mall and i got pasta and it was yummy! then we went to get cheese cake because i like cheese cake especially creme brule cheese. ahh 
we walked past a puzzle store and sissy got me a fun, little puzzle to do cause i love doing puzzles a lot and it was so much fun to do. it was a really cute design too, a disney tsum tsum one.
After one mall, we hit up the mall next door for some ice cream. we went to haagen dazs for ice cream and i got us a chocolate fondue and it was so good!! we had sides of mini ice cream balls, sides of fruit, brownies and cookies. it was a really fun time with the fam.

also what's been happening is i recently extracted two of my wisdom teeth and am now recovering from that too. it just got really painful one day and i was like in my room, feeling like death and crying so hard. the pain was only on my left side so i had both upper and lower wisdom teeth removed. it had to be don one by one so the top went off first since the lower one had an infection. a bit later the bottom one came off and it was harder than the first since there were stitches involved. during these two weeks, i couldnt eat solids so i lost a bunch of weight which im now getting back. it was an experience tho.
im gonna go rush to a class now. see you later alligator.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Unicorn cake!! ipoh!

Hello gorgeous people!!! hahaha i know it's been a while but i have been super busy with school and so much drama like its so tiring. i managed to catch a break yesterday during an internship interview. i had to catch a train to Ipoh yesterday and it was super fun and the interview went well! after the interview, me and my friends went to get cake and it was the cutest place ever. it was a themed cafe and their specialty is the unicorn cakes. I had a mini one and it was the best cheese and jam cake ever!! they had a lot of really cute stuff on their menu like mermaid cake and a boba lava cake. and the drinks looked really good too but we didnt get any.
The decor of the cafe is all pink and they had so many cute back drops and props for photoshoots. LOVE.
the 3 pictures below are my favorite. i really had fun. gotta dash. see you later, alligator.